
321 lines
11 KiB

/// Copyright 2016 Kopano b.v.
/// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
/// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
/// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
/// along with this program.If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/// Consult LICENSE file for details
using Acacia.Controls;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Acacia.ZPush;
using Acacia.Utils;
using System.Threading;
using Acacia.ZPush.API.SharedFolders;
using Acacia.ZPush.Connect;
using Acacia.Native;
namespace Acacia.Features.SharedFolders
/// <summary>
/// A tree node representing the root node for a store. Responsible for loading the store contents and managing the
/// shares for that store.
/// </summary>
public class StoreTreeNode : KTreeNode
private KAnimator _reloader;
// The initial and current shares states. The initial state is kept to check for modifications
private readonly Dictionary<BackendId, SharedFolder> _initialShares;
private readonly Dictionary<BackendId, SharedFolder> _currentShares;
public StoreTreeNode(ZPushAccount account, GABUser user, string text, Dictionary<BackendId, SharedFolder> currentFolders)
this._initialShares = currentFolders;
// Create an empty current state. When loading the nodes, the shares will be added. This has the benefit of
// cleaning up automatically any obsolote shares.
this._currentShares = new Dictionary<BackendId, SharedFolder>();
ChildLoader = new UserFolderLoader(this, account, user);
ChildLoader.ReloadOnCloseOpen = true;
HasCheckBox = false;
// TODO: better icons, better way of handling this
ImageIndex = user == GABUser.USER_PUBLIC ? 0 : 11;
// Reloader
_reloader = new KAnimator();
_reloader.Animation = Properties.Resources.TreeLoading;
_reloader.Visible = false;
_reloader.Click += (s, e) =>
Control = _reloader;
public GABUser User
get { return ((UserFolderLoader)ChildLoader).User; }
#region Share management
/// <summary>
/// Adds a share.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="folder">The folder to share.</param>
/// <param name="state">The share state. This may be null to add a default share</param>
/// <returns>The share information</returns>
internal SharedFolder AddShare(AvailableFolder folder, SharedFolder state)
state = state ?? CreateDefaultShare(folder);
_currentShares[folder.BackendId] = state;
return state;
private SharedFolder CreateDefaultShare(AvailableFolder folder)
SharedFolder share = new SharedFolder(folder);
// Default send as for mail folders
if (folder.IsMailFolder)
share = share.WithFlagSendAsOwner(true);
// Default include the store name in root folders
if (folder.ParentId.IsNone)
share = share.WithName(folder.Name + " - " + folder.Store.UserName);
return share;
internal void RemoveShare(AvailableFolder folder)
if (_currentShares.Remove(folder.BackendId))
private SharedFolder GetInitialShareState(AvailableFolder folder)
SharedFolder state;
if (_initialShares.TryGetValue(folder.BackendId, out state))
return state;
return null;
public ICollection<SharedFolder> CurrentShares
get { return _currentShares.Values; }
#region Dirty tracking
public delegate void DirtyChangedHandler(StoreTreeNode node);
public event DirtyChangedHandler DirtyChanged;
public bool IsDirty { get; private set; }
private void CheckDirty()
bool newDirty = !_initialShares.SameElements(_currentShares);
if (newDirty != IsDirty)
IsDirty = newDirty;
if (DirtyChanged != null)
public void ChangesApplied()
// Save a copy of current folders to initial folders
foreach (var entry in _currentShares)
_initialShares.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
#region Node loading
public class UserFolderLoader : KTreeNodeLoader
private readonly ZPushAccount _account;
public GABUser User { get; private set; }
public UserFolderLoader(StoreTreeNode parent, ZPushAccount account, GABUser user) : base(parent)
this._account = account;
this.User = user;
protected override object DoLoadChildren(KTreeNode node)
using (SharedFoldersAPI folders = new SharedFoldersAPI(_account))
return folders.GetUserFolders(User);
private class FolderComparer : IComparer<AvailableFolder>
private bool _isRoot;
public FolderComparer(bool isRoot)
this._isRoot = isRoot;
public int Compare(AvailableFolder x, AvailableFolder y)
if (_isRoot)
int i = (int)x.Type - (int)y.Type;
if (i != 0)
return i;
return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
protected override void DoRenderChildren(KTreeNode node, object loaded, KTreeNodes children)
List<AvailableFolder> folders = (List<AvailableFolder>)loaded;
foreach (AvailableFolder folder in folders.OrderBy(f => f, new FolderComparer(true)))
AddFolderNode(node, children, folder);
private void AddFolderNode(KTreeNode node, KTreeNodes children, AvailableFolder folder)
StoreTreeNode rootNode = (StoreTreeNode)this.Children.Parent;
// Create the tree node
SharedFolder share = rootNode.GetInitialShareState(folder);
FolderTreeNode child = new FolderTreeNode(rootNode, folder, share);
// Add
// Add the children
foreach (AvailableFolder childFolder in folder.Children.OrderBy(f => f, new FolderComparer(false)))
AddFolderNode(child, child.Children, childFolder);
// Set the initial share state
if (share != null)
child.IsChecked = true;
// Add the share; it might have become checked by any of the child nodes
if (child.IsShared)
rootNode.AddShare(folder, share);
protected override void OnBeginLoading(KTreeNode node)
((StoreTreeNode)node)._reloader.Visible = true;
((StoreTreeNode)node)._reloader.Animate = true;
protected override void OnEndLoading(KTreeNode node)
((StoreTreeNode)node)._reloader.Animate = false;
((StoreTreeNode)node)._reloader.Visible = false;
protected override string GetPlaceholderText(LoadingState state, KTreeNodes children)
switch (state)
case KTreeNodeLoader.LoadingState.Error:
return Properties.Resources.SharedFolders_Loading_Error;
case KTreeNodeLoader.LoadingState.Loading:
return Properties.Resources.SharedFolders_Loading;
case KTreeNodeLoader.LoadingState.Loaded:
if (children.Count == 0)
return Properties.Resources.SharedFolders_None;
return null;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Event handler for the first time nodes are loaded; not invoked on reload.
/// </summary>
public delegate void NodesLoadedHandler(StoreTreeNode node);
public event NodesLoadedHandler NodesLoaded;
virtual protected void OnNodesLoaded()
if (NodesLoaded != null)
NodesLoaded = null;
#region Node finding
public KTreeNode FindNode(SharedFolder folder)
return FindNode(this, folder);
private KTreeNode FindNode(KTreeNode node, SharedFolder folder)
// TODO: use an index for this? For now it's used only to select the initial node. It might also be useful in KTree
// in a more general way
foreach(FolderTreeNode child in node.Children)
if (child.AvailableFolder.BackendId == folder.BackendId)
return child;
KTreeNode found = FindNode(child, folder);
if (found != null)
return found;
return null;