# file: group_vars/all

# this is the standard text to put in templates
ansible_managed_file: "*** YAVDR: ANSIBLE MANAGED FILE ***"
branch: unstable
ppa_owner: 'ppa:yavdr'
# add the following PPAs
  - '{{ ppa_owner }}/main'
  - '{{ ppa_owner }}/unstable-main'
  - '{{ ppa_owner }}/{{branch}}-vdr'
  - '{{ ppa_owner }}/{{branch}}-yavdr'
  - '{{ ppa_owner }}/{{branch}}-kodi'
# properties of the user vdr and vdr-related options
  user: vdr
  group: vdr
  uid: 666
  gid: 666
  home: /var/lib/vdr
  confdir: /var/lib/vdr
  recdir: /srv/vdr/video
  hide_first_recording_level: false
  safe_dirnames: true  # escape characters (useful for windows clients and FAT/NTFS file systems)
  override_vdr_charset: false

# add the vdr plugins you want to install
  - vdr-plugin-devstatus
  - vdr-plugin-markad
  - vdr-plugin-restfulapi
  - vdr-plugin-softhddevice-vpp
# dictionary of directories for (shared) files. Automatically exported via NFS and Samba if those roles are enabled
  audio: /srv/audio
  video: /srv/audio
  pictures: /srv/picture
  files: /srv/files
  backups: /srv/backups
  recordings: '{{ vdr.recdir }}'
  insecure: false  # set to true for OS X clients or if you plan to use libnfs as unprivileged user (e.g. KODI)
  workgroup: YAVDR
  windows_compatible: '{{ vdr.safe_dirnames }}'  # set to true to disable unix extensions, enable follow symlinks and wide links
# additional packages you want to install
  - bpython
  - bpython3
  - htop
  - tree
  - vim
  - w-scan
frontend: vdr
#  shutdown: poweroff
wakeup_method: acpiwakeup
  timeout: 0
  boot_options: quiet nosplash