# Influx Stress Tool V2 ``` $ influx_stress -v2 -config iql/file.iql ``` This stress tool works from list of InfluxQL-esque statements. The language has been extended to allow for some basic templating of fields, tags and measurements in both line protocol and query statements. By default the test outputs a human readable report to `STDOUT` and records test statistics in an active installation of InfluxDB at `localhost:8086`. To set state variables for the test such as the address of the Influx node use the following syntax: ``` # The values listed below are the default values for each of the parameters # Pipe delineated list of addresses. For cluster: [||] # Queries and writes are round-robin to the configured addresses. SET Addresses [localhost:8086] # False (default) uses http, true uses https SET SSL [false] # Username for targeted influx server or cluster SET Username [] # Password for targeted influx server or cluster SET Password [] # Database to target for queries and writes. Works like the InfluxCLI USE SET Database [stress] # Precision for the data being written # Only s and ns supported SET Precision [s] # Date the first written point will be timestamped SET StartDate [2016-01-01] # Size of batches to send to InfluxDB SET BatchSize [5000] # Time to wait between sending batches SET WriteInterval [0s] # Time to wait between sending queries SET QueryInterval [0s] # Number of concurrent writers SET WriteConcurrency [15] # Number of concurrent readers SET QueryConcurrency [5] ``` The values in the example are also the defaults. Valid line protocol will be forwarded right to the server making setting up your testing environment easy: ``` CREATE DATABASE thing ALTER RETENTION POLICY default ON thing DURATION 1h REPLICATION 1 SET database [thing] ``` You can write points like this: ``` INSERT mockCpu cpu, host=server-[int inc(0) 10000],location=[string rand(8) 1000] value=[float rand(1000) 0] 100000 10s Explained: # INSERT keyword kicks off the statement, next to it is the name of the statement for reporting and templated query generation INSERT mockCpu # Measurement cpu, # Tags - separated by commas. Tag values can be templates, mixed template and fixed values host=server-[float rand(100) 10000],location=[int inc(0) 1000],fixed=[fix|fid|dor|pom|another_tag_value] # Fields - separated by commas either templates, mixed template and fixed values value=[float inc(0) 0] # 'Timestamp' - Number of points to insert into this measurement and the amount of time between points 100000 10s ``` Each template contains 3 parts: a datatype (`str`, `float`, or `int`) a function which describes how the value changes between points: `inc(0)` is increasing and `rand(n)` is a random number between `0` and `n`. The last number is the number of unique values in the tag or field. `0` is unbounded. To make a tag To run multiple insert statements at once: ``` GO INSERT devices devices, city=[str rand(8) 10],country=[str rand(8) 25],device_id=[str rand(10) 1000] lat=[float rand(90) 0],lng=[float rand(120) 0],temp=[float rand(40) 0] 10000000 10s GO INSERT devices2 devices2, city=[str rand(8) 10],country=[str rand(8) 25],device_id=[str rand(10) 1000] lat=[float rand(90) 0],lng=[float rand(120) 0],temp=[float rand(40) 0] 10000000 10s WAIT ``` Fastest point generation and write load requires 3-4 running `GO INSERT` statements at a time. You can run queries like this: ``` QUERY cpu SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu WHERE host='server-1' DO 1000 ``` ### Output: Output for config file in this repo: ``` [√] "CREATE DATABASE thing" -> 1.806785ms [√] "CREATE DATABASE thing2" -> 1.492504ms SET Database = 'thing' SET Precision = 's' Go Write Statement: mockCpu Points/Sec: 245997 Resp Time Average: 173.354445ms Resp Time Standard Deviation: 123.80344ms 95th Percentile Write Response: 381.363503ms Average Request Bytes: 276110 Successful Write Reqs: 20 Retries: 0 Go Query Statement: mockCpu Resp Time Average: 3.140803ms Resp Time Standard Deviation: 2.292328ms 95th Percentile Read Response: 5.915437ms Query Resp Bytes Average: 16 bytes Successful Queries: 10 WAIT -> 406.400059ms SET DATABASE = 'thing2' Go Write Statement: devices Points/Sec: 163348 Resp Time Average: 132.553789ms Resp Time Standard Deviation: 149.397972ms 95th Percentile Write Response: 567.987467ms Average Request Bytes: 459999 Successful Write Reqs: 20 Retries: 0 Go Write Statement: devices2 Points/Sec: 160078 Resp Time Average: 133.303097ms Resp Time Standard Deviation: 144.352404ms 95th Percentile Write Response: 560.565066ms Average Request Bytes: 464999 Successful Write Reqs: 20 Retries: 0 Go Query Statement: fooName Resp Time Average: 1.3307ms Resp Time Standard Deviation: 640.249µs 95th Percentile Read Response: 2.668ms Query Resp Bytes Average: 16 bytes Successful Queries: 10 WAIT -> 624.585319ms [√] "DROP DATABASE thing" -> 991.088464ms [√] "DROP DATABASE thing2" -> 421.362831ms ``` ### Next Steps: ##### Documentation - Parser behavior and proper `.iql` syntax - How the templated query generation works - Collection of tested `.iql` files to simulate different loads ##### Performance - `Commune`, a stuct to enable templated Query generation, is blocking writes when used, look into performance. - Templated query generation is currently in a quazi-working state. See the above point.