
576 lines
20 KiB

/// Copyright 2016 Kopano b.v.
/// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
/// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
/// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
/// along with this program.If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/// Consult LICENSE file for details
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Acacia.Controls
/// <summary>
/// UI progress indicator for tasks. All properties will be accessed in the UI thread.
/// </summary>
public interface KUITaskProgress
string BusyText { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Sets the busy state.
/// </summary>
bool Busy { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Shows successful completion
/// </summary>
void ShowCompletion(string text);
/// <summary>
/// May be set to a cancellation source to allow cancellation.
/// </summary>
CancellationTokenSource Cancellation { get; set; }
public interface KUITaskContext
CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Adds a number of counts to the busy indicator. Can be invoked from any thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="count">The number of busy counts to add or subtract</param>
void AddBusy(int count);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the busy text. Can be invoked from any thread.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">The text</param>
void SetBusyText(string text);
public class KUITaskBase
#region Execution state
internal class ExecutionConfig : KUITaskContext
public readonly KUITaskBase Root;
internal readonly ConcurrentDictionary<KUITaskBase,bool> Tasks = new ConcurrentDictionary<KUITaskBase, bool>();
internal readonly TaskScheduler UIContext;
internal readonly CancellationTokenSource _cancel;
public ExecutionConfig(KUITaskBase root)
this.Root = root;
Tasks.TryAdd(Root, false);
// Determine the UI context, creating a new one if required
if (SynchronizationContext.Current == null)
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext());
UIContext = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
// Create a cancellation source
_cancel = new CancellationTokenSource();
public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get { return _cancel.Token; } }
#region Busy indication
public KUITaskProgress Progress { get; set; }
private int _busyCount;
public void AddBusy(int count)
if (count == 0)
bool oldBusy = _busyCount != 0;
_busyCount += count;
bool busy = _busyCount != 0;
if (oldBusy != busy)
// TODO: will the synchronisation context always point to the windows forms one, or can someone mess with it?
SynchronizationContext.Current.Send((b) =>
bool isBusy = (bool)b;
Progress.Busy = isBusy;
if (!isBusy)
Progress.Cancellation = null;
}, busy);
public int BusyCount { get { return _busyCount; } }
public void SetBusyText(string text)
SynchronizationContext.Current.Send((t) =>
Progress.BusyText = (string)t;
}, text);
internal void TaskFinished(KUITaskBase task)
Tasks.TryUpdate(task, true, false);
internal class ExecutionState
public readonly ExecutionConfig Config;
private readonly object _result;
private readonly Exception _exception;
internal ExecutionState(ExecutionConfig config, object result, Exception exception)
this.Config = config;
this._result = result;
this._exception = exception;
internal ExecutionState NewVoid()
return new ExecutionState(Config, null, null);
internal ExecutionState NewResult(object result)
return new ExecutionState(Config, result, null);
internal ExecutionState NewException(Exception e)
return new ExecutionState(Config, null, e);
internal bool HasException
get { return _exception != null; }
internal object GetResult(TaskExecutor.Options options)
if ((options & TaskExecutor.Options.ErrorOnly) != 0)
return _exception;
return _result;
#region Executor
internal protected class TaskExecutor
public enum Options
None = 0,
UIContext = 1,
ErrorOnly = 2,
SuccessOnly = 4
private readonly Func<ExecutionState, ExecutionState> _action;
private readonly Options _options;
internal TaskExecutor(Func<ExecutionState, ExecutionState> action, Options options)
this._action = action;
this._options = options;
internal static Options OptionHelper(bool errorOnly, bool successOnly, bool inUI)
Options options = Options.None;
if (errorOnly)
options |= Options.ErrorOnly;
if (successOnly)
options |= Options.SuccessOnly;
if (inUI)
options |= Options.UIContext;
return options;
internal Task<ExecutionState> Execute(KUITaskBase task, ExecutionState state)
Func<ExecutionState> action = () =>
ExecutionState result = state;
// TODO: do this outside the task. However, that requires returning some kind of task
bool execute = true;
if ((_options & Options.ErrorOnly) != 0 && !state.HasException)
execute = false;
else if ((_options & Options.SuccessOnly) != 0 && state.HasException)
execute = false;
// Always clean up one busy count when the task finishes
int busyCountDiff = -1;
if (execute)
int busyCountBefore = state.Config.BusyCount;
result = _action(state);
catch (Exception e)
result = state.NewException(e);
// If there is an exception, restore the busy count
busyCountDiff -= state.Config.BusyCount - busyCountBefore;
return result;
return Task.Factory.StartNew(action, state.Config.CancellationToken, TaskCreationOptions.None, GetContext(state));
private TaskScheduler GetContext(ExecutionState state)
return (_options & Options.UIContext) != 0 ? state.Config.UIContext : TaskScheduler.Default;
#region Creators
// Passes nothing
public static TaskExecutor Void(Action action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
return s.NewVoid();
}, options);
public static TaskExecutor Void<ResultType>(Func<ResultType> action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
ResultType result = action();
return s.NewResult(result);
}, options);
// Passes the a parameter
public static TaskExecutor Param<ParamType, ResultType>(Func<ParamType, ResultType> action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
ResultType result = action((ParamType)s.GetResult(options));
return s.NewResult(result);
}, options);
public static TaskExecutor Param<ParamType>(Action<ParamType> action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
return s.NewVoid();
}, options);
// Passes the task context
public static TaskExecutor TaskContext<ResultType>(Func<KUITaskContext, ResultType> action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
ResultType result = action(s.Config);
return s.NewResult(result);
}, options);
public static TaskExecutor TaskContext(Action<KUITaskContext> action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
return s.NewVoid();
}, options);
// Passes the task context and a parameter
public static TaskExecutor TaskContextParam<ParamType, ResultType>(Func<KUITaskContext, ParamType, ResultType> action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
ResultType result = action(s.Config, (ParamType)s.GetResult(options));
return s.NewResult(result);
}, options);
public static TaskExecutor TaskContextParam<ParamType>(Action<KUITaskContext, ParamType> action, Options options)
return new TaskExecutor((s) =>
action(s.Config, (ParamType)s.GetResult(options));
return s.NewVoid();
}, options);
protected readonly TaskExecutor _executor;
private ExecutionConfig _config;
private readonly Mutex _mutexTask = new Mutex();
private Task<ExecutionState> _task;
private readonly List<KUITaskBase> _next = new List<KUITaskBase>();
protected KUITaskBase(TaskExecutor exec, bool isRoot)
this._executor = exec;
this._config = isRoot ? new ExecutionConfig(this) : null;
public void Start(KUITaskProgress progress = null)
_config.Progress = progress ?? new DummyTaskProgress();
_config.Progress.Cancellation = _config._cancel;
// Execute the root
_config.Root.DoStart(new ExecutionState(_config, null, null));
private void DoStart(ExecutionState state)
// Make sure we're not already started
if (_task != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Task chain already started");
// Start the task
_task = _executor.Execute(this, state);
// TODO: this could probably be outside the mutex
foreach (KUITaskBase next in _next)
protected TaskType Chain<TaskType>(TaskType next)
where TaskType : KUITaskBase
next._config = _config;
_config.Tasks.TryAdd(next, false);
// If the task is already started (or finished), add a chainer to that
// Otherwise, add it to the list
if (_task == null)
return next;
private void AddContinuation(KUITaskBase next)
// Start a synchronous task, the KUITask will detach if needed
_task.ContinueWith((prevTask) =>
}, _config.CancellationToken, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously | TaskContinuationOptions.NotOnCanceled,
internal class DummyTaskProgress : KUITaskProgress
public bool Busy
public string BusyText
public CancellationTokenSource Cancellation
public void ShowCompletion(string text)
/// <summary>
/// Wrapper class for a chain of tasks with UI feedback
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="ResultType"></typeparam>
public class KUITask<ResultType> : KUITaskBase
internal protected KUITask(TaskExecutor exec, bool isRoot) : base(exec, isRoot)
#region Chainers
/// <summary>
/// Invoked on either success or error.
/// </summary>
public KUITask OnCompletion(Action<ResultType> func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.Param(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, false, inUI)), false));
// OnSuccess - Can either return nothing or a new result type (which could of course happen to be
// the current.
// Can accept Context and the current task result
public KUITask OnSuccess(Action func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.Void(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, true, inUI)), false));
public KUITask OnSuccess(Action<KUITaskContext> func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.TaskContext(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, true, inUI)), false));
public KUITask OnSuccess(Action<KUITaskContext, ResultType> func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.TaskContextParam(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, true, inUI)), false));
public KUITask OnSuccess(Action<ResultType> func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.Param(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, true, inUI)), false));
public KUITask<NewResultType> OnSuccess<NewResultType>(Func<ResultType, NewResultType> func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask<NewResultType>(TaskExecutor.Param(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, true, inUI)), false));
// OnError - Can either return nothing, or the already expected return type. This allows an OnCompletion
// handler accepting either a result, or a dummy result returned by the error handler
// TODO: accept Context
public KUITask<ResultType> OnError(Func<Exception, ResultType> func, bool inUI = true)
return Chain(new KUITask<ResultType>(TaskExecutor.Param(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(true, false, inUI)), false));
public KUITask OnError(Action<Exception> func, bool inUI = true)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.Param(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(true, false, inUI)), false));
public class KUITask : KUITaskBase
internal protected KUITask(TaskExecutor exec, bool isRoot) : base(exec, isRoot)
#region Chainers
public KUITask OnError(Action<Exception> func, bool inUI = true)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.Param(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(true, false, inUI)), false));
public KUITask OnSuccess(Action func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.Void(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, true, inUI)), false));
public KUITask OnSuccess(Action<KUITaskContext> func, bool inUI = false)
return Chain(new KUITask(TaskExecutor.TaskContext(func, TaskExecutor.OptionHelper(false, true, inUI)), false));
#region Factory methods
public static KUITask New(Action<KUITaskContext> action)
return new KUITask(TaskExecutor.TaskContext(action, TaskExecutor.Options.None), true);
public static KUITask New(Action action)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static KUITask<ResultType> New<ResultType>(Func<KUITaskContext, ResultType> action)
return new KUITask<ResultType>(TaskExecutor.TaskContext(action, TaskExecutor.Options.None), true);
public static KUITask<ResultType> New<ResultType>(Func<ResultType> action)
return new KUITask<ResultType>(TaskExecutor.Void(action, TaskExecutor.Options.None), true);
public interface KUITaskExecutor
/// <summary>
/// Executes a task
/// </summary>
/// <param name="busyText">The text to display while the task is busy</param>
/// <param name="action">The action</param>
/// <returns>A task for the action</returns>
KUITask<ResultType> Execute<ResultType>(string busyText, Func<CancellationToken, ResultType> action);