Paulchen-Panther 96d79cdef6
The slot in the websocket client will now run through until there are no more data in the buffer
Signed-off-by: Paulchen-Panther <Paulchen-Panter@protonmail.com>
2019-08-03 19:14:52 +02:00

45 lines
1.4 KiB

class QByteArray;
class QtHttpHeader
static const QByteArray & Server;
static const QByteArray & Date;
static const QByteArray & Host;
static const QByteArray & Accept;
static const QByteArray & ContentType;
static const QByteArray & ContentLength;
static const QByteArray & Connection;
static const QByteArray & Cookie;
static const QByteArray & UserAgent;
static const QByteArray & AcceptCharset;
static const QByteArray & AcceptEncoding;
static const QByteArray & AcceptLanguage;
static const QByteArray & Authorization;
static const QByteArray & CacheControl;
static const QByteArray & ContentMD5;
static const QByteArray & ProxyAuthorization;
static const QByteArray & Range;
static const QByteArray & ContentEncoding;
static const QByteArray & ContentLanguage;
static const QByteArray & ContentLocation;
static const QByteArray & ContentRange;
static const QByteArray & Expires;
static const QByteArray & LastModified;
static const QByteArray & Location;
static const QByteArray & SetCookie;
static const QByteArray & TransferEncoding;
static const QByteArray & ContentDisposition;
static const QByteArray & AccessControlAllow;
// Websocket specific headers
static const QByteArray & Upgrade;
static const QByteArray & SecWebSocketKey;
static const QByteArray & SecWebSocketProtocol;
static const QByteArray & SecWebSocketVersion;