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synced 2023-10-10 13:36:53 +02:00
When listing icons provided by a module, if there is a png and svg with the same name, only the svg will be listed. If a node asks for a png icon which is not known, but there is a corresponding svg, that will be used instead.
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737 B
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737 B
<svg width="40" height="60" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M25 25.94h7c.58 0 1-.42 1-1v-2c0-.58-.42-1-1-1h-7c-.58 0-1 .42-1 1v2c0 .58.42 1 1 1zm-17 12h7c.58 0 1-.42 1-1v-2c0-.58-.42-1-1-1H8c-.58 0-1 .42-1 1v2c0 .58.42 1 1 1zm-.416 11C5.624 48.94 4 47.315 4 45.356V14.522c0-1.96 1.625-3.582 3.584-3.582h24.832c1.96 0 3.584 1.623 3.584 3.582v30.834c0 1.96-1.625 3.584-3.584 3.584zM32 36.94H19c0 2.19-1.81 4-4 4H7v4.416c0 .35.235.584.584.584h24.832c.35 0 .584-.235.584-.584v-8.417zm1-2v-6h-8c-2.19 0-4-1.81-4-4h-1c-4.333-.002-8.667.004-13 0v6h8c2.19 0 4 1.81 4 4h13zm0-16v-4.418c0-.35-.235-.582-.584-.582H7.584c-.35 0-.584.233-.584.582v8.417c4.333.002 8.667.001 13 .001h1c0-2.19 1.81-4 4-4h8z" color="#000" fill="#fff"/></svg>