# `influx_stress` If you run into any issues with this tool please mention @jackzampolin when you create an issue. ## Ways to run ### `influx_stress` This runs a basic stress test with the [default config](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/stress/stress.toml) For more information on the configuration file please see the default. ### `influx_stress -config someConfig.toml` This runs the stress test with a valid configuration file located at `someConfig.tom` ### `influx_stress -v2 -config someConfig.iql` This runs the stress test with a valid `v2` configuration file. For more information about the `v2` stress test see the [v2 stress README](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/stress/v2/README.md). ## Flags If flags are defined they overwrite the config from any file passed in. ### `-addr` string IP address and port of database where response times will persist (e.g., localhost:8086) `default` = "http://localhost:8086" ### `-config` string The relative path to the stress test configuration file. `default` = [config](https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb/blob/master/stress/stress.toml) ### `-cpuprofile` filename Writes the result of Go's cpu profile to filename `default` = no profiling ### `-database` string Name of database on `-addr` that `influx_stress` will persist write and query response times `default` = "stress" ### `-tags` value A comma separated list of tags to add to write and query response times. `default` = ""