#!/bin/bash -e # # Capture ESXi traffic and decrypt SOAP traffic on port 443 via wireshark # Device to capture dev="${1-vmk0}" # Device to get the ip for wireshark ssl_keys config if [ "$dev" = "lo0" ] ; then ip_dev="vmk0" else ip_dev="$dev" fi ip=$(govc host.info -k -json | \ jq -r ".HostSystems[].Config.Network.Vnic[] | select(.Device == \"${ip_dev}\") | .Spec.Ip.IpAddress") scp=(scp) ssh=(ssh) # Check if vagrant ssh-config applies to $ip if [ -d ".vagrant" ] ; then vssh_opts=($(vagrant ssh-config | awk NF | awk -v ORS=' ' '{print "-o " $1 "=" $2}')) if grep "HostName=${ip}" >/dev/null <<<"${vssh_opts[*]}" ; then ssh_opts=("${vssh_opts[@]}") fi fi # Otherwise, use default ssh opts + sshpass if available if [ ${#ssh_opts[@]} -eq 0 ] ; then user="$(govc env GOVC_USERNAME)" ssh_opts=(-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=FATAL -o User=$user) if [ -x "$(which sshpass)" ] ; then password="$(govc env GOVC_PASSWORD)" scp=(sshpass -p $password scp) ssh=(sshpass -p $password ssh) fi fi if [ "$dev" != "lo0" ] ; then # If you change this filter, be sure to exclude the ssh port (not tcp port 22) filter="host $ip and \(port 80 or port 443\)" dst="$HOME/.wireshark/rui-${ip}.key" if [ ! -f "$dst" ] ; then # Copy key from ESX "${scp[@]}" "${ssh_opts[@]}" "${ip}:/etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key" "$dst" fi if ! grep "$ip" ~/.wireshark/ssl_keys 2>/dev/null ; then # Add key to wireshark ssl_keys config echo "adding rui.key for $ip" cat <> ~/.wireshark/ssl_keys "$ip","443","http","$dst","" EOF fi fi echo "Capturing $dev on $ip..." "${ssh[@]}" "${ssh_opts[@]}" "$ip" tcpdump-uw -i "$dev" -s0 -v -w - "$filter" | wireshark -k -i -