{{ ansible_managed_file | comment }} # Activate/deactivate ACPIWakeup with yes/no: ACPI_ENABLED="{% if wakeup_method == 'acpiwakeup' %}yes{% else %}no{% endif %}" # How many minutes should the machine wake up before the timer starts: ACPI_START_AHEAD=5 # If you want your VDR machine to wakeup in regular intervals (i.e. for # updating EPG data), specify the days of the week and the wakeup time. # # Days of the week for regular wakeup (not set=Disabled, 1=Monday...7=Sunday) # ACPI_REGULAR_DAYS="1 2 3 4 5 6 7" # Wakeup time #ACPI_REGULAR_TIME=01:00 # HH:MM