2 Design: dynamic palette
knolleary edited this page 2014-09-25 06:33:14 -07:00

Design notes for #322

Currently, the palette of nodes is loaded when the runtime starts and does not change.

The runtime needs to allow nodes to be added/removed dynamically.

As of 0.9, we only support adding/removing nodes by npm module name. We do not support installing by filename or by uploading a zip. The npm module name must also be a simple name - we do not support the full range of module names that npm does (name@version, http://example.com/file.tgz foo/bar).

See Definitions for a description of node/node set/node module/node pack.

Add/Remove vs Enable/Disable

The Add/Remove api is for getting new nodes installed into the runtime as well as removing them. It operates at either the js/html level, or the node module level.

The Enable/Disable api is used with node sets. This is how a user can install a node module using the Add/Remove API, then elect to disable one or more of the node sets it contains so they don't appear in the palette.

Adding a node set/module

To add a new node to the palette:

  1. a request is POSTed to {admin root}/nodes to trigger the add. Its Content-Type must be application/json. The post body is a JSON structure that identifies where the node information comes from. As of 0.9, only module is supported.

         module: "npm module name"
  2. The response to this request is the corresponding node information object. This is a json object containing the node set id, a list of the specific types in the set and a boolean flag to show if it is enabled or not. If not enabled, it may also list an error message describing why it is not enabled - unless it has been disabled by the user.

  3. An event is fired over the comms link telling any connected editors that nodes have been added. This triggers a HTTP Get back to {admin root}/nodes/{node-set-id} to load the node definition/help/edit template.

Remove node set/module

To remove a node from the palette:

  1. a DELETE http request is sent to {admin root}/nodes/{module-name} to trigger the removal.
  2. If the any of the corresponding nodes are in use, the request is rejected
  3. The runtime registry removes the corresponding nodes and npm module
  4. An event is fired over the comms link telling any connected editors that the nodes have been removed.

Enable/Disable a node set

  1. a PUT http request is sent to {admin root}/nodes/{node-set-id}. Its Content-Type must be application/json.The PUT body is a JSON structure that identifies the desired state of the node set's enabled property.

         enabled: true | false
  2. if the request succeeds, it returns the updated node information object.

  3. the request will fail if the request is to disable a node that is currently in use.


  • Create UI for enabling/disabling nodes
  • Create UI for uninstalling nodes