2020-08-08 12:58:44 +02:00

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Addon API

Overview of the API. Get access to these functions by importing the hapi module import hapi.

Function Returns Comment
hapi.abort() bool Check if we should abort the script, True on abort request else false
hapi.log() - Print a log message to the Hyperion log. See hapi.log()
hapi.registerCallback() - Register a function with a callback function. See hapi.registerCallback()
hapi.unregisterCallback() - Unregister a function from callback. See hapi.unregisterCallback()
hapi.getComponentState() int Get current state of a component. See hapi.getComponentState()
hapi.setComponentState() bool Enable or disable a component. See hapi.setComponentState()
hapi.getSettings() data Get the current user settings for your addon. See hapi.getSettings()
hapi.setColor() - Set a color. See hapi.setColor()
hapi.setEffect() int Start effect by name. See hapi.setEffect()
hapi.getPriorityInfo() dict Get info about a priority. See hapi.getPriorityInfo()
hapi.getAllPriorities() list Get all registered priorities. See hapi.getAllPriorities()
hapi.getVisiblePriority() int Get current visible priority. See hapi.getVisiblePriority()
hapi.setVisiblePriority() bool Select a specific priority. See hapi.setVisiblePriority()
hapi.getAdjustmentList() list Get a list of all adjustment ids. See hapi.getAdjustmentList()
hapi.getBrightness() int Get current brightness. See hapi.getBrightness()
hapi.setBrightness() bool Set new brightness. See hapi.setBrightness()

Data transformation cheatsheet

As we need to transform "UI elements"-data from json to python, here a cheatsheet how the transformation is done.

Json Python
boolean int
integer int
number float
string str
array list
object dict



Write a message to the Hyperion log. Your addon name will be automatically prepended to all messages! hapi.log(msg, lvl) | Argument | Type | Comment | | msg | str | The message you want to print as string | | lvl | enum | Optional: Print message with a specific log lvl. LOG_INFO = Info, LOG_WARNING = Warning, LOG_ERROR = Error, LOG_DEBUG = Debug. Defaults to Debug |


To listen for specific Hyperion events you can register callbacks. hapi.registerCallback(callbackType, connectFunction)

Argument Type Comment
connectFunction - A previously defined function which will be used to deliver the callback
callbackType: ON_COMP_STATE_CHANGED - When comp state changes, arg1 comp component as str, arg2 newState as int
callbackType: ON_SETTINGS_CHANGED - When user saved new settings, reload settings hapi.getSettings()
callbackType: ON_VISIBLE_PRIORITY_CHANGED - Is called whenever the visible priority changes, argument priority of type int (the new priority)
# Example implementation with log output
import hapi

def onCompStateChanged(comp, newState):
  hapi.log("The component "+comp+" changed state to:"+str(newState))

def onSettingsChanged():
  hapi.log("New settings! Do something!")
def onVsibilePriorityChanged(newPriority):
  hapi.log("The new visible priority is: "+str(newPriority))

hapi.registerCallback(ON_COMP_STATE_CHANGED, onCompStateChanged)
hapi.registerCallback(ON_SETTINGS_CHANGED, onSettingsChanged)
hapi.registerCallback(ON_VISIBLE_PRIORITY_CHANGED, onVsibilePriorityChanged)


You can also unregister a callbackType again. You can register and unregister as often you need it. Usually you won't need it, but for completion here it is! After unregister the connected function does no longer react upon callbacks hapi.unregisterCallback(callbackType)

Argument Type Comment


Get the current state of a component. hapi.getComponentState(comp)

Argument Type Comment
comp int The component ID one of COMP_ALL COMP_SMOOTHING COMP_BLACKBORDER COMP_LEDDEVICE COMP_GRABBER COMP_V4L, prefixed with COMP_. See explanation here Component IDs explained
@return int True if enabled, False if disabled, -1 if not found


Set a Hyperion component to a new state. This method writes a debug message on each call! hapi.setComponentState(comp, enable)

Argument Type Comment
comp int The component ID one of COMP_ALL COMP_SMOOTHING COMP_BLACKBORDER COMP_LEDDEVICE COMP_GRABBER COMP_V4L, prefixed with COMP_. See explanation here Component IDs explained
enable int True to enable it, False to disable it
@return bool True if the requested component was found else false


Get the current user settings data for your addon. The returned data contains all settings that has been transformed from JSON to python data types. See the table below how they are transformed. hapi.getSettings()

Json Python
boolean int
integer int
number float
string str
array tuple
object dict

The root data type is usually of type object which will be transformed to a python dict, so we use the dict syntax to get the value. The fallback parameter should be defined wisely, if the value is not found it will be used instead.

import hapi
# Get a bool value of a dict 
myBoolValue = MySettings.get('MyBoolOption', True)

# Get a int value of a dict 
myIntValue = MySettings.get('MyIntOption', 20)

# Get a float value of a dict 
myFloatValue = MySettings.get('MyFloatOption', 15.7)
# Get a string value of a dict 
myStringValue = MySettings.get('MyStringOption', 'MyFallbackString')
# Get a tuple of a dict
# Two RGB colors would look like the following. A tuple that contains 2 other tuples where each contains 3 int values
myListValue = MySettings.get('MyListOption', ())

# Here a colorpicker example
myColorValue = MySettings.get('MyColorPicker', (255,0,0))
# Here an array(tuple) of multiple colorpickers
myColorValues = MySettings.get('MyColorPickers', ((255,0,0),(0,255,0)) )


Set a RGB color value with timeout at the given priority. hapi.setColor(red, green, blue, timeout, priority)

Argument Type Comment
red int Red 0-255
green int Green 0-255
blue int Blue 0-255
timeout int Optional: Set a specific timeout in ms. Defaults to -1 (endless)
priority int Optional: Set the color at a specific priority channel. Defaults to 50


Start an effect by name with timeout at the given priority. hapi.setEffect(effectName, timeout, priority)

Argument Type Comment
effectName str The name of the effect
timeout int Optional: Set a specific timeout in ms. Defaults to -1 (endless)
priority int Optional: Set the color at a specific priority channel. Defaults to 50
@return int 0 on success, -1 on failure (eg not found)


Get priority info for the given priority. hapi.getPriorityInfo(priority)

Argument Type Comment
priority int The priority you want information for
@return dict A dict with fields priority as int, timeout as int, component as str, origin as str, owner as str.


Get all registered priorities. hapi.getAllPriorities()

Argument Type Comment
@return tuple A tuple of all priorities that has been registered (type int) (1,240,255)


Get the current visible priority. hapi.getVisiblePriority()

Argument Type Comment
@return int The priority


Set a specific priority to visible. Returns True on success or False if not found. hapi.setVisiblePriority(priority)

Argument Type Comment
priority int The priority to set
@return bool True on success, False on failure (eg not found)


Returns a list of all available adjustment ids. These ids are used to apply changes to different calibration profiles. hapi.getAdjustmentList()

Argument Type Comment
@return list List of adjustment ids


Get the brightness of a given adjustment id. If no id is provided it will return the brightness of primary adjustment (e.g. first). See also hapi.getAdjustmentList(). hapi.getBrightness(id)

Argument Type Comment
id str Optional: Get the brightness of a specific adjustment id, if not given it will return the primary adjustment brightness
@return int The brightness between 0 and 100 (considered as %). Returns -1 if the adjustment id is not found


Set the brightness for the given adjustment id. If no id is provided it will set all available adjustment ids to the given brightness. See also getAdjustmentList() hapi.setBrightness(brightness, id)

Argument Type Comment
brightness int The brightness value between 0 and 100
id str Optional: Target a specific adjustment id, if not set it will apply the brightness to all available ids
@return bool True on success, False on failure (eg given adjustment id not found)