Add RFC spec mode to CSV node

closes #3934
This commit is contained in:
Steve-Mcl 2024-01-23 10:35:08 +00:00
parent 918943816f
commit ff8eb0ec2b
6 changed files with 2537 additions and 462 deletions

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@ -17,7 +17,20 @@
<input style="width:40px;" type="text" id="node-input-sep" pattern=".">
<div class="form-row">
<label><i class="fa fa-code"></i> <span data-i18n="csv.label.spec"></span></label>
<div style="display: inline-grid;width: 70%;">
<select style="width:100%" id="csv-option-spec">
<option value="rfc" data-i18n="csv.spec.rfc"></option>
<option value="" data-i18n="csv.spec.legacy"></option>
<div class="form-tips csv-lecacy-warning" data-i18n="node-red:csv.spec.legacy_warning"
style="width: calc(100% - 18px); margin-top: 4px; max-width: unset;">
<div class="form-row">
<label for="node-input-name"><i class="fa fa-tag"></i> <span data-i18n=""></span></label>
<input type="text" id="node-input-name" data-i18n="[placeholder]">
@ -60,10 +73,10 @@
<div class="form-row" style="padding-left:20px;">
<label style="width:auto; margin-right:10px;" for="node-input-ret"><span data-i18n="csv.label.newline"></span></label>
<select style="width:150px;" id="node-input-ret">
<select style="width:calc(70% - 108px);" id="node-input-ret">
<option value='\r\n' data-i18n=""></option>
<option value='\n' data-i18n="csv.newline.linux"></option>
<option value='\r' data-i18n="csv.newline.mac"></option>
<option value='\r\n' data-i18n=""></option>
@ -75,6 +88,7 @@
defaults: {
name: {value:""},
spec: {value:"rfc"},
sep: {
value:',', required:true,
@ -83,7 +97,7 @@
hdrin: {value:""},
hdrout: {value:"none"},
multi: {value:"one",required:true},
ret: {value:'\\n'},
ret: {value:'\\r\\n'}, // default to CRLF (RFC4180 Sec 2.1: "Each record is located on a separate line, delimited by a line break (CRLF)")
temp: {value:""},
skip: {value:"0"},
strings: {value:true},
@ -123,6 +137,27 @@
$("#csv-option-spec").on("change", function() {
if ($("#csv-option-spec").val() == "rfc") {
} else {
// new nodes will have `spec` set to "rfc" (default), but existing nodes will either not have
// a spec value or it will be empty - we need to maintain the legacy behaviour for existing
// flows but default to rfc for new nodes
let spec = !this.spec ? "" : "rfc"
oneditsave: function() {
const specFormVal = $("#csv-option-spec").val() || '' // empty === legacy
const spectNodeVal = this.spec || '' // empty === legacy, null/undefined means in-place node upgrade (keep as is)
if (specFormVal !== spectNodeVal) {
// only update the flow value if changed (avoid marking the node dirty unnecessarily)
this.spec = specFormVal

View File

@ -15,9 +15,18 @@
module.exports = function(RED) {
const csv = require('./lib/csv')
"use strict";
function CSVNode(n) {
const node = this
const RFC4180Mode = n.spec === 'rfc'
const legacyMode = !RFC4180Mode
node.status({}) // clear status
if (legacyMode) {
this.template = (n.temp || "");
this.sep = (n.sep || ',').replace(/\\t/g,"\t").replace(/\\n/g,"\n").replace(/\\r/g,"\r");
this.quo = '"';
@ -37,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
if (this.hdrout === false) { this.hdrout = "none"; }
if (this.hdrout === true) { this.hdrout = "all"; }
var tmpwarn = true;
var node = this;
// var node = this;
var re = new RegExp(node.sep.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+!<=:?.\/\\^$|#\s,]/g,'\\$&') + '(?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)','g');
// pass in an array of column names to be trimmed, de-quoted and retrimmed
@ -163,7 +172,9 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
// join lines, don't forget to add the last new line
msg.payload = ou.join(node.ret) + node.ret;
msg.columns = => v.indexOf(',')!==-1 ? '"'+v+'"' : v).join(',');
if (msg.payload !== '') { send(msg); }
if (msg.payload !== '') {
catch(e) { done(e); }
@ -332,5 +343,346 @@ module.exports = function(RED) {
if(RFC4180Mode) {
node.template = (n.temp || "")
node.sep = (n.sep || ',').replace(/\\t/g, "\t").replace(/\\n/g, "\n").replace(/\\r/g, "\r")
node.quo = '"'
// default to CRLF (RFC4180 Sec 2.1: "Each record is located on a separate line, delimited by a line break (CRLF)")
node.ret = (n.ret || "\r\n").replace(/\\n/g, "\n").replace(/\\r/g, "\r")
node.multi = n.multi || "one"
node.hdrin = n.hdrin || false
node.hdrout = n.hdrout || "none"
node.goodtmpl = true
node.skip = parseInt(n.skip || 0) = []
node.parsestrings = n.strings
node.include_empty_strings = n.include_empty_strings || false
node.include_null_values = n.include_null_values || false
if (node.parsestrings === undefined) { node.parsestrings = true }
if (node.hdrout === false) { node.hdrout = "none" }
if (node.hdrout === true) { node.hdrout = "all" }
const dontSendHeaders = node.hdrout === "none"
const sendHeadersOnce = node.hdrout === "once"
const sendHeadersAlways = node.hdrout === "all"
const sendHeaders = !dontSendHeaders && (sendHeadersOnce || sendHeadersAlways)
const quoteables = [node.sep, node.quo, "\n", "\r"]
const templateQuoteables = [',', '"', "\n", "\r"]
let badTemplateWarnOnce = true
const columnStringToTemplateArray = function (col, sep) {
// NOTE: enforce strict column template parsing in RFC4180 mode
const parsed = csv.parse(col, { separator: sep, quote: node.quo, outputStyle: 'array', strict: true })
if (parsed.headers.length > 0) { node.goodtmpl = true } else { node.goodtmpl = false }
return parsed.headers.length ? parsed.headers : null
const templateArrayToColumnString = function (template, keepEmptyColumns) {
// NOTE: enforce strict column template parsing in RFC4180 mode
const parsed = csv.parse('', {headers: template, headersOnly:true, separator: ',', quote: node.quo, outputStyle: 'array', strict: true })
return keepEmptyColumns
? => addQuotes(e || '', { separator: ',', quoteables: templateQuoteables}))
: parsed.header // exclues empty columns
// TODO: resolve inconsistency between CSV->JSON and JSON->CSV
// CSV->JSON: empty columns are excluded
// JSON->CSV: empty columns are kept in some cases
function addQuotes(cell, options) {
options = options || {}
return csv.quoteCell(cell, {
quote: options.quote || node.quo || '"',
separator: options.separator || node.sep || ',',
quoteables: options.quoteables || quoteables
const hasTemplate = (t) => t?.length > 0 && !(t.length === 1 && t[0] === '')
let template
try {
template = columnStringToTemplateArray(node.template, ',') || ['']
} catch (e) {
node.warn(RED._("csv.errors.bad_template")) // is warning really necessary now we have status?
node.status({ fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: RED._("csv.errors.bad_template") })
return // dont hook up the node
const noTemplate = hasTemplate(template) === false
node.hdrSent = false
node.on("input", function (msg, send, done) {
node.status({}) // clear status
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) {
node.hdrSent = false
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("payload")) {
let inputData = msg.payload
if (typeof inputData == "object") { // convert object to CSV string
try {
// first determine the payload kind. Array or objects? Array of primitives? Array of arrays? Just an object?
// then, if necessary, convert to an array of objects/arrays
let isObject = !Array.isArray(inputData) && typeof inputData === 'object'
let isArrayOfObjects = Array.isArray(inputData) && inputData.length > 0 && typeof inputData[0] === 'object'
let isArrayOfArrays = Array.isArray(inputData) && inputData.length > 0 && Array.isArray(inputData[0])
let isArrayOfPrimitives = Array.isArray(inputData) && inputData.length > 0 && typeof inputData[0] !== 'object'
if (isObject) {
inputData = [inputData]
isArrayOfObjects = true
isObject = false
} else if (isArrayOfPrimitives) {
inputData = [inputData]
isArrayOfArrays = true
isArrayOfPrimitives = false
const stringBuilder = []
if (!(noTemplate && (msg.hasOwnProperty("parts") &&"index") && > 0))) {
template = columnStringToTemplateArray(node.template) || ['']
// build header line
if (sendHeaders && node.hdrSent === false) {
if (hasTemplate(template) === false) {
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("columns")) {
template = columnStringToTemplateArray(msg.columns || "", ",") || ['']
else {
template = Object.keys(inputData[0]) || ['']
stringBuilder.push(templateArrayToColumnString(template, true))
if (sendHeadersOnce) { node.hdrSent = true }
// build csv lines
for (let s = 0; s < inputData.length; s++) {
let row = inputData[s]
if (isArrayOfArrays) {
/*** row is an array of arrays ***/
const _hasTemplate = hasTemplate(template)
const len = _hasTemplate ? template.length : row.length
const result = []
for (let t = 0; t < len; t++) {
let cell = row[t]
if (cell === undefined) { cell = "" }
if(_hasTemplate) {
const header = template[t]
if (header) {
result[t] = addQuotes(RED.util.ensureString(cell))
} else {
result[t] = addQuotes(RED.util.ensureString(cell))
} else {
/*** row is an object ***/
if (hasTemplate(template) === false && (msg.hasOwnProperty("columns"))) {
template = columnStringToTemplateArray(msg.columns || "", ",")
if (hasTemplate(template) === false) {
/*** row is an object but we still don't have a template ***/
if (badTemplateWarnOnce === true) {
badTemplateWarnOnce = false
const rowData = []
for (let header in inputData[0]) {
if (row.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
const cell = row[header]
if (typeof cell !== "object") {
let cellValue = ""
if (cell !== undefined) {
cellValue += cell
} else {
/*** row is an object and we have a template ***/
const rowData = []
for (let t = 0; t < template.length; t++) {
if (!template[t]) {
else {
let cellValue = inputData[s][template[t]]
if (cellValue === undefined) { cellValue = "" }
cellValue = RED.util.ensureString(cellValue)
stringBuilder.push(rowData.join(node.sep)); // add separator
// join lines, don't forget to add the last new line
msg.payload = stringBuilder.join(node.ret) + node.ret
msg.columns = templateArrayToColumnString(template)
if (msg.payload !== '') { send(msg) }
catch (e) {
else if (typeof inputData == "string") { // convert CSV string to object
try {
let firstLine = true; // is this the first line
let last = false
let linecount = 0
const has_parts = msg.hasOwnProperty("parts")
// determine if this is a multi part message and if so what part we are processing
if (msg.hasOwnProperty("parts")) {
linecount =
if ( > node.skip) { firstLine = false }
if ("count") && ( + 1 >= { last = true }
// If skip is set, compute the cursor position to start parsing from
let _cursor = 0
if (node.skip > 0 && linecount < node.skip) {
for (; _cursor < inputData.length; _cursor++) {
if (firstLine && (linecount < node.skip)) {
if (inputData[_cursor] === "\r" || inputData[_cursor] === "\n") {
linecount += 1
if (_cursor >= inputData.length) {
return // skip this line
// count the number of line breaks in the string
const noofCR = ((_cursor ? inputData.slice(_cursor) : inputData).match(/[\r\n]/g) || []).length
// if we have `parts` and we are outputting multiple objects and we have more than one line
// then we need to set firstLine to true so that we process the header line
if (has_parts && node.multi === "mult" && noofCR > 1) {
firstLine = true
// if we are processing the first line and the node has been set to extract the header line
// update the template with the header line
if (firstLine && node.hdrin === true) {
/** @type {import('./lib/csv/index.js').CSVParseOptions} */
const csvOptionsForHeaderRow = {
cursor: _cursor,
separator: node.sep,
quote: node.quo,
dataHasHeaderRow: true,
headersOnly: true,
outputStyle: 'array',
strict: true // enforce strict parsing of the header row
try {
const csvHeader = csv.parse(inputData, csvOptionsForHeaderRow)
template = csvHeader.headers
_cursor = csvHeader.cursor
} catch (e) {
// node.warn(RED._("csv.errors.bad_template")) // add warning?
node.status({ fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: RED._("csv.errors.bad_template") })
throw e
// now we process the data lines
/** @type {import('./lib/csv/index.js').CSVParseOptions} */
const csvOptions = {
cursor: _cursor,
separator: node.sep,
quote: node.quo,
dataHasHeaderRow: false,
headers: hasTemplate(template) ? template : null,
outputStyle: 'object',
includeNullValues: node.include_null_values,
includeEmptyStrings: node.include_empty_strings,
parseNumeric: node.parsestrings,
strict: false // relax the strictness of the parser for data rows
const csvParseResult = csv.parse(inputData, csvOptions)
const data =
// output results
if (node.multi !== "one") {
if (has_parts && noofCR <= 1) {
if (data.length > 0) {
if ( + 1 === {
msg.payload =
msg.columns = csvParseResult.header
// msg._mode = 'RFC4180 mode'
send(msg) = []
else {
msg.columns = csvParseResult.header
// msg._mode = 'RFC4180 mode'
msg.payload = data
send(msg); // finally send the array
else {
const len = data.length
for (let row = 0; row < len; row++) {
const newMessage = RED.util.cloneMessage(msg)
newMessage.columns = csvParseResult.header
newMessage.payload = data[row]
if (!has_parts) { = {
id: msg._msgid,
index: row,
count: len
else { -= node.skip -= node.skip
if (node.hdrin) { // if we removed the header line then shift the counts by 1 -= 1 -= 1
if (last) { newMessage.complete = true }
// newMessage._mode = 'RFC4180 mode'
if (has_parts && last && len === 0) {
// send({complete:true, _mode: 'RFC4180 mode'})
send({ complete: true })
node.linecount = 0
catch (e) {
else {
// RFC-vs-legacy mode difference: In RFC mode, we throw catchable errors and provide a status message
const err = new Error(RED._("csv.errors.csv_js"))
node.status({ fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: err.message })
else {
if (!msg.hasOwnProperty("reset")) {
node.send(msg); // If no payload and not reset - just pass it on.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
* @typedef {Object} CSVParseOptions
* @property {number} [cursor=0] - an index into the CSV to start parsing from
* @property {string} [separator=','] - the separator character
* @property {string} [quote='"'] - the quote character
* @property {boolean} [headersOnly=false] - only parse the headers and return them
* @property {string[]} [headers=[]] - an array of headers to use instead of the first row of the CSV data
* @property {boolean} [dataHasHeaderRow=true] - whether the CSV data to parse has a header row
* @property {boolean} [outputHeader=true] - whether the output data should include a header row (only applies to array output)
* @property {boolean} [parseNumeric=false] - parse numeric values into numbers
* @property {boolean} [includeNullValues=false] - include null values in the output
* @property {boolean} [includeEmptyStrings=true] - include empty strings in the output
* @property {string} [outputStyle='object'] - output an array of arrays or an array of objects
* @property {boolean} [strict=false] - throw an error if the CSV is malformed
* Parses a CSV string into an array of arrays or an array of objects.
* * Deviations from the RFC4180 spec (for the sake of user fiendliness, system implementations and flexibility), this parser will:
* * accept any separator character, not just `,`
* * accept any quote character, not just `"`
* * parse `\r`, `\n` or `\r\n` as line endings (RRFC4180 2.1 states lines are separated by CRLF)
* * Only single character `quote` is supported
* * `quote` is `"` by default
* * Any cell that contains a `quote` or `separator` will be quoted
* * Any `quote` characters inside a cell will be escaped as per RFC 4180 2.6
* * Only single character `separator` is supported
* * Only `array` and `object` output styles are supported
* * `array` output style is an array of arrays [[],[],[]]
* * `object` output style is an array of objects [{},{},{}]
* * Only `headers` or `dataHasHeaderRow` are supported, not both
* @param {string} csvIn - the CSV string to parse
* @param {CSVParseOptions} parseOptions - options
* @throws {Error}
function parse(csvIn, parseOptions) {
/* Normalise options */
parseOptions = parseOptions || {};
const separator = parseOptions.separator ?? ',';
const quote = parseOptions.quote ?? '"';
const headersOnly = parseOptions.headersOnly ?? false;
const headers = Array.isArray(parseOptions.headers) ? parseOptions.headers : []
const dataHasHeaderRow = parseOptions.dataHasHeaderRow ?? true;
const outputHeader = parseOptions.outputHeader ?? true;
const parseNumeric = parseOptions.parseNumeric ?? false;
const includeNullValues = parseOptions.includeNullValues ?? false;
const includeEmptyStrings = parseOptions.includeEmptyStrings ?? true;
const outputStyle = ['array', 'object'].includes(parseOptions.outputStyle) ? parseOptions.outputStyle : 'object'; // 'array [[],[],[]]' or 'object [{},{},{}]
const strict = parseOptions.strict ?? false
/* Local variables */
const cursorMax = csvIn.length;
const ouputArrays = outputStyle === 'array';
const headersSupplied = headers.length > 0
// The original regex was an "is-a-number" positive logic test. /^ *[-]?(?!E)(?!0\d)\d*\.?\d*(E-?\+?)?\d+ *$/i;
// Below, is less strict and inverted logic but coupled with +cast it is 13%+ faster than original regex+parsefloat
// and has the benefit of understanding hexadecimals, binary and octal numbers.
const skipNumberConversion = /^ *(\+|-0\d|0\d)/
const cellBuilder = []
let rowBuilder = []
let cursor = typeof parseOptions.cursor === 'number' ? parseOptions.cursor : 0;
let newCell = true, inQuote = false, closed = false, output = [];
/* inline helper functions */
const finaliseCell = () => {
let cell = cellBuilder.join('')
cellBuilder.length = 0
// push the cell:
// NOTE: if cell is empty but newCell==true, then this cell had zero chars - push `null`
// otherwise push empty string
return rowBuilder.push(cell || (newCell ? null : ''))
const finaliseRow = () => {
if (cellBuilder.length) {
if (rowBuilder.length) {
rowBuilder = []
/* Main parsing loop */
while (cursor < cursorMax) {
const char = csvIn[cursor]
if (inQuote) {
if (char === quote && csvIn[cursor + 1] === quote) {
cursor += 2;
newCell = false;
closed = false;
} else if (char === quote) {
inQuote = false;
cursor += 1;
newCell = false;
closed = true;
} else {
newCell = false;
closed = false;
} else {
if (char === separator) {
cursor += 1;
newCell = true;
closed = false;
} else if (char === quote) {
if (newCell) {
inQuote = true;
cursor += 1;
newCell = false;
closed = false;
else if (strict) {
throw new UnquotedQuoteError(cursor)
} else {
// not strict, keep 1 quote if the next char is not a cell/record separator
if (csvIn[cursor] && csvIn[cursor] !== '\n' && csvIn[cursor] !== '\r' && csvIn[cursor] !== separator) {
if (csvIn[cursor] === quote) {
cursor++ // skip the next quote
} else {
if (char === '\n' || char === '\r') {
if (csvIn[cursor + 1] === '\n') {
cursor += 2;
} else {
newCell = true;
closed = false;
if (headersOnly) {
} else {
if (closed) {
if (strict) {
throw new DataAfterCloseError(cursor)
} else {
cursor--; // move back to grab the previously discarded char
closed = false
} else {
newCell = false;
if (strict && inQuote) {
throw new ParseError(`Missing quote, unclosed cell`, cursor)
// finalise the last cell/row
let firstRowIsHeader = false
// if no headers supplied, generate them
if (output.length >= 1) {
if (headersSupplied) {
// headers already supplied
} else if (dataHasHeaderRow) {
// take the first row as the headers
firstRowIsHeader = true
} else {
// generate headers col1, col2, col3, etc
for (let i = 0; i < output[0].length; i++) {
headers.push("col" + (i + 1))
const finalResult = {
/** @type {String[]} headers as an array of string */
headers: headers,
/** @type {String} headers as a comma-separated string */
header: null,
/** @type {Any[]} Result Data (may include header row: check `firstRowIsHeader` flag) */
data: [],
/** @type {Boolean|undefined} flag to indicate if the first row is a header row (only applies when `outputStyle` is 'array') */
firstRowIsHeader: undefined,
/** @type {'array'|'object'} flag to indicate the output style */
outputStyle: outputStyle,
/** @type {Number} The current cursor position */
cursor: cursor,
const quotedHeaders = []
for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
if (!headers[i]) {
quotedHeaders.push(quoteCell(headers[i], { quote, separator: ',' }))
finalResult.header = quotedHeaders.join(',') // always quote headers and join with comma
// output is an array of arrays [[],[],[]]
if (ouputArrays || headersOnly) {
if (!firstRowIsHeader && !headersOnly && outputHeader && headers.length > 0) {
if (output.length > 0) {
} else {
output = [headers]
firstRowIsHeader = true
if (headersOnly) {
delete finalResult.firstRowIsHeader
return finalResult
finalResult.firstRowIsHeader = firstRowIsHeader = (firstRowIsHeader && !outputHeader) ? output.slice(1) : output
return finalResult
// output is an array of objects [{},{},{}]
const outputObjects = []
let i = firstRowIsHeader ? 1 : 0
for (; i < output.length; i++) {
const rowObject = {}
let isEmpty = true
for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
if (!headers[j]) {
let v = output[i][j] === undefined ? null : output[i][j]
if (v === null && !includeNullValues) {
} else if (v === "" && !includeEmptyStrings) {
} else if (parseNumeric === true && v && !skipNumberConversion.test(v)) {
const vTemp = +v
const isNumber = !isNaN(vTemp)
if(isNumber) {
v = vTemp
rowObject[headers[j]] = v
isEmpty = false
// determine if this row is empty
if (!isEmpty) {
} = outputObjects
delete finalResult.firstRowIsHeader
return finalResult
* Quotes a cell in a CSV string if necessary. Addiionally, any double quotes inside the cell will be escaped as per RFC 4180 2.6 (
* @param {string} cell - the string to quote
* @param {*} options - options
* @param {string} [options.quote='"'] - the quote character
* @param {string} [options.separator=','] - the separator character
* @param {string[]} [options.quoteables] - an array of characters that, when encountered, will trigger the application of outer quotes
* @returns
function quoteCell(cell, { quote = '"', separator = ",", quoteables } = {
quote: '"',
separator: ",",
quoteables: [quote, separator, '\r', '\n']
}) {
quoteables = quoteables || [quote, separator, '\r', '\n'];
let doubleUp = false;
if (cell.indexOf(quote) !== -1) { // add double quotes if any quotes
doubleUp = true;
const quoteChar = quoteables.some(q => cell.includes(q)) ? quote : '';
return quoteChar + (doubleUp ? cell.replace(/"/g, '""') : cell) + quoteChar;
// #region Custom Error Classes
class ParseError extends Error {
* @param {string} message - the error message
* @param {number} cursor - the cursor index where the error occurred
constructor(message, cursor) {
super(message) = 'ParseError'
this.cursor = cursor
class UnquotedQuoteError extends ParseError {
* @param {number} cursor - the cursor index where the error occurred
constructor(cursor) {
super('Quote found in the middle of an unquoted field', cursor) = 'UnquotedQuoteError'
class DataAfterCloseError extends ParseError {
* @param {number} cursor - the cursor index where the error occurred
constructor(cursor) {
super('Data found after closing quote', cursor) = 'DataAfterCloseError'
// #endregion
exports.parse = parse
exports.quoteCell = quoteCell
exports.ParseError = ParseError
exports.UnquotedQuoteError = UnquotedQuoteError
exports.DataAfterCloseError = DataAfterCloseError

View File

@ -849,7 +849,13 @@
"newline": "Newline",
"usestrings": "parse numerical values",
"include_empty_strings": "include empty strings",
"include_null_values": "include null values"
"include_null_values": "include null values",
"spec": "Specification"
"spec": {
"rfc": "RFC4180",
"legacy": "Legacy",
"warning": "Legacy mode will be removed in a future release."
"placeholder": {
"columns": "comma-separated column names"
@ -878,6 +884,7 @@
"once": "send headers once, until msg.reset"
"errors": {
"bad_template": "Malformed columns template.",
"csv_js": "This node only handles CSV strings or js objects.",
"obj_csv": "No columns template specified for object -> CSV.",
"bad_csv": "Malformed CSV data - output probably corrupt."

View File

@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
<p>The column template can contain an ordered list of column names. When converting CSV to an object, the column names
will be used as the property names. Alternatively, the column names can be taken from the first row of the CSV.</p>
will be used as the property names. Alternatively, the column names can be taken from the first row of the CSV.
<p>When the RFC specification is selected, the column template must be compliant with RFC4180.</p>
<p>When converting to CSV, the columns template is used to identify which properties to extract from the object and in what order.</p>
<p>If the columns template is blank then you can use a simple comma separated list of properties supplied in <code>msg.columns</code> to
determine what to extract and in what order. If neither are present then all the object properties are output in the order
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<p>If outputting multiple messages they will have their <code>parts</code> property set and form a complete message sequence.</p>
<p>If the node is set to only send column headers once, then setting <code>msg.reset</code> to any value will cause the node to resend the headers.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> the column template must be comma separated - even if a different separator is chosen for the data.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> in RFC mode, catchable errors will be thrown for malformed CSV headers and invalid input payload data</p>

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