#!/usr/bin/env/python # This Module collects the vendor- and device ids for USB- and PCI(e)-devices and currently loaded kernel modules. DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: hardware_facts short_description: collects facts for kernel modules, usb and pci devices description: - This Module collects the vendor- and device ids for USB- and PCI(e)-devices and currently loaded kernel modules. options: usb: required: False default: True description: - return a list of vendor- and device ids for usb devices in '04x:04x' notation pci: required: False default: True description: - return a list of vendor- and device ids for pci devices in '04x:04x' notation modules: required: False default: True description: - return a list of currently loaded kernel modules gpus: required: False default: True description: - return a list of devices of the pci gpu class (0x030000) notes: - requres python-pyusb and python-kmodpy requirements: [ ] author: "Alexander Grothe " ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: get information about usb and pci hardware and loaded kernel modules hardware_facts: usb: True pci: True modules: True - debug: var: usb - debug var: pci - debug var: modules - debug var: gpus ''' import glob import json import os import sys import usb.core from collections import namedtuple import kmodpy from ansible.module_utils.basic import * PCIDevice = namedtuple("PCIDevice", 'idVendor idProduct idClass pciPath') vendor_dict = { 0x10de: 'nvidia', 0x8086: 'intel', 0x1002: 'amd', 0x80ee: 'virtualbox', } def get_pci_devices(): for device in glob.glob('/sys/devices/pci*/*:*:*/*:*:*/'): try: with open(os.path.join(device, 'device')) as d: product_id = int(d.read().strip(), 16) with open(os.path.join(device, 'vendor')) as d: vendor_id = int(d.read().strip(), 16) with open(os.path.join(device, 'class')) as d: class_id = int(d.read().strip(), 16) yield PCIDevice(idVendor=vendor_id, idProduct=product_id, idClass=class_id, pciPath=device) except IOError: pass def format_device_list(iterator): return ["{:04x}:{:04x}".format(d.idVendor, d.idProduct) for d in iterator] def format_gpu_device_list(iterator): def get_entries(iterator): for d in iterator: if d.idClass == 0x030000: yield (vendor_dict.get(d.idVendor, "unknown"), "{:04x}:{:04x}".format(d.idVendor, d.idProduct)) return [entry for entry in get_entries(iterator)] arg_specs = { 'usb': dict(default=True, type='bool', required=False), 'pci': dict(default=True, type='bool', required=False), 'modules': dict(default=True, type='bool', required=False), 'gpus': dict(default=True, type='bool', required=False), } def main(): module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=arg_specs, supports_check_mode=True,) collect_usb = module.params['usb'] collect_pci = module.params['pci'] collect_modules = module.params['modules'] collect_gpus = module.params['gpus'] if collect_usb: usb_devices = format_device_list(usb.core.find(find_all=True)) else: usb_device = [] if collect_pci: pci_devices = format_device_list(get_pci_devices()) else: pci_devices = [] if collect_modules: k = kmodpy.Kmod() modules = [m[0] for m in k.loaded()] else: modules = [] if collect_gpus: gpus = format_gpu_device_list(get_pci_devices()) else: gpus = [] data = {'usb': usb_devices, 'pci': pci_devices, 'modules': modules, 'gpus': gpus} module.exit_json(changed=False, ansible_facts=data, msg=data) if __name__ == '__main__': main()