mirror of https://github.com/node-red/node-red.git synced 2023-10-10 11:36:53 +00:00

wrap up the zh-tw UI translation (#2443)

* zh-tw UI translation: complement the rest part

* fix translated sentence according to comments
This commit is contained in:
Jiye Yu 2020-01-30 21:40:44 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent 59b1466e5d
commit 504d13943d
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -111,17 +111,17 @@
"warnings": {
"undeployedChanges": "節點中存在未部署的更改",
"nodeActionDisabled": "節點動作在子流程中被禁用",
"nodeActionDisabledSubflow": "node actions disabled within subflow",
"nodeActionDisabledSubflow": "子流程中禁用了節點操作",
"missing-types": "流程由於缺少節點類型而停止。請檢查日誌的詳細資訊",
"safe-mode": "<p>Flows stopped in safe mode.</p><p>You can modify your flows and deploy the changes to restart.</p>",
"safe-mode": "<p>流程在安全模式下停止。</p><p>您可以修改流程並部署更改以重新啟動。</p>",
"restartRequired": "Node-RED必須重新啟動以啟用升級的模組",
"credentials_load_failed": "<p>Flows stopped as the credentials could not be decrypted.</p><p>The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.</p>",
"credentials_load_failed_reset": "<p>Credentials could not be decrypted</p><p>The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project's encryption key is missing or invalid.</p><p>The flow credential file will be reset on the next deployment. Any existing flow credentials will be cleared.</p>",
"missing_flow_file": "<p>Project flow file not found.</p><p>The project is not configured with a flow file.</p>",
"missing_package_file": "<p>Project package file not found.</p><p>The project is missing a package.json file.</p>",
"project_empty": "<p>The project is empty.</p><p>Do you want to create a default set of project files?<br/>Otherwise, you will have to manually add files to the project outside of the editor.</p>",
"project_not_found": "<p>Project '__project__' not found.</p>",
"git_merge_conflict": "<p>Automatic merging of changes failed.</p><p>Fix the unmerged conflicts then commit the results.</p>"
"credentials_load_failed": "<p>流程由於無法解密證書而停止。</p> <p>流程證書文件已加密,但是項目的加密密鑰丟失或無效。</p>",
"credentials_load_failed_reset": "<p>證書無法解密</p><p>流程證書文件已加密,但是項目的加密密鑰丟失或無效。</p><p>流程證書文件將在下一次部署時重置。任何現有的流程證書將被清除。</p>",
"missing_flow_file": "<p>找不到項目流程文件。</p><p>該項目未配置流程文件。</p>",
"missing_package_file": "<p>找不到項目包文件。</p><p>項目缺少package.json文件。</p>",
"project_empty": "<p>該項目為空。</p><p>是否要創建一組默認的項目文件?<br/>否則,您將不得不在編輯器外部手動將文件添加到項目中。</p>",
"project_not_found": "<p>找不到項目的'__project__'</p>",
"git_merge_conflict": "<p>自動合併更改失敗。</p><p>修復未合併的衝突,然後提交結果。</p>"
"error": "<strong>Error</strong>: __message__",
"errors": {
@ -131,30 +131,30 @@
"cannotAddSubflowToItself": "無法向其自身添加子流程",
"cannotAddCircularReference": "無法添加子流程 - 迴圈引用",
"unsupportedVersion": "您正在使用不受支持的Node.js版本<br/>請升級到最新版本的Node.js LTS",
"failedToAppendNode": "<p>Failed to load '__module__'</p><p>__error__</p>"
"failedToAppendNode": "<p>加載'__module__'失敗</p><p>__error__</p>"
"project": {
"change-branch": "Change to local branch '__project__'",
"merge-abort": "Git merge aborted",
"loaded": "Project '__project__' loaded",
"updated": "Project '__project__' updated",
"pull": "Project '__project__' reloaded",
"revert": "Project '__project__' reverted",
"merge-complete": "Git merge completed",
"setupCredentials": "Setup credentials",
"setupProjectFiles": "Setup project files",
"no": "No thanks",
"createDefault": "Create default project files",
"mergeConflict": "Show merge conflicts"
"change-branch": "轉到本地分支'__project__'",
"merge-abort": "Git合併中止",
"loaded": "已加載項目'__project__'",
"updated": "已更新項目'__project__'",
"pull": "已重新加載項目'__project__'",
"revert": "項目“__project__”已還原",
"merge-complete": "Git合併完成",
"setupCredentials": "設定證書",
"setupProjectFiles": "設置項目文件",
"no": "不了,謝謝",
"createDefault": "創建默認項目文件",
"mergeConflict": "顯示合併衝突"
"label": {
"manage-project-dep": "Manage project dependencies",
"setup-cred": "Setup credentials",
"setup-project": "Setup project files",
"create-default-package": "Create default package file",
"no-thanks": "No thanks",
"create-default-project": "Create default project files",
"show-merge-conflicts": "Show merge conflicts"
"manage-project-dep": "管理項目依賴性",
"setup-cred": "設定憑證",
"setup-project": "設置項目文件",
"create-default-package": "創建默認的包文件",
"no-thanks": "不了,謝謝",
"create-default-project": "創建默認項目文件",
"show-merge-conflicts": "顯示合併衝突"
"clipboard": {
@ -196,10 +196,10 @@
"import": "匯入到",
"newFlow": "新流程",
"errors": {
"notArray": "Input not a JSON Array",
"itemNotObject": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ not a node object",
"missingId": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ missing 'id' property",
"missingType": "Input not a valid flow - item __index__ missing 'type' property"
"notArray": "輸入的不是JSON數組",
"itemNotObject": "輸入的流程無效-項目__index__不是節點對象",
"missingId": "輸入的流程無效-項__index__缺少“ id”屬性",
"missingType": "輸入的流程無效-項__index__缺少“類型”屬性"
"copyMessagePath": "已複製路徑",
@ -212,13 +212,13 @@
"full": "全面",
"fullDesc": "在工作區中部署所有內容",
"modifiedFlows": "已修改的流程",
"modifiedFlowsDesc": "只部署包含已更改節點的流",
"modifiedFlowsDesc": "只部署包含已更改節點的流",
"modifiedNodes": "已更改的節點",
"modifiedNodesDesc": "只部署已經更改的節點",
"restartFlows": "Restart Flows",
"restartFlowsDesc": "Restarts the current deployed flows",
"restartFlows": "重新啟動流程",
"restartFlowsDesc": "重新啟動當前部署的流程",
"successfulDeploy": "部署成功",
"successfulRestart": "Successfully restarted flows",
"successfulRestart": "成功重啟流程",
"deployFailed": "部署失敗: __message__",
"unusedConfigNodes": "您有一些未使用的配置節點",
"unusedConfigNodesLink": "點擊此處查看它們",
@ -238,13 +238,13 @@
"improperlyConfigured": "工作區包含一些未正確配置的節點:",
"unknown": "工作區包含一些未知的節點類型:",
"confirm": "你確定要部署嗎?",
"doNotWarn": "do not warn about this again",
"doNotWarn": "不要再對此發出警告",
"conflict": "伺服器正在運行較新的一組流程。",
"backgroundUpdate": "伺服器上的流程已更新。",
"conflictChecking": "檢查是否可以自動合併更改",
"conflictAutoMerge": "此更改不包括衝突,可以自動合併",
"conflictManualMerge": "這些更改包括了在部署之前必須解決的衝突。",
"plusNMore": "+ __count__ more"
"plusNMore": "+更多的__count__"
"eventLog": {
@ -254,8 +254,8 @@
"diff": {
"unresolvedCount": "__count__個未解決的衝突",
"unresolvedCount_plural": "__count__個未解決的衝突",
"globalNodes": "Global nodes",
"flowProperties": "Flow Properties",
"globalNodes": "全局節點",
"flowProperties": "流程屬性",
"type": {
"added": "已添加",
"changed": "已更改",
@ -270,18 +270,18 @@
"nodeCount_plural": "__count__個節點",
"local": "本地",
"remote": "遠端",
"reviewChanges": "Review Changes",
"noBinaryFileShowed": "Cannot show binary file contents",
"viewCommitDiff": "View Commit Changes",
"compareChanges": "Compare Changes",
"saveConflict": "Save conflict resolution",
"conflictHeader": "<span>__resolved__</span> of <span>__unresolved__</span> conflicts resolved",
"commonVersionError": "Common Version doesn't contain valid JSON:",
"oldVersionError": "Old Version doesn't contain valid JSON:",
"newVersionError": "New Version doesn't contain valid JSON:"
"reviewChanges": "查看變更",
"noBinaryFileShowed": "無法顯示二進製文件內容",
"viewCommitDiff": "查看提交更改",
"compareChanges": "比較變更",
"saveConflict": "保存衝突解決",
"conflictHeader": "已解決<span>__unresolved__</span>中的<span>__resolved__</span>個衝突",
"commonVersionError": "通用版本不包含有效的JSON",
"oldVersionError": "舊版本不包含有效的JSON",
"newVersionError": "新版本不包含有效的JSON"
"subflow": {
"editSubflowInstance": "Edit subflow instance: __name__",
"editSubflowInstance": "編輯子流程實例:__name__",
"editSubflow": "編輯流程範本: __name__",
"edit": "編輯流程範本",
"subflowInstances": "這個子流程範本有__count__個實例",
@ -289,13 +289,13 @@
"editSubflowProperties": "編輯屬性",
"input": "輸入:",
"output": "輸出:",
"status": "status node",
"status": "狀態節點",
"deleteSubflow": "刪除子流程",
"info": "詳細描述",
"category": "Category",
"category": "類別",
"env": {
"restore": "Restore to subflow default",
"remove": "Remove environment variable"
"restore": "恢復為默認子流程",
"remove": "類別刪除環境變量"
"errors": {
"noNodesSelected": "<strong>無法創建子流程</strong>: 未選擇節點",
@ -323,24 +323,24 @@
"noDefaultLabel": "無",
"defaultLabel": "使用默認標籤",
"searchIcons": "搜尋 icons",
"useDefault": "use default",
"description": "Description",
"show": "Show",
"hide": "Hide",
"useDefault": "使用默認",
"description": "描述",
"show": "顯示",
"hide": "隱藏",
"errors": {
"scopeChange": "更改範圍將使其他流中的節點無法使用",
"invalidProperties": "Invalid properties:"
"scopeChange": "更改範圍將使其他流中的節點無法使用",
"invalidProperties": "無效的屬性:"
"keyboard": {
"title": "鍵盤快速鍵",
"keyboard": "Keyboard",
"filterActions": "filter actions",
"shortcut": "shortcut",
"scope": "scope",
"keyboard": "鍵盤",
"filterActions": "篩選動作",
"shortcut": "快捷鍵",
"scope": "範圍",
"unassigned": "未分配",
"global": "global",
"workspace": "workspace",
"global": "全局",
"workspace": "工作區",
"selectAll": "選擇所有節點",
"selectAllConnected": "選擇所有連接的節點",
"addRemoveNode": "從選擇中添加/刪除節點",
@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"nudgeNode": "移動所選節點(1px)",
"moveNode": "移動所選節點(20px)",
"toggleSidebar": "切換側邊欄",
"togglePalette": "Toggle palette",
"togglePalette": "切換調色板",
"copyNode": "複製所選節點",
"cutNode": "剪切所選節點",
"pasteNode": "粘貼節點",
@ -360,20 +360,20 @@
"managePalette": "管理面板"
"library": {
"library": "Library",
"library": "",
"openLibrary": "打開庫...",
"saveToLibrary": "保存到庫...",
"typeLibrary": "__type__型別程式庫",
"unnamedType": "無名__type__",
"exportedToLibrary": "Nodes exported to library",
"exportedToLibrary": "節點導出到庫",
"dialogSaveOverwrite": "一個叫做__libraryName__的__libraryType__已經存在您需要覆蓋麼",
"invalidFilename": "無效的檔案名",
"savedNodes": "保存的節點",
"savedType": "已保存__type__",
"saveFailed": "保存失敗: __message__",
"types": {
"local": "Local",
"examples": "Examples"
"local": "本地",
"examples": "例子"
"exportToLibrary": "將節點匯出到庫",
"filename": "檔案名",
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
"noInfo": "無可用資訊",
"filter": "過濾節點",
"search": "搜索模組",
"addCategory": "Add new...",
"addCategory": "添加新的...",
"label": {
"subflows": "子流程",
"input": "輸入",
@ -399,8 +399,8 @@
"advanced": "高級"
"actions": {
"collapse-all": "Collapse all categories",
"expand-all": "Expand all categories"
"collapse-all": "收起所有類別",
"expand-all": "展開所有類別"
"event": {
"nodeAdded": "添加到面板中的節點:",
@ -450,7 +450,7 @@
"install": "安裝",
"installed": "已安裝",
"conflict": "conflict",
"conflictTip": "<p>This module cannot be installed as it includes a<br/>node type that has already been installed</p><p>Conflicts with <code>__module__</code></p>",
"conflictTip": "<p>無法安裝此模塊,因為它包含已安裝的<br/>節點類型</p><p>與<code>__module__</code>衝突</p>",
"loading": "載入目錄...",
"tab-nodes": "節點",
"tab-install": "安裝",
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
"sortRecent": "日期順序",
"more": "增加__count__個",
"errors": {
"catalogLoadFailed": "無法載入節點目錄。<br>查看覽器控制台瞭解更多資訊",
"catalogLoadFailed": "無法載入節點目錄。<br>查看覽器控制台瞭解更多資訊",
"installFailed": "無法安裝: __module__<br>__message__<br>查看日誌瞭解更多資訊",
"removeFailed": "無法刪除: __module__<br>__message__<br>查看日誌瞭解更多資訊",
"updateFailed": "無法更新: __module__<br>__message__<br>查看日誌瞭解更多資訊",
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
"instances": "實例",
"properties": "屬性",
"info": "信息",
"desc": "Description",
"desc": "描述",
"blank": "空白",
"null": "空",
"showMore": "展開",
@ -534,16 +534,16 @@
"filtered": "__count__ 個隱藏"
"context": {
"name": "Context Data",
"label": "context",
"none": "none selected",
"refresh": "refresh to load",
"empty": "empty",
"node": "Node",
"flow": "Flow",
"global": "Global",
"deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
"autoRefresh": "Auto-refresh"
"name": "上下文數據",
"label": "上下文",
"none": "未選擇",
"refresh": "刷新以加載",
"empty": "",
"node": "節點",
"flow": "流程",
"global": "全局的",
"deleteConfirm": "你確定要刪除這個項目嗎?",
"autoRefresh": "自動刷新"
"palette": {
"name": "節點管理",
@ -555,149 +555,149 @@
"description": "描述",
"dependencies": "依賴",
"settings": "設置",
"noSummaryAvailable": "No summary available",
"noSummaryAvailable": "無可用摘要",
"editDescription": "編輯專案描述",
"editDependencies": "編輯項目依賴",
"editReadme": "Edit README.md",
"showProjectSettings": "Show project settings",
"showProjectSettings": "顯示項目設置",
"projectSettings": {
"title": "Project Settings",
"edit": "edit",
"title": "項目設定",
"edit": "編輯",
"none": "None",
"install": "install",
"removeFromProject": "remove from project",
"addToProject": "add to project",
"files": "Files",
"package": "Package",
"flow": "Flow",
"credentials": "Credentials",
"packageCreate": "File will be created when changes are saved",
"fileNotExist": "File does not exist",
"selectFile": "Select File",
"invalidEncryptionKey": "Invalid encryption key",
"encryptionEnabled": "Encryption enabled",
"encryptionDisabled": "Encryption disabled",
"setTheEncryptionKey": "Set the encryption key",
"resetTheEncryptionKey": "Reset the encryption key",
"changeTheEncryptionKey": "Change the encryption key",
"currentKey": "Current key",
"newKey": "New key",
"credentialsAlert": "This will delete all existing credentials",
"versionControl": "Version Control",
"branches": "Branches",
"noBranches": "No branches",
"deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the local branch '__name__'? This cannot be undone.",
"unmergedConfirm": "The local branch '__name__' has unmerged changes that will be lost. Are you sure you want to delete it?",
"deleteUnmergedBranch": "Delete unmerged branch",
"gitRemotes": "Git remotes",
"addRemote": "add remote",
"addRemote2": "Add remote",
"remoteName": "Remote name",
"nameRule": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"install": "安裝",
"removeFromProject": "從項目中刪除",
"addToProject": "添加到項目",
"files": "文件",
"package": "",
"flow": "流程",
"credentials": "證書",
"packageCreate": "保存更改後將創建文件",
"fileNotExist": "文件不存在",
"selectFile": "選擇文件",
"invalidEncryptionKey": "無效的加密密鑰",
"encryptionEnabled": "啟用加密",
"encryptionDisabled": "禁用加密",
"setTheEncryptionKey": "設置加密密鑰",
"resetTheEncryptionKey": "重置加密密鑰",
"changeTheEncryptionKey": "更改加密密鑰",
"currentKey": "當前密鑰",
"newKey": "新密鑰",
"credentialsAlert": "這將刪除所有現有證書",
"versionControl": "版本控制",
"branches": "分支",
"noBranches": "沒有分支",
"deleteConfirm": "您確定要刪除本地分支'__name__'嗎?這不能被撤消。",
"unmergedConfirm": "本地分支'__name__'具有未合併的更改,這些更改將丟失。你確定要刪除嗎?",
"deleteUnmergedBranch": "刪除未合併的分支",
"gitRemotes": "Git遠程倉庫",
"addRemote": "添加遠程倉庫",
"addRemote2": "添加遠程倉庫",
"remoteName": "遠程倉庫名",
"nameRule": "必須僅包含A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"url": "URL",
"urlRule": "https://, ssh:// or file://",
"urlRule2": "Do not include the username/password in the URL",
"noRemotes": "No remotes",
"deleteRemoteConfrim": "Are you sure you want to delete the remote '__name__'?",
"deleteRemote": "Delete remote"
"urlRule2": "網址中不要包含用戶名/密碼",
"noRemotes": "沒有遠程倉庫",
"deleteRemoteConfrim": "確定要刪除遠程倉庫'__name__'嗎?",
"deleteRemote": "刪除遠程倉庫"
"userSettings": {
"committerDetail": "Committer Details",
"committerTip": "Leave blank to use system default",
"userName": "Username",
"email": "Email",
"sshKeys": "SSH Keys",
"sshKeysTip": "Allows you to create secure connections to remote git repositories.",
"add": "add key",
"addSshKey": "Add SSH Key",
"addSshKeyTip": "Generate a new public/private key pair",
"name": "Name",
"nameRule": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"passphrase": "Passphrase",
"passphraseShort": "Passphrase too short",
"optional": "Optional",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"generate": "Generate key",
"noSshKeys": "No SSH keys",
"copyPublicKey": "Copy public key to clipboard",
"delete": "Delete key",
"gitConfig": "Git config",
"deleteConfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the SSH key __name__? This cannot be undone."
"committerDetail": "提交者詳細信息",
"committerTip": "保留空白以使用系統默認值",
"userName": "用戶名",
"email": "電子郵件",
"sshKeys": "SSH密鑰",
"sshKeysTip": "允許您創建到遠程git存儲庫的安全連接。",
"add": "添加密鑰",
"addSshKey": "添加SSH密鑰",
"addSshKeyTip": "生成新的公鑰/私鑰對",
"name": "名字",
"nameRule": "必須僅包含A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"passphrase": "密碼短語",
"passphraseShort": "密碼短語太短",
"optional": "可選的",
"cancel": "取消",
"generate": "產生密鑰",
"noSshKeys": "沒有SSH密鑰",
"copyPublicKey": "將公鑰複製到剪貼板",
"delete": "刪除密鑰",
"gitConfig": "Git配置",
"deleteConfirm": "您確定要刪除SSH密鑰__name__嗎 這不能被撤消。"
"versionControl": {
"unstagedChanges": "Unstaged changes",
"stagedChanges": "Staged changes",
"unstageChange": "Unstage change",
"stageChange": "Stage change",
"unstageAllChange": "Unstage all changes",
"stageAllChange": "Stage all changes",
"commitChanges": "Commit changes",
"resolveConflicts": "Resolve conflicts",
"unstagedChanges": "未暫存的更改",
"stagedChanges": "已暫存的更改",
"unstageChange": "取消暫存更改",
"stageChange": "暫存更改",
"unstageAllChange": "取消暫存所有更改",
"stageAllChange": "暫存所有更改",
"commitChanges": "提交變更",
"resolveConflicts": "解決衝突",
"head": "HEAD",
"staged": "Staged",
"unstaged": "Unstaged",
"local": "Local",
"remote": "Remote",
"revert": "Are you sure you want to revert the changes to '__file__'? This cannot be undone.",
"revertChanges": "Revert changes",
"localChanges": "Local Changes",
"staged": "以暫存",
"unstaged": "未暫存",
"local": "本地的",
"remote": "遠程的",
"revert": "您確定要將更改恢復為'__file__'嗎? 這不能被撤消。",
"revertChanges": "還原變更",
"localChanges": "當地變化",
"none": "None",
"conflictResolve": "All conflicts resolved. Commit the changes to complete the merge.",
"localFiles": "Local files",
"all": "all",
"unmergedChanges": "Unmerged changes",
"abortMerge": "abort merge",
"commit": "commit",
"changeToCommit": "Changes to commit",
"commitPlaceholder": "Enter your commit message",
"cancelCapital": "Cancel",
"commitCapital": "Commit",
"commitHistory": "Commit History",
"branch": "Branch:",
"moreCommits": " more commit(s)",
"changeLocalBranch": "Change local branch",
"createBranchPlaceholder": "Find or create a branch",
"upstream": "upstream",
"localOverwrite": "You have local changes that would be overwritten by changing the branch. You must either commit or undo those changes first.",
"manageRemoteBranch": "Manage remote branch",
"unableToAccess": "Unable to access remote repository",
"retry": "Retry",
"setUpstreamBranch": "Set as upstream branch",
"createRemoteBranchPlaceholder": "Find or create a remote branch",
"trackedUpstreamBranch": "The created branch will be set as the tracked upstream branch.",
"selectUpstreamBranch": "The branch will be created. Select below to set it as the tracked upstream branch.",
"pushFailed": "Push failed as the remote has more recent commits. Pull and merge first, then push again.",
"conflictResolve": "解決所有衝突。 提交更改以完成合併。",
"localFiles": "本地文件",
"all": "所有的",
"unmergedChanges": "未合併的更改",
"abortMerge": "合併中止",
"commit": "提交",
"changeToCommit": "提交變更",
"commitPlaceholder": "輸入您的提交信息",
"cancelCapital": "取消",
"commitCapital": "提交",
"commitHistory": "提交歷史",
"branch": "分支:",
"moreCommits": "更多提交",
"changeLocalBranch": "變更當地分支",
"createBranchPlaceholder": "查找或創建分支",
"upstream": "上游的",
"localOverwrite": "您有可通过切换分支覆盖的本地更改。您必须先提交或撤销那些更改。",
"manageRemoteBranch": "管理遠程分支",
"unableToAccess": "無法訪問遠程存儲庫",
"retry": "重試",
"setUpstreamBranch": "設置為上游分支",
"createRemoteBranchPlaceholder": "查找或創建遠程分支",
"trackedUpstreamBranch": "創建的分支將被設置為跟踪的上游分支。",
"selectUpstreamBranch": "分支將被創建。 在下面選擇以將其設置為被跟踪的上游分支。",
"pushFailed": "Push失敗因為遠程具有更多的最新提交。請先進行pull與merge然後再嘗試push。",
"push": "push",
"pull": "pull",
"unablePull": "<p>Unable to pull remote changes; your unstaged local changes would be overwritten.</p><p>Commit your changes and try again.</p>",
"showUnstagedChanges": "Show unstaged changes",
"connectionFailed": "Could not connect to remote repository: ",
"pullUnrelatedHistory": "<p>The remote has an unrelated history of commits.</p><p>Are you sure you want to pull the changes into your local repository?</p>",
"pullChanges": "Pull changes",
"history": "history",
"projectHistory": "Project History",
"daysAgo": "__count__ day ago",
"daysAgo_plural": "__count__ days ago",
"hoursAgo": "__count__ hour ago",
"hoursAgo_plural": "__count__ hours ago",
"minsAgo": "__count__ min ago",
"minsAgo_plural": "__count__ mins ago",
"secondsAgo": "Seconds ago",
"notTracking": "Your local branch is not currently tracking a remote branch.",
"statusUnmergedChanged": "Your repository has unmerged changes. You need to fix the conflicts and commit the result.",
"repositoryUpToDate": "Your repository is up to date.",
"commitsAhead": "Your repository is __count__ commit ahead of the remote. You can push this commit now.",
"commitsAhead_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits ahead of the remote. You can push these commits now.",
"commitsBehind": "Your repository is __count__ commit behind of the remote. You can pull this commit now.",
"commitsBehind_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits behind of the remote. You can pull these commits now.",
"commitsAheadAndBehind1": "Your repository is __count__ commit behind and ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind1_plural": "Your repository is __count__ commits behind and ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind2": "__count__ commit ahead of the remote. ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind2_plural": "__count__ commits ahead of the remote. ",
"commitsAheadAndBehind3": "You must pull the remote commit down before pushing.",
"commitsAheadAndBehind3_plural": "You must pull the remote commits down before pushing.",
"refreshCommitHistory": "Refresh commit history",
"refreshChanges": "Refresh changes"
"unablePull": "<p>無法提取遠程更改;您未進行的暫存本地更改將被覆蓋。</p><p>提交更改,然後重試。</p>",
"showUnstagedChanges": "顯示未分階段的更改",
"connectionFailed": "無法連接到遠程存儲庫:",
"pullUnrelatedHistory": "<p>遠程服務器具有不相關的提交歷史記錄。</p><p>您確定要將更改保存到本地存儲庫中嗎?</p>",
"pullChanges": "Pull變更",
"history": "歷史",
"projectHistory": "項目歷史",
"daysAgo": "__count__天前",
"daysAgo_plural": "__count__天前",
"hoursAgo": "__count__小時前",
"hoursAgo_plural": "__count__小時前",
"minsAgo": "__count__分鐘前",
"minsAgo_plural": "__count__分鐘前",
"secondsAgo": "秒前",
"notTracking": "您的本地分支當前未跟踪遠程分支。",
"statusUnmergedChanged": "您的存儲庫中有未合併的更改。您需要解決衝突並提交結果。",
"repositoryUpToDate": "您的存儲庫是最新的。",
"commitsAhead": "您的倉庫領先遠程倉庫__count__次提交。您現在可以push這些提交。",
"commitsAhead_plural": "您的倉庫領先遠程倉庫__count__次提交。您現在可以push這些提交。",
"commitsBehind": "您的倉庫落後遠程倉庫__count__次提交。您現在可以pull這些提交。",
"commitsBehind_plural": "您的倉庫落後遠程倉庫__count__次提交。您現在可以pull這些提交。",
"commitsAheadAndBehind1": "您的倉庫落後遠程倉庫__count__次提交",
"commitsAheadAndBehind1_plural": "您的倉庫落後遠程倉庫__count__次提交",
"commitsAheadAndBehind2": "領先遠程倉庫__count__次提交。",
"commitsAheadAndBehind2_plural": "領先遠程倉庫__count__次提交。",
"commitsAheadAndBehind3": "您必須先pull遠程提交然後再進行push。",
"commitsAheadAndBehind3_plural": "您必須先pull遠程提交然後再進行push。",
"refreshCommitHistory": "刷新提交歷史",
"refreshChanges": "刷新更改"
@ -773,173 +773,173 @@
"modeDesc": "<h3>緩衝區編輯器</h3><p>緩衝區類型被存儲為位元組值的JSON陣列。編輯器將嘗試將輸入的數值解析為JSON陣列。如果它不是有效的JSON它將被視為UTF-8字串並被轉換為單個字元代碼點的陣列。</p><p>例如,<code>Hello World</code>的值會被轉換為JSON陣列<pre>[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100]</pre></p>"
"projects": {
"config-git": "Configure Git client",
"config-git": "配置Git客戶端",
"welcome": {
"hello": "Hello! We have introduced 'projects' to Node-RED.",
"desc0": "This is a new way for you to manage your flow files and includes version control of your flows.",
"desc1": "To get started you can create your first project or clone an existing project from a git repository.",
"desc2": "If you are not sure, you can skip this for now. You will still be able to create your first project from the 'Projects' menu at any time.",
"create": "Create Project",
"clone": "Clone Repository",
"openExistingProject": "Open existing project",
"not-right-now": "Not right now"
"hello": "你好! 我們已經將“項目”引入了Node-RED。",
"desc0": "這是一種用於管理流程文件的新方法,並且包括對流程的版本控制。",
"desc1": "首先您可以創建您的第一個項目或從git存儲庫克隆現有項目。",
"desc2": "如果不確定,可以暫時跳過此步驟。 您仍然可以隨時通過“項目”菜單創建第一個項目。",
"create": "創建項目",
"clone": "克隆存儲庫",
"openExistingProject": "打開現有項目",
"not-right-now": "不是現在"
"git-config": {
"setup": "Setup your version control client",
"desc0": "Node-RED uses the open source tool Git for version control. It tracks changes to your project files and lets you push them to remote repositories.",
"desc1": "When you commit a set of changes, Git records who made the changes with a username and email address. The Username can be anything you want - it does not need to be your real name.",
"desc2": "Your Git client is already configured with the details below.",
"desc3": "You can change these settings later under the 'Git config' tab of the settings dialog.",
"username": "Username",
"email": "Email"
"setup": "設置您的版本控制客戶端",
"desc0": "Node-RED使用開源工具Git進行版本控制。 它跟踪對項目文件的更改,並允許您將其推送到遠程存儲庫。",
"desc1": "提交一組更改時Git會使用用戶名和電子郵件地址記錄誰進行了更改。 用戶名可以是您想要的任何名稱-不必是您的真實姓名。",
"desc2": "您的Git客戶端已經配置了以下詳細信息。",
"desc3": "您可以稍後在設置對話框的“ Git config”標籤下更改這些設置。",
"username": "用戶名",
"email": "電子郵件"
"project-details": {
"create": "Create your project",
"desc0": "A project is maintained as a Git repository. It makes it much easier to share your flows with others and to collaborate on them.",
"desc1": "You can create multiple projects and quickly switch between them from the editor.",
"desc2": "To begin, your project needs a name and an optional description.",
"already-exists": "Project already exists",
"must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"project-name": "Project name",
"create": "創建您的項目",
"desc0": "項目被維護為Git存儲庫。 與他人共享您的流程並進行協作更容易。",
"desc1": "您可以創建多個項目,並通過編輯器在它們之間快速切換。",
"desc2": "首先,您的項目需要一個名稱和一個可選的描述。",
"already-exists": "項目已存在",
"must-contain": "必須僅包含A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"project-name": "項目名",
"desc": "描述",
"opt": "Optional"
"opt": "可選的"
"clone-project": {
"clone": "Clone a project",
"desc0": "If you already have a git repository containing a project, you can clone it to get started.",
"already-exists": "Project already exists",
"must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"project-name": "Project name",
"no-info-in-url": "Do not include the username/password in the url",
"git-url": "Git repository URL",
"clone": "克隆項目",
"desc0": "如果您已經有一個包含項目的git存儲庫則可以對其進行克隆以開始使用。",
"already-exists": "項目已經存在",
"must-contain": "必須僅包含A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"project-name": "項目名",
"no-info-in-url": "網址中不要包含用戶名/密碼",
"git-url": "Git存儲庫URL",
"protocols": "https://, ssh:// or file://",
"auth-failed": "Authentication failed",
"username": "Username",
"passwd": "Password",
"ssh-key": "SSH Key",
"passphrase": "Passphrase",
"ssh-key-desc": "Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.",
"ssh-key-add": "Add an ssh key",
"credential-key": "Credentials encryption key",
"cant-get-ssh-key": "Error! Can't get selected SSH key path.",
"already-exists2": "already exists",
"git-error": "git error",
"connection-failed": "Connection failed",
"not-git-repo": "Not a git repository",
"repo-not-found": "Repository not found"
"auth-failed": "驗證失敗",
"username": "用戶名",
"passwd": "密碼",
"ssh-key": "SSH密鑰",
"passphrase": "密碼短語",
"ssh-key-desc": "在通過ssh克隆存儲庫之前必須添加SSH密鑰才能訪問它。",
"ssh-key-add": "添加一個ssh密鑰",
"credential-key": "證書加密密鑰",
"cant-get-ssh-key": "錯誤! 無法獲取所選的SSH密鑰路徑。",
"already-exists2": "已存在",
"git-error": "git錯誤",
"connection-failed": "連接失敗",
"not-git-repo": "不是一個git倉庫",
"repo-not-found": "未發現倉庫"
"default-files": {
"create": "Create your project files",
"desc0": "A project contains your flow files, a README file and a package.json file.",
"desc1": "It can contain any other files you want to maintain in the Git repository.",
"desc2": "Your existing flow and credential files will be copied into the project.",
"flow-file": "Flow file",
"credentials-file": "Credentials file"
"create": "創建您的項目文件",
"desc0": "一個項目包含您的流程文件自述文件和package.json文件。",
"desc1": "它可以包含您要在Git存儲庫中維護的任何其他文件。",
"desc2": "您現有的流程和證書文件將被複製到項目中。",
"flow-file": "流文件",
"credentials-file": "證書文件"
"encryption-config": {
"setup": "Setup encryption of your credentials file",
"desc0": "Your flow credentials file can be encrypted to keep its contents secure.",
"desc1": "If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.",
"desc2": "Your flow credentials file is not currently encrypted.",
"desc3": "That means its contents, such as passwords and access tokens, can be read by anyone with access to the file.",
"desc4": "If you want to store these credentials in a public Git repository, you must encrypt them by providing a secret key phrase.",
"desc5": "Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using the credentialSecret property from your settings file as the key.",
"desc6": "Your flow credentials file is currently encrypted using a system-generated key. You should provide a new secret key for this project.",
"desc7": "The key will be stored separately from your project files. You will need to provide the key to use this project in another instance of Node-RED.",
"credentials": "Credentials",
"enable": "Enable encryption",
"disable": "Disable encryption",
"disabled": "disabled",
"copy": "Copy over existing key",
"use-custom": "Use custom key",
"desc8": "The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read",
"create-project-files": "Create project files",
"create-project": "Create project",
"already-exists": "already exists",
"git-error": "git error",
"git-auth-error": "git auth error"
"setup": "設置證書文件的加密",
"desc0": "您的流程證書文件可以被加密以確保其內容安全。",
"desc1": "如果要將這些證書存儲在公共Git存儲庫中則必須通過提供密鑰短語來對它們進行加密。",
"desc2": "您的流程證書文件當前未加密。",
"desc3": "這意味著任何有權訪問該文件的人都可以讀取其內容,例如密碼和訪問令牌。",
"desc4": "如果要將這些證書存儲在公共Git存儲庫中則必須通過提供密鑰短語來對它們進行加密。",
"desc5": "當前使用設置文件中的credentialSecret屬性作為密鑰來加密流憑據文件。",
"desc6": "您的流程證書文件當前使用系統生成的密鑰加密。 您應該為此項目提供一個新的密鑰。",
"desc7": "密鑰將與項目文件分開存儲。 您將需要提供在另一個Node-RED實例中使用該項目的密鑰。",
"credentials": "證書",
"enable": "啟用加密",
"disable": "禁用加密",
"disabled": "禁用的",
"copy": "複製現有密鑰",
"use-custom": "使用自定義密鑰",
"desc8": "憑證文件不會被加密,其內容很容易閱讀",
"create-project-files": "創建項目文件",
"create-project": "創建項目",
"already-exists": "已存在",
"git-error": "git錯誤",
"git-auth-error": "git認證錯誤"
"create-success": {
"success": "You have successfully created your first project!",
"desc0": "You can now continue to use Node-RED just as you always have.",
"desc1": "The 'info' tab in the sidebar shows you what your current active project is. The button next to the name can be used to access the project settings view.",
"desc2": "The 'history' tab in the sidebar can be used to view files that have changed in your project and to commit them. It shows you a complete history of your commits and allows you to push your changes to a remote repository."
"success": "您已經成功創建了第一個項目!",
"desc0": "現在您可以像往常一樣繼續使用Node-RED。",
"desc1": "側欄中的“信息”標籤顯示了您當前的活動項目。名稱旁邊的按鈕可用於訪問項目設置視圖。",
"desc2": "側欄中的“歷史記錄”標籤可用於查看項目中已更改的文件並提交。 它向您顯示了提交的完整歷史記錄,並允許您將更改推送到遠程存儲庫。"
"create": {
"projects": "Projects",
"already-exists": "Project already exists",
"must-contain": "Must contain only A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"no-info-in-url": "Do not include the username/password in the url",
"open": "Open Project",
"create": "Create Project",
"clone": "Clone Repository",
"project-name": "Project name",
"projects": "項目",
"already-exists": "項目已存在",
"must-contain": "必須僅包含A-Z 0-9 _ -",
"no-info-in-url": "網址中不要包含用戶名/密碼",
"open": "打開項目",
"create": "創建項目",
"clone": "克隆倉庫",
"project-name": "項目名",
"desc": "描述",
"opt": "Optional",
"flow-file": "Flow file",
"credentials": "Credentials",
"enable-encryption": "Enable encryption",
"disable-encryption": "Disable encryption",
"encryption-key": "Encryption key",
"desc0": "A phrase to secure your credentials with",
"desc1": "The credentials file will not be encrypted and its contents easily read",
"git-url": "Git repository URL",
"opt": "可選的",
"flow-file": "流程文件",
"credentials": "證書",
"enable-encryption": "啟用加密",
"disable-encryption": "禁用加密",
"encryption-key": "加密的密鑰",
"desc0": "用來保護您的憑證的短語",
"desc1": "憑證文件不會被加密,其內容很容易閱讀",
"git-url": "Git倉庫的URL",
"protocols": "https://, ssh:// or file://",
"auth-failed": "Authentication failed",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"ssh-key": "SSH Key",
"passphrase": "Passphrase",
"desc2": "Before you can clone a repository over ssh you must add an SSH key to access it.",
"add-ssh-key": "Add an ssh key",
"credentials-encryption-key": "Credentials encryption key",
"already-exists-2": "already exists",
"git-error": "git error",
"con-failed": "Connection failed",
"not-git": "Not a git repository",
"no-resource": "Repository not found",
"cant-get-ssh-key-path": "Error! Can't get selected SSH key path.",
"unexpected_error": "unexpected_error"
"auth-failed": "驗證失敗",
"username": "用戶名",
"password": "密碼",
"ssh-key": "SSH密鑰",
"passphrase": "密碼短語",
"desc2": "在通過ssh克隆存儲庫之前必須添加SSH密鑰才能訪問它。",
"add-ssh-key": "添加一個ssh密鑰",
"credentials-encryption-key": "憑證加密密鑰",
"already-exists-2": "已存在",
"git-error": "git錯誤",
"con-failed": "連接失敗",
"not-git": "不是git倉庫",
"no-resource": "找不到存儲庫",
"cant-get-ssh-key-path": "錯誤! 無法獲取所選的SSH密鑰路徑。",
"unexpected_error": "意外的錯誤"
"delete": {
"confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this project?"
"confirm": "您確定要刪除此項目嗎?"
"create-project-list": {
"search": "search your projects",
"current": "current"
"search": "搜索您的項目",
"current": "當前的"
"require-clean": {
"confirm": "<p>You have undeployed changes that will be lost.</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p>"
"confirm": "<p>您有未部署的更改,這些更改將丟失。</p><p>您要繼續嗎?</p>"
"send-req": {
"auth-req": "Authentication required for repository",
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"passphrase": "Passphrase",
"retry": "Retry",
"update-failed": "Failed to update auth",
"unhandled": "Unhandled error response"
"auth-req": "存儲庫需要認證",
"username": "用戶名",
"password": "密碼",
"passphrase": "密碼短語",
"retry": "重試",
"update-failed": "無法更新身份驗證",
"unhandled": "未處理的錯誤響應"
"create-branch-list": {
"invalid": "Invalid branch",
"create": "Create branch",
"current": "current"
"invalid": "無效的分支",
"create": "創建分支",
"current": "當前的"
"create-default-file-set": {
"no-active": "Cannot create default file set without an active project",
"no-empty": "Cannot create default file set on a non-empty project",
"no-active": "沒有活動項目就無法創建默認文件集",
"no-empty": "無法在非空項目上創建默認文件集",
"git-error": "git error"
"errors": {
"no-username-email": "Your Git client is not configured with a username/email.",
"unexpected": "An unexpected error occurred",
"code": "code"
"no-username-email": "您的Git客戶端未配置用戶名/電子郵件。",
"unexpected": "發生了一個意料之外的問題",
"code": "代碼"
"editor-tab": {
"properties": "Properties",
"properties": "屬性",
"description": "描述",
"appearance": "Appearance",
"env": "Environment Variables"
"appearance": "外觀",
"env": "環境變量"