BitBetter is is a tool to modify bitwardens core dll to allow you to generate your own individual and organisation licenses. Please see the FAQ below for details on why this software was created.
+ [Generating Signed Licenses](#generating-signed-licenses)
2. [FAQ](#faq-questions-you-might-have-)
3. [Footnotes](#footnotes)
# Getting Started
The following instructions are for unix-based systems (Linux, BSD, macOS), it is possible to use a Windows systems assuming you are able to enable and install [WSL](
## Pre-requisites
Aside from docker, which you also need for Bitwarden, BitBetter requires the following:
* openssl (probably already installed on most Linux or WSL systems)
* dotnet-sdk-2.1 (install instructions can be found [here](
## Setting up BitBetter
With your pre-requisites installed, begin the installation of BitBetter by downloading it through Github or using the git command:
Now that you've set up your build environment, you can **run the main build script** to generate a modified version of the `bitwarden/api` and `bitwarden/identity` docker images.
This will create a new self-signed certificate in the `.keys` directory one does not already exist and then create a modified version of the official `bitwarden/api` called `bitbetter/api` and a modified version of the `bitwarden/identity` called `bitbetter/identity`. You may **now simply edit your bitwarden docker-compose.yml to utilize the modified image**.
There is a tool included in the directory `src/licenseGen/` that will generate new individual and organization licenses. These licenses will be accepted by the modified Bitwarden because they will be signed by the certificate you generated in earlier steps.
In order to run the tool and generate a license you'll need to get a **user's GUID** in order to generate an **invididual license** or the server's **install ID** to generate an **Organization license**. These can be retrieved most easily through the Bitwarden [Admin Portal](
If you generated your keys in the default `BitBetter/.keys` directory, you can **simply run the license gen in interactive mode** from the `Bitbetter` directory and **follow the prompts to generate your license**.
**The license generator will spit out a JSON-formatted license which can then be used within the Bitwarden web front-end to license your user or org!**
### Note: Alternative Ways to Generate License
If you wish to run the license gen from a directory aside from the root `BitBetter` one, you'll have to provide the absolute path to your cert.pfx.
To be clear i'm totally happy to give them my money. Offer a perpetual server license, and i'd pay for it. Let me license the server, period. Allow an orginzation to have Premium for all users.. 500 seats, let the 500 users in the orginzation have the Premium features too.
I'm still in the testing/evaluating phase. If I am hosting the server/data, let me license the server, period. How many licenses does one user need to have...
<aname="#f1"><sup>1</sup></a> If you wish to change this you'll need to change the value that `src/licenseGen/Program.cs` uses for it's `GenerateUserLicense` and `GenerateOrgLicense` calls, but this is really unnecessary as this certificate does not represent any type of security issue.
<aname="#f2"><sup>2</sup></a>This tool build ontop of the `bitbetter/api` container image so make sure you've built that above using the root `./` script.