--- - name: apt | prevent automatic installation of recommended packages template: src: templates/90-norecommends.j2 dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90norecommends - name: use bash instead of dash shell: | echo "set dash/sh false" | debconf-communicate dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive dash - name: create vdr group group: gid: '{{ vdr.gid }}' state: present name: '{{ vdr.group }}' - name: create vdr user user: name: '{{ vdr.user }}' group: '{{ vdr.group }}' uid: '{{ vdr.uid }}' home: '{{ vdr.home }}' shell: '/bin/bash' state: present append: true - name: disable release-upgrade notifications lineinfile: dest: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades backrefs: yes state: present regexp: '^(Prompt=).*$' line: '\1never' - name: add PPAs apt_repository: repo: '{{ item }}' state: present update_cache: yes with_items: '{{ repositories }}' - name: run apt-get dist-upgrade apt: upgrade: dist update_cache: yes - name: apt | install basic packages apt: name: '{{ item }}' state: present install_recommends: no with_items: - anacron - at - bash-completion #- biosdevname # caution: may change device names after a minimal installation! - debconf-utils - linux-firmware - psmisc - python-kmodpy - python-requests - python-usb - python3-usb - software-properties-common - ssh - wget - wpasupplicant - usbutils - xfsprogs - name: apt | install extra packages apt: name: '{{ item }}' state: present install_recommends: no with_items: '{{ extra_packages }}' - name: get information about usb and pci hardware and loaded kernel modules hardware_facts: usb: True pci: True modules: True gpus: True - debug: var: '{{ item }}' verbosity: 1 with_items: - usb - pci - gpus - modules - name: create media directories file: dest: '{{ item.value }}' owner: '{{ vdr.user }}' group: '{{ vdr.group }}' state: directory mode: '0777' with_dict: '{{ media_dirs }}'