
231 lines
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/// Copyright 2018 Kopano b.v.
/// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
/// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
/// as published by the Free Software Foundation.
/// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
/// along with this program.If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/// Consult LICENSE file for details
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Acacia.Stubs;
using Acacia.Utils;
using Acacia.ZPush;
using Acacia.Features.SharedFolders;
using Acacia.ZPush.API.SharedFolders;
using static Acacia.DebugOptions;
using Acacia.Features.GAB;
using Acacia.Features.SyncState;
namespace Acacia.Features.SendAs
[AcaciaOption("Provides the ability to select different senders for Z-Push accounts.")]
public class FeatureSendAs : Feature
private FeatureSharedFolders _sharedFolders;
#region Init
public FeatureSendAs()
public override void Startup()
if (MailEvents != null)
if (SendAsOwner)
// Need shared folders for automatic sender selection
_sharedFolders = ThisAddIn.Instance.GetFeature<FeatureSharedFolders>();
if (_sharedFolders != null)
if (MailEvents != null)
MailEvents.Respond += MailEvents_Respond;
#region Options
[AcaciaOption("Disables the \"Send As Owner\" feature. This feature allows sending as the owner of a shared folder, " +
"when responding to messages in that folder. Note that this feature requires SharedFolders to be " +
public bool SendAsOwner
get { return GetOption(OPTION_SEND_AS_OWNER); }
set { SetOption(OPTION_SEND_AS_OWNER, value); }
private static readonly BoolOption OPTION_SEND_AS_OWNER = new BoolOption("SendAsOwner", true);
[AcaciaOption("Disables GAB look ups for senders. GAB lookups are required if a username exists on different accounts, " +
"as in that case Outlook fails to determine the email address of the sender.")]
public bool GABLookup
get { return GetOption(OPTION_GAB_LOOKUP); }
set { SetOption(OPTION_GAB_LOOKUP, value); }
private static readonly BoolOption OPTION_GAB_LOOKUP = new BoolOption("GABLookup", true);
[AcaciaOption("Enables local resolving look ups for senders. This is disabled by default, as it seems " +
"local contacts may lead to wrong senders.")]
public bool ResolveLocal
get { return GetOption(OPTION_RESOLVE_LOCAL); }
set { SetOption(OPTION_RESOLVE_LOCAL, value); }
private static readonly BoolOption OPTION_RESOLVE_LOCAL = new BoolOption("ResolveLocal", false);
#region Event handlers
/// <summary>
/// Responding event handler. Checks if a send-as address must be specified.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="mail"></param>
/// <param name="response"></param>
private void MailEvents_Respond(IMailItem mail, IMailItem response)
Logger.Instance.Trace(this, "Responding to mail, checking");
using (IStore store = mail.GetStore())
ZPushAccount zpush = Watcher.Accounts.GetAccount(store);
Logger.Instance.Trace(this, "Checking ZPush: {0}", zpush);
if (zpush == null)
// Check if the containing folder is a shared folder
using (IFolder parent = mail.Parent)
using (IRecipient recip = FindSendAsSender(zpush, parent))
if (recip == null || !recip.IsResolved)
// Set the sender
Logger.Instance.Trace(this, "Sending as: {0}", recip.Address);
using (IAddressEntry address = recip.GetAddressEntry())
/// <summary>
/// Sending event handler. Sets the Z-Push header to allow it to determine the send-as sender.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item"></param>
/// <param name="cancel"></param>
private void MailEvents_ItemSend(IMailItem item, ref bool cancel)
using (IStore store = item.GetStore())
ZPushAccount zpush = Watcher.Accounts.GetAccount(store);
if (zpush != null)
string address = item.SenderEmailAddress;
if (address != null && address != zpush.Account.SmtpAddress)
Logger.Instance.Trace(this, "SendAs: {0}: {1}", address, item.SenderName);
item.SetProperty(Constants.ZPUSH_SEND_AS, address);
if (item.SenderName != null)
item.SetProperty(Constants.ZPUSH_SEND_AS_NAME, item.SenderName);
#region Address resolving
public string FindSendAsAddress(ZPushAccount zpush, SharedFolder folder)
string address = folder.SendAsAddress;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address))
return address;
// Check the registry
string addressSync = zpush.GetSendAsAddress(folder.SyncId);
string addressBackend = zpush.GetSendAsAddress(folder.BackendId);
// If we have no address on sync id, or it differs from the one on backend id, backend id wins, as that's the one set by the dialog
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addressSync) || !addressSync.Equals(addressBackend))
address = addressBackend;
// Resolved now, store on sync id
if (folder.SyncId.IsCustom)
zpush.SetSendAsAddress(folder.SyncId, address);
else address = addressSync;
return address;
internal void UpdateSendAsAddresses(ZPushAccount zpush, ICollection<SharedFolder> shares)
SyncState.SyncState state = ThisAddIn.Instance.GetFeature<FeatureSyncState>()?.GetSyncState(zpush);
foreach (SharedFolder folder in shares)
if (!folder.FlagSendAsOwner)
// Resolve it
FindSendAsAddress(zpush, folder);
public string FindSendAsAddress(ZPushAccount zpush, GABUser user)
GABHandler handler = FeatureGAB.FindGABForAccount(zpush);
if (handler != null && handler.Contacts != null)
// Look for the email address. If found, use the account associated with the GAB
using (ISearch<IContactItem> search = handler.Contacts.Search<IContactItem>())
search.AddField("urn:schemas:contacts:customerid").SetOperation(SearchOperation.Equal, user.UserName);
using (IContactItem result = search.SearchOne())
Logger.Instance.Trace(this, "GAB Search for send-as {0}: {1}", zpush, result);
if (result != null)
// Try resolving by email
Logger.Instance.Trace(this, "Resolving send-as by email address {0}: {1}", user.UserName, result.Email1Address);
return result.Email1Address;
Logger.Instance.Warning(this, "GAB handler not found for account: {0}", zpush);
Logger.Instance.Warning(this, "Unable to resolve send-as: {0}", user.UserName);
return null;