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// qt
#include <QTcpSocket>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QRgb>
// project includes
#include "ProtoClientConnection.h"
// TODO Remove this class if third-party apps have been migrated (eg. Hyperion Android Grabber, Windows Screen grabber etc.)
2020-08-08 13:09:15 +02:00
ProtoClientConnection::ProtoClientConnection(QTcpSocket* socket, int timeout, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _log(Logger::getInstance("PROTOSERVER"))
, _socket(socket)
, _clientAddress(socket->peerAddress().toString())
, _timeoutTimer(new QTimer(this))
, _timeout(timeout * 1000)
, _priority()
// timer setup
connect(_timeoutTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ProtoClientConnection::forceClose);
// connect socket signals
connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &ProtoClientConnection::readyRead);
connect(_socket, &QTcpSocket::disconnected, this, &ProtoClientConnection::disconnected);
void ProtoClientConnection::readyRead()
_receiveBuffer += _socket->readAll();
// check if we can read a message size
if (_receiveBuffer.size() <= 4)
// read the message size
uint32_t messageSize =
((_receiveBuffer[0]<<24) & 0xFF000000) |
((_receiveBuffer[1]<<16) & 0x00FF0000) |
((_receiveBuffer[2]<< 8) & 0x0000FF00) |
((_receiveBuffer[3] ) & 0x000000FF);
// check if we can read a complete message
if ((uint32_t) _receiveBuffer.size() < messageSize + 4)
// read a message
proto::HyperionRequest message;
if (!message.ParseFromArray(_receiveBuffer.data() + 4, messageSize))
sendErrorReply("Unable to parse message");
// handle the message
// remove message data from buffer
_receiveBuffer = _receiveBuffer.mid(messageSize + 4);
void ProtoClientConnection::forceClose()
void ProtoClientConnection::disconnected()
Debug(_log, "Socket Closed");
emit clearGlobalInput(_priority);
emit clientDisconnected();
void ProtoClientConnection::handleMessage(const proto::HyperionRequest & message)
switch (message.command())
case proto::HyperionRequest::COLOR:
if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ColorRequest::colorRequest))
sendErrorReply("Received COLOR command without ColorRequest");
case proto::HyperionRequest::IMAGE:
if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ImageRequest::imageRequest))
sendErrorReply("Received IMAGE command without ImageRequest");
case proto::HyperionRequest::CLEAR:
if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ClearRequest::clearRequest))
sendErrorReply("Received CLEAR command without ClearRequest");
case proto::HyperionRequest::CLEARALL:
void ProtoClientConnection::handleColorCommand(const proto::ColorRequest &message)
// extract parameters
int priority = message.priority();
int duration = message.has_duration() ? message.duration() : -1;
std::vector<ColorRgb> color{ ColorRgb{ uint8_t(qRed(message.rgbcolor())), uint8_t(qGreen(message.rgbcolor())), uint8_t(qBlue(message.rgbcolor())) } };
if (priority < 100 || priority >= 200)
sendErrorReply("The priority " + std::to_string(priority) + " is not in the valid priority range between 100 and 199.");
Error(_log, "The priority %d is not in the proto-connection range between 100 and 199.", priority);
// make sure the prio is registered before setColor()
if(priority != _priority)
emit clearGlobalInput(_priority);
emit registerGlobalInput(priority, hyperion::COMP_PROTOSERVER, "Proto@"+_clientAddress);
_priority = priority;
// set output
emit setGlobalInputColor(_priority, color, duration);
// send reply
void ProtoClientConnection::handleImageCommand(const proto::ImageRequest &message)
// extract parameters
int priority = message.priority();
int duration = message.has_duration() ? message.duration() : -1;
int width = message.imagewidth();
int height = message.imageheight();
const std::string & imageData = message.imagedata();
if (priority < 100 || priority >= 200)
sendErrorReply("The priority " + std::to_string(priority) + " is not in the valid priority range between 100 and 199.");
Error(_log, "The priority %d is not in the proto-connection range between 100 and 199.", priority);
// make sure the prio is registered before setInput()
if(priority != _priority)
emit clearGlobalInput(_priority);
emit registerGlobalInput(priority, hyperion::COMP_PROTOSERVER, "Proto@"+_clientAddress);
_priority = priority;
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
sendErrorReply("Size of image data does not match with the width and height");
// check consistency of the size of the received data
int channelCount = (int)imageData.size()/(width*height);
if (channelCount != 3 && channelCount != 4)
sendErrorReply("Size of image data does not match with the width and height");
// create ImageRgb
Image<ColorRgb> imageRGB(width, height);
if (channelCount == 3)
memmove(imageRGB.memptr(), imageData.c_str(), imageData.size());
if (channelCount == 4)
for (int source=0, destination=0; source < width * height * static_cast<int>(sizeof(ColorRgb)); source+=sizeof(ColorRgb), destination+=sizeof(ColorRgba))
memmove((uint8_t*)imageRGB.memptr() + source, imageData.c_str() + destination, sizeof(ColorRgb));
emit setGlobalInputImage(_priority, imageRGB, duration);
// send reply
void ProtoClientConnection::handleClearCommand(const proto::ClearRequest &message)
// extract parameters
int priority = message.priority();
// clear priority
emit clearGlobalInput(priority);
// send reply
void ProtoClientConnection::handleClearallCommand()
// clear all priority
emit clearGlobalInput(-1);
// send reply
void ProtoClientConnection::handleNotImplemented()
sendErrorReply("Command not implemented");
void ProtoClientConnection::sendMessage(const google::protobuf::Message &message)
std::string serializedReply = message.SerializeAsString();
Various Cleanups (#1075) * LedDevice - Address clang findings * Fix Windows Warnings * Ensure newInput is initialised * Clean-up unused elements for Plaform Capture * Fix initialization problem and spellings * Address clang findings and spelling corrections * LedDevice clean-ups * Cleanups * Align that getLedCount is int * Have "display" as default for Grabbers * Fix config during start-up for missing elements * Framegrabber Clean-up - Remove non supported grabbers from selection, filter valid options * Typo * Framegrabber.json - Fix property numbering * Preselect active Grabbertype * Sort Grabbernames * Align options with selected element * Fix deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'BonjourBrowserWrapper' * Address macOS compile warnings * Have default layout = 1 LED only to avoid errors as in #673 * Address lgtm findings * Address finding that params passed to LedDevice discovery were not considered * Cleanups after merging with latest master * Update Changelog * Address lgtm findings * Fix comment * Test Fix * Fix Python Warning * Handle Dummy Device assignment correctly * Address delete called on non-final 'commandline::Option' that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor * Correct that QTimer.start accepts only int * Have Release Python GIL & reset threat state chnage downward compatible * Correct format specifier * LedDevice - add assertions * Readonly DB - Fix merge issue * Smoothing - Fix wrong defaults * LedDevice - correct assertion * Show smoothing config set# in debug and related values. * Suppress error on windows, if default file is "/dev/null" * CMAKE - Allow to define QT_BASE_DIR dynamically via environment-variable * Ignore Visual Studio specific files Co-authored-by: Paulchen Panther <16664240+Paulchen-Panther@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-11-14 17:58:56 +01:00
uint32_t size = static_cast<uint32_t>(serializedReply.size());
uint8_t sizeData[] = {uint8_t(size >> 24), uint8_t(size >> 16), uint8_t(size >> 8), uint8_t(size)};
_socket->write((const char *) sizeData, sizeof(sizeData));
_socket->write(serializedReply.data(), serializedReply.length());
void ProtoClientConnection::sendSuccessReply()
// create reply
proto::HyperionReply reply;
// send reply
void ProtoClientConnection::sendErrorReply(const std::string &error)
// create reply
proto::HyperionReply reply;
// send reply