"credentials_load_failed":"<p>Flows stopped as the credentials could not be decrypted.</p><p>The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.</p>",
"credentials_load_failed_reset":"<p>Credentials could not be decrypted</p><p>The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.</p><p>The flow credential file will be reset on the next deployment. Any existing flow credentials will be cleared.</p>",
"project_empty":"<p>The project is empty.</p><p>Do you want to create a default set of project files?<br/>Otherwise, you will have to manually add files to the project outside of the editor.</p>",
"body":"<p>Installing '__module__'</p><p>Before installing, please read the node's documentation. Some nodes have dependencies that cannot be automatically resolved and can require a restart of Node-RED.</p>",
"body":"<p>Removing '__module__'</p><p>Removing the node will uninstall it from Node-RED. The node may continue to use resources until Node-RED is restarted.</p>",
"body":"An update for this node is available, but it is not installed in a location that the palette manager can update.<br/><br/>Please refer to the documentation for how to update this node."
"unablePull":"<p>Unable to pull remote changes; your unstaged local changes would be overwritten.</p><p>Commit your changes and try again.</p>",
"showUnstagedChanges":"Show unstaged changes",
"connectionFailed":"Could not connect to remote repository: ",
"pullUnrelatedHistory":"<p>The remote has an unrelated history of commits.</p><p>Are you sure you want to pull the changes into your local repository?</p>",
"pullChanges":"Pull changes",
"daysAgo":"__count__ day ago",
"daysAgo_plural":"__count__ days ago",
"hoursAgo":"__count__ hour ago",
"hoursAgo_plural":"__count__ hours ago",
"minsAgo":"__count__ min ago",
"minsAgo_plural":"__count__ mins ago",
"secondsAgo":"Seconds ago",
"notTracking":"Your local branch is not currently tracking a remote branch.",
"statusUnmergedChanged":"Your repository has unmerged changes. You need to fix the conflicts and commit the result.",
"repositoryUpToDate":"Your repository is up to date.",
"commitsAhead":"Your repository is __count__ commit ahead of the remote. You can push this commit now.",
"commitsAhead_plural":"Your repository is __count__ commits ahead of the remote. You can push these commits now.",
"commitsBehind":"Your repository is __count__ commit behind of the remote. You can pull this commit now.",
"commitsBehind_plural":"Your repository is __count__ commits behind of the remote. You can pull these commits now.",
"commitsAheadAndBehind1":"Your repository is __count__ commit behind and ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind1_plural":"Your repository is __count__ commits behind and ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind2":"__count__ commit ahead of the remote. ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind2_plural":"__count__ commits ahead of the remote. ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind3":"You must pull the remote commit down before pushing.",
"commitsAheadAndBehind3_plural":"You must pull the remote commits down before pushing."
"compatModeDesc":"<h3>JSONata compatibility mode</h3><p> The current expression appears to still reference <code>msg</code> so will be evaluated in compatibility mode. Please update the expression to not use <code>msg</code> as this mode will be removed in the future.</p><p> When JSONata support was first added to Node-RED, it required the expression to reference the <code>msg</code> object. For example <code>msg.payload</code> would be used to access the payload.</p><p> That is no longer necessary as the expression will be evaluated against the message directly. To access the payload, the expression should be just <code>payload</code>.</p>",
"modeDesc":"<h3>Buffer editor</h3><p>The Buffer type is stored as a JSON array of byte values. The editor will attempt to parse the entered value as a JSON array. If it is not valid JSON, it will be treated as a UTF-8 String and converted to an array of the individual character code points.</p><p>For example, a value of <code>Hello World</code> will be converted to the JSON array:<pre>[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]</pre></p>"
"hello":"Hello! We have introduced 'projects' to Node-RED.",
"desc0":"This is a new way for you to manage your flow files and includes version control of your flows.",
"desc1":"To get started you can create your first project or clone an existing project from a git repository.",
"desc2":"If you are not sure, you can skip this for now. You will still be able to create your first project from the 'Projects' menu at any time.",
"create":"Create Project",
"clone":"Clone Repository",
"not-right-now":"Not right now"
"setup":"Setup your version control client",
"desc0":"Node-RED uses the open source tool Git for version control. It tracks changes to your project files and lets you push them to remote repositories.",
"desc1":"When you commit a set of changes, Git records who made the changes with a username and email address. The Username can be anything you want - it does not need to be your real name.",
"desc2":"Your Git client is already configured with the details below.",
"desc3":"You can change these settings later under the 'Git config' tab of the settings dialog.",
"create":"Create your project",
"desc0":"A project is maintained as a Git repository. It makes it much easier to share your flows with others and to collaborate on them.",
"desc1":"You can create multiple projects and quickly switch between them from the editor.",
"desc2":"To begin, your project needs a name and an optional description.",
"already-exists":"Project already exists",
"must-contain":"Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"project-name":"Project name",
"clone":"Clone a project",
"desc0":"If you already have a git repository containing a project, you can clone it to get started.",
"already-exists":"Project already exists",
"must-contain":"Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"project-name":"Project name",
"no-info-in-url":"Do not include the username/password in the url",
"git-url":"Git repository URL",
"protocols":"https://, ssh:// or file://",
"auth-failed":"Authentication failed",
"ssh-key":"SSH Key",
"ssh-key-desc":"Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.",
"ssh-key-add":"Add an ssh key",
"credential-key":"Credentials encryption key",
"cant-get-ssh-key":"Error! Can't get selected SSH key path.",
"already-exists":"already exists",
"git-error":"git error",
"connection-failed":"Connection failed",
"not-git-repo":"Not a git repository",
"repo-not-found":"Repository not found"
"create":"Create your project files",
"desc0":"A project contains your flow files, a README file and a package.json file.",
"desc1":"It can contain any other files you want to maintain in the Git repository.",
"desc2":"Your existing flow and credential files will be copied into the project.",
"flow-file":"Flow file",
"credentials-file":"Credentials file"
"setup":"Setup encryption of your credentials file",
"desc0":"Your flow credentials file can be encrypted to keep its contents secure.",
"desc1":"If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.",
"desc2":"Your flow credentials file is not currently encrypted.",
"desc3":"That means its contents, such as passwords and access tokens, can be read by anyone with access to the file.",
"desc4":"If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.",
"desc5":"Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using the credentialSecret property from your settings file as the key.",
"desc6":"Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using a system-generated key. You should provide a new secret key for this project.",
"desc7":"The key will be stored separately from your project files. You will need to provide the key to use this project in another instance of Node-RED.",
"enable":"Enable encryption",
"disable":"Disable encryption",
"copy":"Copy over existing key",
"use-custom":"Use custom key",
"desc8":"The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read",
"create-project-files":"Create project files",
"create-project":"Create project",
"already-exists":"already exists",
"git-error":"git error",
"git-auth-error":"git auth error"
"success":"You have successfully created your first project!",
"desc0":"You can now continue to use Node-RED just as you always have.",
"desc1":"The 'info' tab in the sidebar shows you what your current active project is. The button next to the name can be used to access the project settings view.",
"desc2":"The 'history' tab in the sidebar can be used to view files that have changed in your project and to commit them. It shows you a complete history of your commits and allows you to push your changes to a remote repository."
"already-exists":"Project already exists",
"must-contain":"Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"no-info-in-url":"Do not include the username/password in the url",
"open":"Open Project",
"create":"Create Project",
"clone":"Clone Repository",
"project-name":"Project name",
"flow-file":"Flow file",
"enable-encryption":"Enable encryption",
"disable-encryption":"Disable encryption",
"encryption-key":"Encryption key",
"desc0":"A phrase to secure your credentials with",
"desc1":"The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read",
"git-url":"Git repository URL",
"protocols":"https://, ssh:// or file://",
"auth-failed":"Authentication failed",
"ssh-key":"SSH Key",
"desc2":"Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.",