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Copyright (c) 2015-2016 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package object
import (
// DatastoreNoSuchDirectoryError is returned when a directory could not be found.
type DatastoreNoSuchDirectoryError struct {
verb string
subject string
func (e DatastoreNoSuchDirectoryError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot %s '%s': No such directory", e.verb, e.subject)
// DatastoreNoSuchFileError is returned when a file could not be found.
type DatastoreNoSuchFileError struct {
verb string
subject string
func (e DatastoreNoSuchFileError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot %s '%s': No such file", e.verb, e.subject)
type Datastore struct {
DatacenterPath string
func NewDatastore(c *vim25.Client, ref types.ManagedObjectReference) *Datastore {
return &Datastore{
Common: NewCommon(c, ref),
func (d Datastore) Path(path string) string {
return (&DatastorePath{
Datastore: d.Name(),
Path: path,
// NewURL constructs a url.URL with the given file path for datastore access over HTTP.
func (d Datastore) NewURL(path string) *url.URL {
u := d.c.URL()
return &url.URL{
Scheme: u.Scheme,
Host: u.Host,
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/folder/%s", path),
RawQuery: url.Values{
"dcPath": []string{d.DatacenterPath},
"dsName": []string{d.Name()},
// URL is deprecated, use NewURL instead.
func (d Datastore) URL(ctx context.Context, dc *Datacenter, path string) (*url.URL, error) {
return d.NewURL(path), nil
func (d Datastore) Browser(ctx context.Context) (*HostDatastoreBrowser, error) {
var do mo.Datastore
err := d.Properties(ctx, d.Reference(), []string{"browser"}, &do)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewHostDatastoreBrowser(d.c, do.Browser), nil
func (d Datastore) useServiceTicket() bool {
// If connected to workstation, service ticketing not supported
// If connected to ESX, service ticketing not needed
if !d.c.IsVC() {
return false
val := d.c.URL().Query().Get(key)
if val == "" {
val = os.Getenv(key)
if val == "1" || val == "true" {
return true
return false
func (d Datastore) useServiceTicketHostName(name string) bool {
// No need if talking directly to ESX.
if !d.c.IsVC() {
return false
// If version happens to be < 5.1
if name == "" {
return false
// If the HostSystem is using DHCP on a network without dynamic DNS,
// HostSystem.Config.Network.DnsConfig.HostName is set to "localhost" by default.
// This resolves to "localhost.localdomain" by default via /etc/hosts on ESX.
// In that case, we will stick with the HostSystem.Name which is the IP address that
// was used to connect the host to VC.
if name == "localhost.localdomain" {
return false
// Still possible to have HostName that don't resolve via DNS,
// so we default to false.
val := d.c.URL().Query().Get(key)
if val == "" {
val = os.Getenv(key)
if val == "1" || val == "true" {
return true
return false
type datastoreServiceTicketHostKey struct{}
// HostContext returns a Context where the given host will be used for datastore HTTP access
// via the ServiceTicket method.
func (d Datastore) HostContext(ctx context.Context, host *HostSystem) context.Context {
return context.WithValue(ctx, datastoreServiceTicketHostKey{}, host)
// ServiceTicket obtains a ticket via AcquireGenericServiceTicket and returns it an http.Cookie with the url.URL
// that can be used along with the ticket cookie to access the given path. An host is chosen at random unless the
// the given Context was created with a specific host via the HostContext method.
func (d Datastore) ServiceTicket(ctx context.Context, path string, method string) (*url.URL, *http.Cookie, error) {
u := d.NewURL(path)
host, ok := ctx.Value(datastoreServiceTicketHostKey{}).(*HostSystem)
if !ok {
if !d.useServiceTicket() {
return u, nil, nil
hosts, err := d.AttachedHosts(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(hosts) == 0 {
// Fallback to letting vCenter choose a host
return u, nil, nil
// Pick a random attached host
host = hosts[rand.Intn(len(hosts))]
ips, err := host.ManagementIPs(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if len(ips) > 0 {
// prefer a ManagementIP
u.Host = ips[0].String()
} else {
// fallback to inventory name
u.Host, err = host.ObjectName(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// VC datacenter path will not be valid against ESX
q := u.Query()
delete(q, "dcPath")
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
spec := types.SessionManagerHttpServiceRequestSpec{
Url: u.String(),
// See SessionManagerHttpServiceRequestSpecMethod enum
Method: fmt.Sprintf("http%s%s", method[0:1], strings.ToLower(method[1:])),
sm := session.NewManager(d.Client())
ticket, err := sm.AcquireGenericServiceTicket(ctx, &spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cookie := &http.Cookie{
Name: "vmware_cgi_ticket",
Value: ticket.Id,
if d.useServiceTicketHostName(ticket.HostName) {
u.Host = ticket.HostName
d.Client().SetThumbprint(u.Host, ticket.SslThumbprint)
return u, cookie, nil
func (d Datastore) uploadTicket(ctx context.Context, path string, param *soap.Upload) (*url.URL, *soap.Upload, error) {
p := soap.DefaultUpload
if param != nil {
p = *param // copy
u, ticket, err := d.ServiceTicket(ctx, path, p.Method)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
p.Ticket = ticket
return u, &p, nil
func (d Datastore) downloadTicket(ctx context.Context, path string, param *soap.Download) (*url.URL, *soap.Download, error) {
p := soap.DefaultDownload
if param != nil {
p = *param // copy
u, ticket, err := d.ServiceTicket(ctx, path, p.Method)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
p.Ticket = ticket
return u, &p, nil
// Upload via soap.Upload with an http service ticket
func (d Datastore) Upload(ctx context.Context, f io.Reader, path string, param *soap.Upload) error {
u, p, err := d.uploadTicket(ctx, path, param)
if err != nil {
return err
return d.Client().Upload(f, u, p)
// UploadFile via soap.Upload with an http service ticket
func (d Datastore) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, file string, path string, param *soap.Upload) error {
u, p, err := d.uploadTicket(ctx, path, param)
if err != nil {
return err
return d.Client().UploadFile(file, u, p)
// Download via soap.Download with an http service ticket
func (d Datastore) Download(ctx context.Context, path string, param *soap.Download) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
u, p, err := d.downloadTicket(ctx, path, param)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
return d.Client().Download(u, p)
// DownloadFile via soap.Download with an http service ticket
func (d Datastore) DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, path string, file string, param *soap.Download) error {
u, p, err := d.downloadTicket(ctx, path, param)
if err != nil {
return err
return d.Client().DownloadFile(file, u, p)
// AttachedHosts returns hosts that have this Datastore attached, accessible and writable.
func (d Datastore) AttachedHosts(ctx context.Context) ([]*HostSystem, error) {
var ds mo.Datastore
var hosts []*HostSystem
pc := property.DefaultCollector(d.Client())
err := pc.RetrieveOne(ctx, d.Reference(), []string{"host"}, &ds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mounts := make(map[types.ManagedObjectReference]types.DatastoreHostMount)
var refs []types.ManagedObjectReference
for _, host := range ds.Host {
refs = append(refs, host.Key)
mounts[host.Key] = host
var hs []mo.HostSystem
err = pc.Retrieve(ctx, refs, []string{"runtime.connectionState", "runtime.powerState"}, &hs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, host := range hs {
if host.Runtime.ConnectionState == types.HostSystemConnectionStateConnected &&
host.Runtime.PowerState == types.HostSystemPowerStatePoweredOn {
mount := mounts[host.Reference()]
info := mount.MountInfo
if *info.Mounted && *info.Accessible && info.AccessMode == string(types.HostMountModeReadWrite) {
hosts = append(hosts, NewHostSystem(d.Client(), mount.Key))
return hosts, nil
// AttachedClusterHosts returns hosts that have this Datastore attached, accessible and writable and are members of the given cluster.
func (d Datastore) AttachedClusterHosts(ctx context.Context, cluster *ComputeResource) ([]*HostSystem, error) {
var hosts []*HostSystem
clusterHosts, err := cluster.Hosts(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
attachedHosts, err := d.AttachedHosts(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
refs := make(map[types.ManagedObjectReference]bool)
for _, host := range attachedHosts {
refs[host.Reference()] = true
for _, host := range clusterHosts {
if refs[host.Reference()] {
hosts = append(hosts, host)
return hosts, nil
func (d Datastore) Stat(ctx context.Context, file string) (types.BaseFileInfo, error) {
b, err := d.Browser(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
spec := types.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchSpec{
Details: &types.FileQueryFlags{
FileType: true,
FileSize: true,
Modification: true,
FileOwner: types.NewBool(true),
MatchPattern: []string{path.Base(file)},
dsPath := d.Path(path.Dir(file))
task, err := b.SearchDatastore(ctx, dsPath, &spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
info, err := task.WaitForResult(ctx, nil)
if err != nil {
if info == nil || info.Error != nil {
_, ok := info.Error.Fault.(*types.FileNotFound)
if ok {
// FileNotFound means the base path doesn't exist.
return nil, DatastoreNoSuchDirectoryError{"stat", dsPath}
return nil, err
res := info.Result.(types.HostDatastoreBrowserSearchResults)
if len(res.File) == 0 {
// File doesn't exist
return nil, DatastoreNoSuchFileError{"stat", d.Path(file)}
return res.File[0], nil
// Type returns the type of file system volume.
func (d Datastore) Type(ctx context.Context) (types.HostFileSystemVolumeFileSystemType, error) {
var mds mo.Datastore
if err := d.Properties(ctx, d.Reference(), []string{"summary.type"}, &mds); err != nil {
return types.HostFileSystemVolumeFileSystemType(""), err
return types.HostFileSystemVolumeFileSystemType(mds.Summary.Type), nil