--- # This playbook sets up the basic packages an directories for a yaVDR installation # file: roles/yavdr-common/tasks/main.yml - name: apt | prevent automatic installation of recommended packages template: src: templates/90-norecommends.j2 dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90norecommends - name: add yaVDR PPAs apt_repository: repo: '{{ item }}' state: present update_cache: yes with_items: '{{ repositories }}' - name: upgrade existing packages apt: upgrade: dist update_cache: yes - name: apt | install basic packages apt: name: '{{ item }}' state: present install_recommends: no with_items: - anacron - at - bash-completion - biosdevname - linux-firmware - psmisc - software-properties-common - ssh - ubuntu-drivers-common - wget - wpasupplicant - usbutils - xfsprogs - name: install and execute local fact scripts - include: - tasks/local_facts.yml --- # file: local_facts.yml - name: create directory for local facts file: dest: /etc/ansible/facts.d state: directory - name: copy facts script for USB- and PCI(e)-IDs copy: src: files/hardware.facts.py dest: /etc/ansible/facts.d/hardware.facts mode: '0775' - name: reload ansible local facts setup: filter=ansible_local