2016-03-02 13:27:52 +00:00

34 lines
844 B

A <a href="http://nodered.org" target="_new">Node-RED</a> node to send and receive messages using Pusher.com.
You need a valid Pusher App key, secret and id from [http://pusher.com](http://pusher.com)
Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically `~/.node-red`
npm install node-red-node-pusher
### Input
Pusher input mode. Use this node to subscribe to a Pusher channel/event.
You need a valid Pusher App key.
The node will set `msg.payload` to the message that arrives, and `msg.topic` to the eventname.
### Output
Pusher output node for sending messages to a specific channel/event.
You need an App key, secret and ID of a Pusher app.
The node will send the `msg.payload` of the incoming message.