mirror of https://github.com/DigitalDevices/pvr.octonet.git synced 2023-10-10 13:36:57 +02:00

Merge pull request #43 from AlwinEsch/interface-change

[Matrix] change to new C++ PVR interface way
This commit is contained in:
Kai Sommerfeld 2020-06-24 22:52:18 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 81520e3104
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 1530 additions and 1436 deletions

.clang-format Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
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@ -4,28 +4,25 @@ project(pvr.octonet)
find_package(Kodi REQUIRED) find_package(Kodi REQUIRED)
find_package(p8-platform REQUIRED)
find_package(JsonCpp REQUIRED) find_package(JsonCpp REQUIRED)
include_directories( include_directories(${KODI_INCLUDE_DIR}/.. # Hack way with "/..", need bigger Kodi cmake rework to match right include ways
${KODI_INCLUDE_DIR}/.. # Hack way with "/..", need bigger Kodi cmake rework to match right include ways
src/OctonetData.cpp src/OctonetData.cpp
src/Socket.cpp src/Socket.cpp
src/rtsp_client.cpp) src/rtsp_client.cpp)
src/OctonetData.h src/OctonetData.h
src/Socket.h) src/Socket.h
addon_version(pvr.octonet OCTONET)
build_addon(pvr.octonet OCTONET DEPLIBS) build_addon(pvr.octonet OCTONET DEPLIBS)

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
p8-platform https://github.com/xbmc/platform.git cee64e9dc0b69e8d286dc170a78effaabfa09c44

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
p8-platform https://github.com/afedchin/platform.git win10

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<addon <addon
id="pvr.octonet" id="pvr.octonet"
version="2.0.0" version="3.0.0"
name="Digital Devices Octopus NET Client" name="Digital Devices Octopus NET Client"
provider-name="digitaldevices"> provider-name="digitaldevices">
<requires>@ADDON_DEPENDS@</requires> <requires>@ADDON_DEPENDS@</requires>
<extension <extension
point="xbmc.pvrclient" point="kodi.pvrclient"
<extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata"> <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
<summary lang="de_DE">Kodi PVR Addon für Digital Devices Octopus NET Streams</summary> <summary lang="de_DE">Kodi PVR Addon für Digital Devices Octopus NET Streams</summary>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<settings> <settings version="1">
<section id="pvr.octonet">
<category id="main" label="128" help="-1">
<group id="1" label="-1">
<!-- Octonet Server Address --> <!-- Octonet Server Address -->
<setting id="octonetAddress" type="text" label="30000" default="" /> <setting id="octonetAddress" type="string" label="30000" help="-1">
<control type="edit" format="string" />
</settings> </settings>

View File

@ -8,37 +8,105 @@
* *
*/ */
#include <sstream> #include "OctonetData.h"
#include <string>
#include "rtsp_client.hpp"
#include <json/json.h> #include <json/json.h>
#include <kodi/Filesystem.h>
#include "OctonetData.h" #include <kodi/General.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#ifdef __WINDOWS__ #ifdef __WINDOWS__
#define timegm _mkgmtime #define timegm _mkgmtime
#endif #endif
using namespace ADDON; OctonetData::OctonetData(const std::string& octonetAddress,
KODI_HANDLE instance,
OctonetData::OctonetData() const std::string& kodiVersion)
: kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient(instance, kodiVersion)
{ {
serverAddress = octonetAddress; m_serverAddress = octonetAddress;
channels.clear(); m_channels.clear();
groups.clear(); m_groups.clear();
lastEpgLoad = 0; m_lastEpgLoad = 0;
if (!loadChannelList()) if (!LoadChannelList())
libKodi->QueueNotification(QUEUE_ERROR, libKodi->GetLocalizedString(30001), channels.size()); kodi::QueueFormattedNotification(QUEUE_ERROR, kodi::GetLocalizedString(30001).c_str(),
// Currently unused, as thread was already present before with
// p8platform, by remove of them was it added as C++11 thread way.
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_INFO, "%s Starting separate client update thread...", __func__);
m_running = true;
m_thread = std::thread([&] { Process(); });
} }
OctonetData::~OctonetData(void) OctonetData::~OctonetData(void)
{ {
channels.clear(); /*
groups.clear(); m_running = false;
if (m_thread.joinable())
} }
int64_t OctonetData::parseID(std::string id) PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetCapabilities(kodi::addon::PVRCapabilities& capabilities)
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetBackendName(std::string& name)
name = "Digital Devices Octopus NET Client";
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetBackendVersion(std::string& version)
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetConnectionString(std::string& connection)
connection = "connected"; // FIXME: translate?
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetBackendHostname(std::string& hostname)
hostname = m_serverAddress;
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::OnSystemSleep()
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __func__);
// FIXME: Disconnect?
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::OnSystemWake()
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __func__);
// FIXME:Reconnect?
int64_t OctonetData::ParseID(std::string id)
{ {
std::hash<std::string> hash_fn; std::hash<std::string> hash_fn;
int64_t nativeId = hash_fn(id); int64_t nativeId = hash_fn(id);
@ -46,18 +114,18 @@ int64_t OctonetData::parseID(std::string id)
return nativeId; return nativeId;
} }
bool OctonetData::loadChannelList() bool OctonetData::LoadChannelList()
{ {
std::string jsonContent; std::string jsonContent;
void *f = libKodi->OpenFile(("http://" + serverAddress + "/channellist.lua?select=json").c_str(), 0); kodi::vfs::CFile f;
if (!f) if (!f.OpenFile("http://" + m_serverAddress + "/channellist.lua?select=json", 0))
return false; return false;
char buf[1024]; char buf[1024];
while (int read = libKodi->ReadFile(f, buf, 1024)) while (int read = f.Read(buf, 1024))
jsonContent.append(buf, read); jsonContent.append(buf, read);
libKodi->CloseFile(f); f.Close();
Json::Value root; Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader; Json::Reader reader;
@ -66,58 +134,61 @@ bool OctonetData::loadChannelList()
return false; return false;
const Json::Value groupList = root["GroupList"]; const Json::Value groupList = root["GroupList"];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupList.size(); i++) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groupList.size(); i++)
const Json::Value channelList = groupList[i]["ChannelList"]; const Json::Value channelList = groupList[i]["ChannelList"];
OctonetGroup group; OctonetGroup group;
group.name = groupList[i]["Title"].asString(); group.name = groupList[i]["Title"].asString();
group.radio = group.name.compare(0, 5, "Radio") ? false : true; group.radio = group.name.compare(0, 5, "Radio") ? false : true;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < channelList.size(); j++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < channelList.size(); j++)
const Json::Value channel = channelList[j]; const Json::Value channel = channelList[j];
OctonetChannel chan; OctonetChannel chan;
chan.name = channel["Title"].asString(); chan.name = channel["Title"].asString();
chan.url = "rtsp://" + serverAddress + "/" + channel["Request"].asString(); chan.url = "rtsp://" + m_serverAddress + "/" + channel["Request"].asString();
chan.radio = group.radio; chan.radio = group.radio;
chan.nativeId = parseID(channel["ID"].asString()); chan.nativeId = ParseID(channel["ID"].asString());
chan.id = 1000 + channels.size(); chan.id = 1000 + m_channels.size();
group.members.push_back(channels.size()); group.members.push_back(m_channels.size());
channels.push_back(chan); m_channels.push_back(chan);
} }
groups.push_back(group); m_groups.push_back(group);
} }
return true; return true;
} }
OctonetChannel* OctonetData::findChannel(int64_t nativeId) OctonetChannel* OctonetData::FindChannel(int64_t nativeId)
{ {
std::vector<OctonetChannel>::iterator it; for (auto& channel : m_channels)
for (it = channels.begin(); it < channels.end(); ++it) { {
if (it->nativeId == nativeId) if (channel.nativeId == nativeId)
return &*it; return &channel;
} }
return NULL; return nullptr;
} }
time_t OctonetData::parseDateTime(std::string date) time_t OctonetData::ParseDateTime(std::string date)
{ {
struct tm timeinfo; struct tm timeinfo;
memset(&timeinfo, 0, sizeof(timeinfo)); memset(&timeinfo, 0, sizeof(timeinfo));
if (date.length() > 8) { if (date.length() > 8)
sscanf(date.c_str(), "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", {
&timeinfo.tm_year, &timeinfo.tm_mon, &timeinfo.tm_mday, sscanf(date.c_str(), "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", &timeinfo.tm_year, &timeinfo.tm_mon,
&timeinfo.tm_hour, &timeinfo.tm_min, &timeinfo.tm_sec); &timeinfo.tm_mday, &timeinfo.tm_hour, &timeinfo.tm_min, &timeinfo.tm_sec);
timeinfo.tm_mon -= 1; timeinfo.tm_mon -= 1;
timeinfo.tm_year -= 1900; timeinfo.tm_year -= 1900;
} else { }
sscanf(date.c_str(), "%02d:%02d:%02d", else
&timeinfo.tm_hour, &timeinfo.tm_min, &timeinfo.tm_sec); {
sscanf(date.c_str(), "%02d:%02d:%02d", &timeinfo.tm_hour, &timeinfo.tm_min, &timeinfo.tm_sec);
timeinfo.tm_year = 70; // unix timestamps start 1970 timeinfo.tm_year = 70; // unix timestamps start 1970
timeinfo.tm_mday = 1; timeinfo.tm_mday = 1;
} }
@ -127,22 +198,22 @@ time_t OctonetData::parseDateTime(std::string date)
return timegm(&timeinfo); return timegm(&timeinfo);
} }
bool OctonetData::loadEPG(void) bool OctonetData::LoadEPG(void)
{ {
/* Reload at most every 30 seconds */ /* Reload at most every 30 seconds */
if (lastEpgLoad + 30 > time(NULL)) if (m_lastEpgLoad + 30 > time(nullptr))
return false; return false;
std::string jsonContent; std::string jsonContent;
void *f = libKodi->OpenFile(("http://" + serverAddress + "/epg.lua?;#|encoding=gzip").c_str(), 0); kodi::vfs::CFile f;
if (!f) if (!f.OpenFile("http://" + m_serverAddress + "/epg.lua?;#|encoding=gzip", 0))
return false; return false;
char buf[1024]; char buf[1024];
while (int read = libKodi->ReadFile(f, buf, 1024)) while (int read = f.Read(buf, 1024))
jsonContent.append(buf, read); jsonContent.append(buf, read);
libKodi->CloseFile(f); f.Close();
Json::Value root; Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader; Json::Reader reader;
@ -151,213 +222,237 @@ bool OctonetData::loadEPG(void)
return false; return false;
const Json::Value eventList = root["EventList"]; const Json::Value eventList = root["EventList"];
OctonetChannel *channel = NULL; OctonetChannel* channel = nullptr;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eventList.size(); i++) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < eventList.size(); i++)
const Json::Value event = eventList[i]; const Json::Value event = eventList[i];
OctonetEpgEntry entry; OctonetEpgEntry entry;
entry.start = parseDateTime(event["Time"].asString()); entry.start = ParseDateTime(event["Time"].asString());
entry.end = entry.start + parseDateTime(event["Duration"].asString()); entry.end = entry.start + ParseDateTime(event["Duration"].asString());
entry.title = event["Name"].asString(); entry.title = event["Name"].asString();
entry.subtitle = event["Text"].asString(); entry.subtitle = event["Text"].asString();
std::string channelId = event["ID"].asString(); std::string channelId = event["ID"].asString();
std::string epgId = channelId.substr(channelId.rfind(":") + 1); std::string epgId = channelId.substr(channelId.rfind(":") + 1);
channelId = channelId.substr(0, channelId.rfind(":")); channelId = channelId.substr(0, channelId.rfind(":"));
entry.channelId = parseID(channelId); entry.channelId = ParseID(channelId);
entry.id = atoi(epgId.c_str()); entry.id = std::stoi(epgId);
if (channel == NULL || channel->nativeId != entry.channelId) if (channel == nullptr || channel->nativeId != entry.channelId)
channel = findChannel(entry.channelId); channel = FindChannel(entry.channelId);
if (channel == NULL) { if (channel == nullptr)
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "EPG for unknown channel."); {
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "EPG for unknown channel.");
continue; continue;
} }
channel->epg.push_back(entry); channel->epg.push_back(entry);
} }
lastEpgLoad = time(NULL); m_lastEpgLoad = time(nullptr);
return true; return true;
} }
void *OctonetData::Process(void) void OctonetData::Process()
{ {
return NULL; return;
} }
int OctonetData::getChannelCount(void) PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelsAmount(int& amount)
{ {
return channels.size(); amount = m_channels.size();
} }
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::getChannels(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio) PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannels(bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelsResultSet& results)
{ {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_channels.size(); i++)
{ {
OctonetChannel &channel = channels.at(i); OctonetChannel& channel = m_channels.at(i);
if (channel.radio == bRadio) if (channel.radio == radio)
{ {
PVR_CHANNEL chan; kodi::addon::PVRChannel chan;
memset(&chan, 0, sizeof(PVR_CHANNEL));
chan.iUniqueId = channel.id; chan.SetUniqueId(channel.id);
chan.bIsRadio = channel.radio; chan.SetIsRadio(channel.radio);
chan.iChannelNumber = i; chan.SetChannelNumber(i);
strncpy(chan.strChannelName, channel.name.c_str(), strlen(channel.name.c_str())); chan.SetChannelName(channel.name);
strcpy(chan.strInputFormat, "video/x-mpegts"); chan.SetMimeType("video/x-mpegts");
chan.bIsHidden = false; chan.SetIsHidden(false);
pvr->TransferChannelEntry(handle, &chan); results.Add(chan);
} }
} }
} }
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::getEPG(ADDON_HANDLE handle, int iChannelUid, time_t start, time_t end) PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetEPGForChannel(int channelUid,
time_t start,
time_t end,
kodi::addon::PVREPGTagsResultSet& results)
{ {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < channels.size(); i++) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_channels.size(); i++)
{ {
OctonetChannel &chan = channels.at(i); OctonetChannel& chan = m_channels.at(i);
if (iChannelUid != chan.id) if (channelUid != chan.id)
continue; continue;
if(chan.epg.empty()) { if (chan.epg.empty())
loadEPG(); {
} }
// FIXME: Check if reload is needed!? // FIXME: Check if reload is needed!?
std::vector<OctonetEpgEntry>::iterator it;
time_t last_end = 0; time_t last_end = 0;
for (it = chan.epg.begin(); it != chan.epg.end(); ++it) { for (const auto& epg : chan.epg)
if (it->end > last_end) {
last_end = it->end; if (epg.end > last_end)
last_end = epg.end;
if (it->end < start || it->start > end) { if (epg.end < start || epg.start > end)
continue; continue;
} }
EPG_TAG entry; kodi::addon::PVREPGTag entry;
memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(EPG_TAG));
entry.iEpisodePartNumber = EPG_TAG_INVALID_SERIES_EPISODE;
entry.iUniqueChannelId = chan.id; entry.SetUniqueChannelId(chan.id);
entry.iUniqueBroadcastId = it->id; entry.SetUniqueBroadcastId(epg.id);
entry.strTitle = it->title.c_str(); entry.SetTitle(epg.title);
entry.strPlotOutline = it->subtitle.c_str(); entry.SetPlotOutline(epg.subtitle);
entry.startTime = it->start; entry.SetStartTime(epg.start);
entry.endTime = it->end; entry.SetEndTime(epg.end);
pvr->TransferEpgEntry(handle, &entry); results.Add(entry);
} }
if (last_end < end) if (last_end < end)
loadEPG(); LoadEPG();
for (it = chan.epg.begin(); it != chan.epg.end(); ++it) { for (const auto& epg : chan.epg)
if (it->end < start || it->start > end) { {
if (epg.end < start || epg.start > end)
continue; continue;
} }
EPG_TAG entry; kodi::addon::PVREPGTag entry;
memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(EPG_TAG));
entry.iEpisodePartNumber = EPG_TAG_INVALID_SERIES_EPISODE;
entry.iUniqueChannelId = chan.id; entry.SetUniqueChannelId(chan.id);
entry.iUniqueBroadcastId = it->id; entry.SetUniqueBroadcastId(epg.id);
entry.strTitle = it->title.c_str(); entry.SetTitle(epg.title);
entry.strPlotOutline = it->subtitle.c_str(); entry.SetPlotOutline(epg.subtitle);
entry.startTime = it->start; entry.SetStartTime(epg.start);
entry.endTime = it->end; entry.SetEndTime(epg.end);
pvr->TransferEpgEntry(handle, &entry); results.Add(entry);
} }
} }
} }
const std::string& OctonetData::getUrl(int id) const { const std::string& OctonetData::GetUrl(int id) const
for(std::vector<OctonetChannel>::const_iterator iter = channels.begin(); iter != channels.end(); ++iter) {
if(iter->id == id) {
return iter->url;
return channels[0].url;
const std::string& OctonetData::getName(int id) const {
for(std::vector<OctonetChannel>::const_iterator iter = channels.begin(); iter != channels.end(); ++iter) {
if(iter->id == id) {
return iter->name;
return channels[0].name;
int OctonetData::getGroupCount(void)
{ {
return groups.size(); for (const auto& channel : m_channels)
if (channel.id == id)
return channel.url;
} }
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::getGroups(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio) return m_channels[0].url;
{ }
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++)
OctonetGroup &group = groups.at(i);
if (group.radio == bRadio)
memset(&g, 0, sizeof(PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP));
g.iPosition = 0; const std::string& OctonetData::GetName(int id) const
g.bIsRadio = group.radio; {
strncpy(g.strGroupName, group.name.c_str(), strlen(group.name.c_str())); for (const auto& channel : m_channels)
if (channel.id == id)
return channel.name;
pvr->TransferChannelGroup(handle, &g); return m_channels[0].name;
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelGroupsAmount(int& amount)
amount = m_groups.size();
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelGroups(bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupsResultSet& results)
for (const auto& group : m_groups)
if (group.radio == radio)
kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroup g;
} }
} }
} }
PVR_ERROR OctonetData::getGroupMembers(ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP &group) PVR_ERROR OctonetData::GetChannelGroupMembers(const kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroup& group,
kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupMembersResultSet& results)
{ {
OctonetGroup *g = findGroup(group.strGroupName); const OctonetGroup* g = FindGroup(group.GetGroupName());
if (g == NULL) if (g == nullptr)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < g->members.size(); i++) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < g->members.size(); i++)
{ {
OctonetChannel &channel = channels.at(g->members[i]); OctonetChannel& channel = m_channels.at(g->members[i]);
PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_MEMBER m; kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupMember m;
memset(&m, 0, sizeof(PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP_MEMBER));
strncpy(m.strGroupName, group.strGroupName, strlen(group.strGroupName)); m.SetGroupName(group.GetGroupName());
m.iChannelUniqueId = channel.id; m.SetChannelUniqueId(channel.id);
m.iChannelNumber = channel.id; m.SetChannelNumber(channel.id);
pvr->TransferChannelGroupMember(handle, &m); results.Add(m);
} }
} }
OctonetGroup* OctonetData::findGroup(const std::string &name) OctonetGroup* OctonetData::FindGroup(const std::string& name)
{ {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) for (auto& group : m_groups)
{ {
if (groups.at(i).name == name) if (group.name == name)
return &groups.at(i); return &group;
} }
return NULL; return nullptr;
/* PVR stream handling */
/* entirely unused, as we use standard RTSP+TS mux, which can be handlded by
* Kodi core */
bool OctonetData::OpenLiveStream(const kodi::addon::PVRChannel& channelinfo)
return rtsp_open(GetName(channelinfo.GetUniqueId()), GetUrl(channelinfo.GetUniqueId()));
int OctonetData::ReadLiveStream(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int iBufferSize)
return rtsp_read(pBuffer, iBufferSize);
void OctonetData::CloseLiveStream()
} }

View File

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <kodi/addon-instance/PVR.h>
#include <thread>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include "p8-platform/threads/threads.h"
#include "client.h"
struct OctonetEpgEntry struct OctonetEpgEntry
{ {
int64_t channelId; int64_t channelId;
@ -43,38 +43,60 @@ struct OctonetGroup
std::vector<int> members; std::vector<int> members;
}; };
class OctonetData : public P8PLATFORM::CThread class ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN OctonetData : public kodi::addon::CInstancePVRClient
{ {
public: public:
OctonetData(void); OctonetData(const std::string& octonetAddress,
virtual ~OctonetData(void); KODI_HANDLE instance,
const std::string& kodiVersion);
~OctonetData() override;
virtual int getChannelCount(void); PVR_ERROR GetCapabilities(kodi::addon::PVRCapabilities& capabilities) override;
virtual PVR_ERROR getChannels(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio); PVR_ERROR GetBackendName(std::string& name) override;
PVR_ERROR GetBackendVersion(std::string& version) override;
PVR_ERROR GetConnectionString(std::string& connection) override;
PVR_ERROR GetBackendHostname(std::string& hostname) override;
virtual int getGroupCount(void); PVR_ERROR OnSystemSleep() override;
virtual PVR_ERROR getGroups(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio); PVR_ERROR OnSystemWake() override;
virtual PVR_ERROR getGroupMembers(ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP &group);
virtual PVR_ERROR getEPG(ADDON_HANDLE handle, int iChannelUid, time_t start, time_t end); PVR_ERROR GetChannelsAmount(int& amount) override;
const std::string& getUrl(int id) const; PVR_ERROR GetChannels(bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelsResultSet& results) override;
const std::string& getName(int id) const;
PVR_ERROR GetChannelGroupsAmount(int& amount) override;
PVR_ERROR GetChannelGroups(bool radio, kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupsResultSet& results) override;
PVR_ERROR GetChannelGroupMembers(const kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroup& group,
kodi::addon::PVRChannelGroupMembersResultSet& results) override;
PVR_ERROR GetEPGForChannel(int channelUid,
time_t start,
time_t end,
kodi::addon::PVREPGTagsResultSet& results) override;
bool OpenLiveStream(const kodi::addon::PVRChannel& channelinfo) override;
int ReadLiveStream(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int size) override;
void CloseLiveStream() override;
protected: protected:
virtual bool loadChannelList(void); void Process();
virtual bool loadEPG(void);
virtual OctonetGroup* findGroup(const std::string &name);
virtual void *Process(void); const std::string& GetUrl(int id) const;
const std::string& GetName(int id) const;
OctonetChannel* findChannel(int64_t nativeId); bool LoadChannelList(void);
time_t parseDateTime(std::string date); bool LoadEPG(void);
int64_t parseID(std::string id); OctonetGroup* FindGroup(const std::string& name);
OctonetChannel* FindChannel(int64_t nativeId);
time_t ParseDateTime(std::string date);
int64_t ParseID(std::string id);
private: private:
std::string serverAddress; std::string m_serverAddress;
std::vector<OctonetChannel> channels; std::vector<OctonetChannel> m_channels;
std::vector<OctonetGroup> groups; std::vector<OctonetGroup> m_groups;
time_t lastEpgLoad; time_t m_lastEpgLoad;
std::atomic<bool> m_running = {false};
std::thread m_thread;
}; };

View File

@ -6,15 +6,13 @@
* See LICENSE.md for more information. * See LICENSE.md for more information.
*/ */
#include "kodi/libXBMC_addon.h"
#include <string>
#include "p8-platform/os.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "Socket.h" #include "Socket.h"
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdio>
#include <kodi/General.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std; using namespace std;
using namespace ADDON;
namespace OCTO namespace OCTO
{ {
@ -22,28 +20,31 @@ namespace OCTO
/* Master defines for client control */ /* Master defines for client control */
#define RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 6 //sec #define RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 6 //sec
Socket::Socket(const enum SocketFamily family, const enum SocketDomain domain, const enum SocketType type, const enum SocketProtocol protocol) Socket::Socket(const enum SocketFamily family,
const enum SocketDomain domain,
const enum SocketType type,
const enum SocketProtocol protocol)
{ {
_family = family; m_family = family;
_domain = domain; m_domain = domain;
_type = type; m_type = type;
_protocol = protocol; m_protocol = protocol;
_port = 0; m_port = 0;
memset (&_sockaddr, 0, sizeof( _sockaddr ) ); memset(&m_sockaddr, 0, sizeof(m_sockaddr));
} }
Socket::Socket() Socket::Socket()
{ {
// Default constructor, default settings // Default constructor, default settings
_family = af_inet; m_family = af_inet;
_domain = pf_inet; m_domain = pf_inet;
_type = sock_stream; m_type = sock_stream;
_protocol = tcp; m_protocol = tcp;
_port = 0; m_port = 0;
memset (&_sockaddr, 0, sizeof( _sockaddr ) ); memset(&m_sockaddr, 0, sizeof(m_sockaddr));
} }
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ Socket::~Socket()
bool Socket::setHostname(const std::string& host) bool Socket::setHostname(const std::string& host)
{ {
_hostname = host; m_hostname = host;
return true; return true;
} }
@ -63,9 +64,9 @@ bool Socket::close()
{ {
if (is_valid()) if (is_valid())
{ {
if (_sd != SOCKET_ERROR) if (m_sd != SOCKET_ERROR)
closesocket(_sd); closesocket(m_sd);
return true; return true;
} }
return false; return false;
@ -92,13 +93,13 @@ bool Socket::bind ( const unsigned short port )
close(); close();
} }
_sd = socket(_family, _type, _protocol); m_sd = socket(m_family, m_type, m_protocol);
_port = port; m_port = port;
_sockaddr.sin_family = (sa_family_t) _family; m_sockaddr.sin_family = (sa_family_t)m_family;
_sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //listen to all m_sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; //listen to all
_sockaddr.sin_port = htons( _port ); m_sockaddr.sin_port = htons(m_port);
int bind_return = ::bind(_sd, (sockaddr*)(&_sockaddr), sizeof(_sockaddr)); int bind_return = ::bind(m_sd, (sockaddr*)(&m_sockaddr), sizeof(m_sockaddr));
if (bind_return == -1) if (bind_return == -1)
{ {
@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ bool Socket::listen() const
return false; return false;
} }
int listen_return = ::listen (_sd, SOMAXCONN); int listen_return = ::listen(m_sd, SOMAXCONN);
//This is defined as 5 in winsock.h, and 0x7FFFFFFF in winsock2.h. //This is defined as 5 in winsock.h, and 0x7FFFFFFF in winsock2.h.
//linux 128//MAXCONNECTIONS =1 //linux 128//MAXCONNECTIONS =1
@ -139,13 +140,14 @@ bool Socket::accept ( Socket& new_socket ) const
return false; return false;
} }
socklen_t addr_length = sizeof( _sockaddr ); socklen_t addr_length = sizeof(m_sockaddr);
new_socket._sd = ::accept(_sd, const_cast<sockaddr*>( (const sockaddr*) &_sockaddr), &addr_length ); new_socket.m_sd =
::accept(m_sd, const_cast<sockaddr*>((const sockaddr*)&m_sockaddr), &addr_length);
if (new_socket._sd == INVALID_SOCKET) if (new_socket.m_sd == INVALID_SOCKET)
#else #else
if (new_socket._sd <= 0) if (new_socket.m_sd <= 0)
#endif #endif
{ {
errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::accept"); errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::accept");
@ -179,30 +181,30 @@ int Socket::send ( const char* data, const unsigned int len )
FD_ZERO(&set_w); FD_ZERO(&set_w);
FD_ZERO(&set_e); FD_ZERO(&set_e);
FD_SET(_sd, &set_w); FD_SET(m_sd, &set_w);
FD_SET(_sd, &set_e); FD_SET(m_sd, &set_e);
result = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set_w, NULL, &set_e, &tv); result = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set_w, nullptr, &set_e, &tv);
if (result < 0) if (result < 0)
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - select failed"); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - select failed");
close(); close();
return 0; return 0;
} }
if (FD_ISSET(_sd, &set_w)) if (FD_ISSET(m_sd, &set_w))
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - failed to send data"); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - failed to send data");
close(); close();
return 0; return 0;
} }
int status = ::send(_sd, data, len, 0 ); int status = ::send(m_sd, data, len, 0);
if (status == -1) if (status == -1)
{ {
errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::send"); errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::send");
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - failed to send data"); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Socket::send - failed to send data");
close(); close();
return 0; return 0;
} }
@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ int Socket::sendto ( const char* data, unsigned int size, bool sendcompletebuffe
do do
{ {
i = ::sendto(_sd, data, size, 0, (const struct sockaddr*) &_sockaddr, sizeof( _sockaddr ) ); i = ::sendto(m_sd, data, size, 0, (const struct sockaddr*)&m_sockaddr, sizeof(m_sockaddr));
if (i <= 0) if (i <= 0)
{ {
@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ int Socket::sendto ( const char* data, unsigned int size, bool sendcompletebuffe
int Socket::receive(std::string& data, unsigned int minpacketsize) const int Socket::receive(std::string& data, unsigned int minpacketsize) const
{ {
char * buf = NULL; char* buf = nullptr;
int status = 0; int status = 0;
if (!is_valid()) if (!is_valid())
@ -280,14 +282,14 @@ bool Socket::ReadLine (string& line)
// fill with new data // fill with new data
FD_ZERO(&set_r); FD_ZERO(&set_r);
FD_ZERO(&set_e); FD_ZERO(&set_e);
FD_SET(_sd, &set_r); FD_SET(m_sd, &set_r);
FD_SET(_sd, &set_e); FD_SET(m_sd, &set_e);
int result = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set_r, NULL, &set_e, &timeout); int result = select(FD_SETSIZE, &set_r, nullptr, &set_e, &timeout);
if (result < 0) if (result < 0)
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: select failed", __FUNCTION__); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: select failed", __func__);
errormessage(getLastError(), __FUNCTION__); errormessage(getLastError(), __func__);
close(); close();
return false; return false;
} }
@ -296,20 +298,24 @@ bool Socket::ReadLine (string& line)
{ {
if (retries != 0) if (retries != 0)
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: timeout waiting for response, retrying... (%i)", __FUNCTION__, retries); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: timeout waiting for response, retrying... (%i)", __func__,
retries--; retries--;
continue; continue;
} else { }
libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: timeout waiting for response. Aborting after 10 retries.", __FUNCTION__); else
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: timeout waiting for response. Aborting after 10 retries.",
return false; return false;
} }
} }
result = recv(_sd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, 0); result = recv(m_sd, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, 0);
if (result < 0) if (result < 0)
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: recv failed", __FUNCTION__); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: recv failed", __func__);
errormessage(getLastError(), __FUNCTION__); errormessage(getLastError(), __func__);
close(); close();
return false; return false;
} }
@ -339,7 +345,9 @@ int Socket::receive ( std::string& data) const
return status; return status;
} }
int Socket::receive ( char* data, const unsigned int buffersize, const unsigned int minpacketsize ) const int Socket::receive(char* data,
const unsigned int buffersize,
const unsigned int minpacketsize) const
{ {
unsigned int receivedsize = 0; unsigned int receivedsize = 0;
@ -350,7 +358,7 @@ int Socket::receive ( char* data, const unsigned int buffersize, const unsigned
while ((receivedsize <= minpacketsize) && (receivedsize < buffersize)) while ((receivedsize <= minpacketsize) && (receivedsize < buffersize))
{ {
int status = ::recv(_sd, data+receivedsize, (buffersize - receivedsize), 0 ); int status = ::recv(m_sd, data + receivedsize, (buffersize - receivedsize), 0);
if (status == SOCKET_ERROR) if (status == SOCKET_ERROR)
{ {
@ -365,9 +373,12 @@ int Socket::receive ( char* data, const unsigned int buffersize, const unsigned
} }
int Socket::recvfrom ( char* data, const int buffersize, struct sockaddr* from, socklen_t* fromlen) const int Socket::recvfrom(char* data,
const int buffersize,
struct sockaddr* from,
socklen_t* fromlen) const
{ {
int status = ::recvfrom(_sd, data, buffersize, 0, from, fromlen); int status = ::recvfrom(m_sd, data, buffersize, 0, from, fromlen);
return status; return status;
} }
@ -379,21 +390,21 @@ bool Socket::connect ( const std::string& host, const unsigned short port )
if (!setHostname(host)) if (!setHostname(host))
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::setHostname(%s) failed.\n", host.c_str()); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Socket::setHostname(%s) failed.\n", host.c_str());
return false; return false;
} }
_port = port; m_port = port;
char strPort[15]; char strPort[15];
snprintf(strPort, 15, "%hu", port); snprintf(strPort, 15, "%hu", port);
struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo hints;
struct addrinfo* result = NULL; struct addrinfo* result = nullptr;
struct addrinfo *address = NULL; struct addrinfo* address = nullptr;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = _family; hints.ai_family = m_family;
hints.ai_socktype = _type; hints.ai_socktype = m_type;
hints.ai_protocol = _protocol; hints.ai_protocol = m_protocol;
int retval = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), strPort, &hints, &result); int retval = getaddrinfo(host.c_str(), strPort, &hints, &result);
if (retval != 0) if (retval != 0)
@ -402,18 +413,18 @@ bool Socket::connect ( const std::string& host, const unsigned short port )
return false; return false;
} }
for (address = result; address != NULL; address = address->ai_next) for (address = result; address != nullptr; address = address->ai_next)
{ {
// Create the socket // Create the socket
_sd = socket(address->ai_family, address->ai_socktype, address->ai_protocol); m_sd = socket(address->ai_family, address->ai_socktype, address->ai_protocol);
if (_sd == INVALID_SOCKET) if (m_sd == INVALID_SOCKET)
{ {
errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::create"); errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::create");
continue; continue;
} }
int status = ::connect(_sd, address->ai_addr, address->ai_addrlen); int status = ::connect(m_sd, address->ai_addr, address->ai_addrlen);
if (status == SOCKET_ERROR) if (status == SOCKET_ERROR)
{ {
close(); close();
@ -426,9 +437,9 @@ bool Socket::connect ( const std::string& host, const unsigned short port )
freeaddrinfo(result); freeaddrinfo(result);
if (address == NULL) if (address == nullptr)
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::connect %s:%u\n", host.c_str(), port); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Socket::connect %s:%u\n", host.c_str(), port);
errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::connect"); errormessage(getLastError(), "Socket::connect");
close(); close();
return false; return false;
@ -444,12 +455,12 @@ bool Socket::reconnect()
return true; return true;
} }
return connect(_hostname, _port); return connect(m_hostname, m_port);
} }
bool Socket::is_valid() const bool Socket::is_valid() const
{ {
return (_sd != INVALID_SOCKET); return (m_sd != INVALID_SOCKET);
} }
#if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS) #if defined(TARGET_WINDOWS)
@ -462,9 +473,10 @@ bool Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b )
else else
iMode = 0; // disable non_blocking iMode = 0; // disable non_blocking
if (ioctlsocket(_sd, FIONBIO, &iMode) == -1) if (ioctlsocket(m_sd, FIONBIO, &iMode) == -1)
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::set_non_blocking - Can't set socket condition to: %i", iMode); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Socket::set_non_blocking - Can't set socket condition to: %i",
return false; return false;
} }
@ -473,7 +485,7 @@ bool Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b )
void Socket::errormessage(int errnum, const char* functionname) const void Socket::errormessage(int errnum, const char* functionname) const
{ {
const char* errmsg = NULL; const char* errmsg = nullptr;
switch (errnum) switch (errnum)
{ {
@ -555,7 +567,7 @@ void Socket::errormessage( int errnum, const char* functionname) const
default: default:
errmsg = "WSA Error"; errmsg = "WSA Error";
} }
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: (Winsock error=%i) %s\n", functionname, errnum, errmsg); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "%s: (Winsock error=%i) %s\n", functionname, errnum, errmsg);
} }
int Socket::getLastError() const int Socket::getLastError() const
@ -569,7 +581,7 @@ bool Socket::osInit()
{ {
win_usage_count++; win_usage_count++;
// initialize winsock: // initialize winsock:
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&_wsaData) != 0) if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &m_wsaData) != 0)
{ {
return false; return false;
} }
@ -577,7 +589,7 @@ bool Socket::osInit()
WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2); WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
// check version // check version
if (_wsaData.wVersion != wVersionRequested) if (m_wsaData.wVersion != wVersionRequested)
{ {
return false; return false;
} }
@ -599,7 +611,7 @@ bool Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b )
{ {
int opts; int opts;
opts = fcntl(_sd, F_GETFL); opts = fcntl(m_sd, F_GETFL);
if (opts < 0) if (opts < 0)
{ {
@ -611,9 +623,9 @@ bool Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b )
else else
opts = (opts & ~O_NONBLOCK); opts = (opts & ~O_NONBLOCK);
if(fcntl (_sd , F_SETFL, opts) == -1) if (fcntl(m_sd, F_SETFL, opts) == -1)
{ {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Socket::set_non_blocking - Can't set socket flags to: %i", opts); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Socket::set_non_blocking - Can't set socket flags to: %i", opts);
return false; return false;
} }
return true; return true;
@ -621,7 +633,7 @@ bool Socket::set_non_blocking ( const bool b )
void Socket::errormessage(int errnum, const char* functionname) const void Socket::errormessage(int errnum, const char* functionname) const
{ {
const char* errmsg = NULL; const char* errmsg = nullptr;
switch (errnum) switch (errnum)
{ {
@ -650,7 +662,8 @@ void Socket::errormessage( int errnum, const char* functionname) const
errmsg = "ENOTSOCK: The argument is not a valid socket"; errmsg = "ENOTSOCK: The argument is not a valid socket";
break; break;
errmsg = "EMSGSIZE: The socket requires that message be sent atomically, and the size of the message to be sent made this impossible"; errmsg = "EMSGSIZE: The socket requires that message be sent atomically, and the size of the "
"message to be sent made this impossible";
break; break;
errmsg = "ENOBUFS: The output queue for a network interface was full"; errmsg = "ENOBUFS: The output queue for a network interface was full";
@ -662,7 +675,8 @@ void Socket::errormessage( int errnum, const char* functionname) const
errmsg = "EPIPE: The local end has been shut down on a connection oriented socket"; errmsg = "EPIPE: The local end has been shut down on a connection oriented socket";
break; break;
errmsg = "EPROTONOSUPPORT: The protocol type or the specified protocol is not supported within this domain"; errmsg = "EPROTONOSUPPORT: The protocol type or the specified protocol is not supported "
"within this domain";
break; break;
errmsg = "EAFNOSUPPORT: The implementation does not support the specified address family"; errmsg = "EAFNOSUPPORT: The implementation does not support the specified address family";
@ -674,13 +688,16 @@ void Socket::errormessage( int errnum, const char* functionname) const
errmsg = "EMFILE: Process file table overflow"; errmsg = "EMFILE: Process file table overflow";
break; break;
case EACCES: case EACCES:
errmsg = "EACCES: Permission to create a socket of the specified type and/or protocol is denied"; errmsg =
"EACCES: Permission to create a socket of the specified type and/or protocol is denied";
break; break;
errmsg = "ECONNREFUSED: A remote host refused to allow the network connection (typically because it is not running the requested service)"; errmsg = "ECONNREFUSED: A remote host refused to allow the network connection (typically "
"because it is not running the requested service)";
break; break;
errmsg = "ENOTCONN: The socket is associated with a connection-oriented protocol and has not been connected"; errmsg = "ENOTCONN: The socket is associated with a connection-oriented protocol and has not "
"been connected";
break; break;
//case E: //case E:
// errmsg = ""; // errmsg = "";
@ -689,7 +706,7 @@ void Socket::errormessage( int errnum, const char* functionname) const
break; break;
} }
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: (errno=%i) %s\n", functionname, errnum, errmsg); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "%s: (errno=%i) %s\n", functionname, errnum, errmsg);
} }
int Socket::getLastError() const int Socket::getLastError() const

View File

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
#if defined TARGET_WINDOWS #if defined TARGET_WINDOWS
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Enable LEAN_AND_MEAN support #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Enable LEAN_AND_MEAN support
#pragma warning(disable : 4005) // Disable "warning C4005: '_WINSOCKAPI_' : macro redefinition" #pragma warning(disable : 4005) // Disable "warning C4005: '_WINSOCKAPI_' : macro redefinition"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <WS2tcpip.h> #include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#pragma warning(default : 4005) #pragma warning(default : 4005)
#include <windows.h> #include <windows.h>
@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
#endif #endif
#include <sys/types.h> /* for socket,connect */
#include <sys/socket.h> /* for socket,connect */
#include <sys/un.h> /* for Unix socket */
#include <arpa/inet.h> /* for inet_pton */ #include <arpa/inet.h> /* for inet_pton */
#include <netdb.h> /* for gethostbyname */
#include <netinet/in.h> /* for htons */
#include <unistd.h> /* for read, write, close */
#include <errno.h> #include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h> #include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h> /* for gethostbyname */
#include <netinet/in.h> /* for htons */
#include <sys/socket.h> /* for socket,connect */
#include <sys/types.h> /* for socket,connect */
#include <sys/un.h> /* for Unix socket */
#include <unistd.h> /* for read, write, close */
typedef int SOCKET; typedef int SOCKET;
typedef sockaddr SOCKADDR; typedef sockaddr SOCKADDR;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
#error Platform specific socket support is not yet available on this platform! #error Platform specific socket support is not yet available on this platform!
#endif #endif
#include <string>
#include <vector> #include <vector>
namespace OCTO namespace OCTO
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ enum SocketProtocol
class Socket class Socket
{ {
public: public:
/*! /*!
* An unconnected socket may be created directly on the local * An unconnected socket may be created directly on the local
* machine. The socket type (SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM) and * machine. The socket type (SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM) and
@ -113,7 +112,10 @@ class Socket
* \param type base type and protocol family of the socket. * \param type base type and protocol family of the socket.
* \param protocol specific protocol to apply. * \param protocol specific protocol to apply.
*/ */
Socket(const enum SocketFamily family, const enum SocketDomain domain, const enum SocketType type, const enum SocketProtocol protocol = tcp); Socket(const enum SocketFamily family,
const enum SocketDomain domain,
const enum SocketType type,
const enum SocketProtocol protocol = tcp);
Socket(void); Socket(void);
virtual ~Socket(); virtual ~Socket();
@ -123,46 +125,31 @@ class Socket
* Socket setFamily * Socket setFamily
* \param family Can be af_inet or af_inet6. Default: af_inet * \param family Can be af_inet or af_inet6. Default: af_inet
*/ */
void setFamily(const enum SocketFamily family) void setFamily(const enum SocketFamily family) { m_family = family; };
_family = family;
/*! /*!
* Socket setDomain * Socket setDomain
* \param domain Can be pf_unix, pf_local, pf_inet or pf_inet6. Default: pf_inet * \param domain Can be pf_unix, pf_local, pf_inet or pf_inet6. Default: pf_inet
*/ */
void setDomain(const enum SocketDomain domain) void setDomain(const enum SocketDomain domain) { m_domain = domain; };
_domain = domain;
/*! /*!
* Socket setType * Socket setType
* \param type Can be sock_stream or sock_dgram. Default: sock_stream. * \param type Can be sock_stream or sock_dgram. Default: sock_stream.
*/ */
void setType(const enum SocketType type) void setType(const enum SocketType type) { m_type = type; };
_type = type;
/*! /*!
* Socket setProtocol * Socket setProtocol
* \param protocol Can be tcp or udp. Default: tcp. * \param protocol Can be tcp or udp. Default: tcp.
*/ */
void setProtocol(const enum SocketProtocol protocol) void setProtocol(const enum SocketProtocol protocol) { m_protocol = protocol; };
_protocol = protocol;
/*! /*!
* Socket setPort * Socket setPort
* \param port port number for socket communication * \param port port number for socket communication
*/ */
void setPort (const unsigned short port) void setPort(const unsigned short port) { m_sockaddr.sin_port = htons(port); };
_sockaddr.sin_port = htons ( port );
bool setHostname(const std::string& host); bool setHostname(const std::string& host);
@ -260,7 +247,10 @@ class Socket
* \param fromlen Optional, only required if 'from' is given: length of from struct * \param fromlen Optional, only required if 'from' is given: length of from struct
* \return Number of bytes received or SOCKET_ERROR * \return Number of bytes received or SOCKET_ERROR
*/ */
int recvfrom ( char* data, const int buffersize, struct sockaddr* from = NULL, socklen_t* fromlen = NULL) const; int recvfrom(char* data,
const int buffersize,
struct sockaddr* from = nullptr,
socklen_t* fromlen = nullptr) const;
bool set_non_blocking(const bool); bool set_non_blocking(const bool);
@ -269,24 +259,24 @@ class Socket
bool is_valid() const; bool is_valid() const;
private: private:
SOCKET m_sd; ///< Socket Descriptor
SOCKADDR_IN m_sockaddr; ///< Socket Address
//struct addrinfo* m_addrinfo; ///< Socket address info
std::string m_hostname; ///< Hostname
unsigned short m_port; ///< Port number
SOCKET _sd; ///< Socket Descriptor enum SocketFamily m_family; ///< Socket Address Family
SOCKADDR_IN _sockaddr; ///< Socket Address enum SocketProtocol m_protocol; ///< Socket Protocol
//struct addrinfo* _addrinfo; ///< Socket address info enum SocketType m_type; ///< Socket Type
std::string _hostname; ///< Hostname enum SocketDomain m_domain; ///< Socket domain
unsigned short _port; ///< Port number
enum SocketFamily _family; ///< Socket Address Family
enum SocketProtocol _protocol; ///< Socket Protocol
enum SocketType _type; ///< Socket Type
enum SocketDomain _domain; ///< Socket domain
WSADATA _wsaData; ///< Windows Socket data WSADATA m_wsaData; ///< Windows Socket data
static int win_usage_count; ///< Internal Windows usage counter used to prevent a global WSACleanup when more than one Socket object is used static int
win_usage_count; ///< Internal Windows usage counter used to prevent a global WSACleanup when more than one Socket object is used
#endif #endif
void errormessage( int errornum, const char* functionname = NULL) const; void errormessage(int errornum, const char* functionname = nullptr) const;
int getLastError(void) const; int getLastError(void) const;
bool osInit(); bool osInit();
void osCleanup(); void osCleanup();

src/addon.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Scheel <julian@jusst.de>
* Copyright (C) 2015 jusst technologies GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2015 Digital Devices GmbH
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* See LICENSE.md for more information.
#include "addon.h"
#include "OctonetData.h"
ADDON_STATUS COctonetAddon::SetSetting(const std::string& settingName,
const kodi::CSettingValue& settingValue)
/* For simplicity do a full addon restart whenever settings are
* changed */
ADDON_STATUS COctonetAddon::CreateInstance(int instanceType,
const std::string& instanceID,
KODI_HANDLE instance,
const std::string& version,
KODI_HANDLE& addonInstance)
if (instanceType == ADDON_INSTANCE_PVR)
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Creating octonet pvr instance", __func__);
/* IP or hostname of the octonet to be connected to */
std::string octonetAddress = kodi::GetSettingString("octonetAddress");
OctonetData* usedInstance = new OctonetData(octonetAddress, instance, version);
addonInstance = usedInstance;
m_usedInstances.emplace(instanceID, usedInstance);
void COctonetAddon::DestroyInstance(int instanceType,
const std::string& instanceID,
KODI_HANDLE addonInstance)
if (instanceType == ADDON_INSTANCE_PVR)
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Destoying octonet pvr instance", __func__);
const auto& it = m_usedInstances.find(instanceID);
if (it != m_usedInstances.end())

src/addon.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Scheel <julian@jusst.de>
* Copyright (C) 2015 jusst technologies GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2015 Digital Devices GmbH
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* See LICENSE.md for more information.
#pragma once
#include <kodi/AddonBase.h>
#include <unordered_map>
class OctonetData;
class ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN COctonetAddon : public kodi::addon::CAddonBase
COctonetAddon() = default;
ADDON_STATUS SetSetting(const std::string& settingName,
const kodi::CSettingValue& settingValue) override;
ADDON_STATUS CreateInstance(int instanceType,
const std::string& instanceID,
KODI_HANDLE instance,
const std::string& version,
KODI_HANDLE& addonInstance) override;
void DestroyInstance(int instanceType,
const std::string& instanceID,
KODI_HANDLE addonInstance) override;
std::unordered_map<std::string, OctonetData*> m_usedInstances;

View File

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Scheel <julian@jusst.de>
* Copyright (C) 2015 jusst technologies GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2015 Digital Devices GmbH
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* See LICENSE.md for more information.
#include "client.h"
#include <kodi/xbmc_pvr_dll.h>
#include <kodi/libXBMC_addon.h>
#include <p8-platform/util/util.h>
#include "OctonetData.h"
#include "rtsp_client.hpp"
using namespace ADDON;
/* setting variables with defaults */
std::string octonetAddress = "";
/* internal state variables */
CHelper_libXBMC_addon *libKodi = NULL;
CHelper_libXBMC_pvr *pvr = NULL;
OctonetData *data = NULL;
/* KODI Core Addon functions
* see xbmc_addon_dll.h */
extern "C" {
void ADDON_ReadSettings(void)
char buffer[2048];
if (libKodi->GetSetting("octonetAddress", &buffer))
octonetAddress = buffer;
ADDON_STATUS ADDON_Create(void* callbacks, const char* globalApiVersion, void* props)
if (callbacks == NULL || props == NULL)
AddonProperties_PVR *pvrprops = (AddonProperties_PVR*)props;
libKodi = new CHelper_libXBMC_addon;
if (!libKodi->RegisterMe(callbacks)) {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to register octonet addon", __func__);
pvr = new CHelper_libXBMC_pvr;
if (!pvr->RegisterMe(callbacks)) {
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "%s: Failed to register octonet pvr addon", __func__);
libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: Creating octonet pvr addon", __func__);
data = new OctonetData;
addonStatus = ADDON_STATUS_OK;
return addonStatus;
void ADDON_Destroy()
delete pvr;
delete libKodi;
return addonStatus;
ADDON_STATUS ADDON_SetSetting(const char *settingName, const void *settingValue)
/* For simplicity do a full addon restart whenever settings are
* changed */
/* KODI PVR Addon functions
* see xbmc_pvr_dll.h */
extern "C"
PVR_ERROR GetCapabilities(PVR_ADDON_CAPABILITIES *pCapabilities)
pCapabilities->bSupportsTV = true;
pCapabilities->bSupportsRadio = true;
pCapabilities->bSupportsChannelGroups = true;
pCapabilities->bSupportsEPG = true;
pCapabilities->bSupportsRecordings = false;
pCapabilities->bSupportsRecordingsRename = false;
pCapabilities->bSupportsRecordingsLifetimeChange = false;
pCapabilities->bSupportsDescrambleInfo = false;
const char* GetBackendName(void)
return "Digital Devices Octopus NET Client";
const char* GetBackendVersion(void)
const char* GetConnectionString(void)
return "connected"; // FIXME: translate?
PVR_ERROR GetDriveSpace(long long* iTotal, long long* iUsed) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR CallMenuHook(const PVR_MENUHOOK& menuhook, const PVR_MENUHOOK_DATA &item) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
void OnSystemSleep() {
libKodi->Log(LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __FUNCTION__);
// FIXME: Disconnect?
void OnSystemWake() {
libKodi->Log(LOG_INFO, "Received event: %s", __FUNCTION__);
// FIXME:Reconnect?
void OnPowerSavingActivated() {}
void OnPowerSavingDeactivated() {}
/* EPG */
PVR_ERROR GetEPGForChannel(ADDON_HANDLE handle, int iChannelUid, time_t iStart, time_t iEnd)
return data->getEPG(handle, iChannelUid, iStart, iEnd);
PVR_ERROR IsEPGTagRecordable(const EPG_TAG*, bool*) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR IsEPGTagPlayable(const EPG_TAG*, bool*) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
/* Channel groups */
int GetChannelGroupsAmount(void)
return data->getGroupCount();
PVR_ERROR GetChannelGroups(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio)
return data->getGroups(handle, bRadio);
PVR_ERROR GetChannelGroupMembers(ADDON_HANDLE handle, const PVR_CHANNEL_GROUP& group)
return data->getGroupMembers(handle, group);
/* Channels */
PVR_ERROR OpenDialogChannelScan(void) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
int GetChannelsAmount(void)
return data->getChannelCount();
PVR_ERROR GetChannels(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool bRadio)
return data->getChannels(handle, bRadio);
PVR_ERROR DeleteChannel(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR RenameChannel(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR OpenDialogChannelSettings(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR OpenDialogChannelAdd(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
/* Recordings */
int GetRecordingsAmount(bool deleted) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetRecordings(ADDON_HANDLE handle, bool deleted) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR DeleteRecording(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR UndeleteRecording(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR DeleteAllRecordingsFromTrash() { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR RenameRecording(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR SetRecordingLifetime(const PVR_RECORDING*) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR SetRecordingPlayCount(const PVR_RECORDING& recording, int count) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR SetRecordingLastPlayedPosition(const PVR_RECORDING& recording, int lastplayedposition) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
int GetRecordingLastPlayedPosition(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetRecordingEdl(const PVR_RECORDING&, PVR_EDL_ENTRY edl[], int *size) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetRecordingSize(const PVR_RECORDING* recording, int64_t* sizeInBytes) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetTimerTypes(PVR_TIMER_TYPE types[], int *size) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
int GetTimersAmount(void) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR AddTimer(const PVR_TIMER& timer) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR DeleteTimer(const PVR_TIMER& timer, bool bForceDelete) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR UpdateTimer(const PVR_TIMER& timer) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
/* PVR stream properties handling */
PVR_ERROR GetStreamReadChunkSize(int* chunksize) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetChannelStreamProperties(const PVR_CHANNEL*, PVR_NAMED_VALUE*, unsigned int*) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetRecordingStreamProperties(const PVR_RECORDING*, PVR_NAMED_VALUE*, unsigned int*) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetEPGTagStreamProperties(const EPG_TAG*, PVR_NAMED_VALUE*, unsigned int*) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
PVR_ERROR GetEPGTagEdl(const EPG_TAG* epgTag, PVR_EDL_ENTRY edl[], int *size) { return PVR_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
/* PVR stream handling */
/* entirely unused, as we use standard RTSP+TS mux, which can be handlded by
* Kodi core */
bool OpenLiveStream(const PVR_CHANNEL& channel) {
return rtsp_open(data->getName(channel.iUniqueId), data->getUrl(channel.iUniqueId));
int ReadLiveStream(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int iBufferSize) {
return rtsp_read(pBuffer, iBufferSize);
void CloseLiveStream(void) {
long long SeekLiveStream(long long iPosition, int iWhence) { return -1; }
long long LengthLiveStream(void) { return -1; }
bool IsRealTimeStream(void) { return true; }
PVR_ERROR GetSignalStatus(int channelUid, PVR_SIGNAL_STATUS* signalStatus) {
memset(signalStatus, 0, sizeof(PVR_SIGNAL_STATUS));
/* Recording stream handling */
bool OpenRecordedStream(const PVR_RECORDING& recording) { return false; }
void CloseRecordedStream(void) {}
int ReadRecordedStream(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int iBufferSize) { return -1; }
long long SeekRecordedStream(long long iPosition, int iWhence) { return -1; }
long long LengthRecordedStream(void) { return -1; }
/* PVR demuxer */
/* entirey unused, as we use TS */
void DemuxReset(void) {}
void DemuxAbort(void) {}
void DemuxFlush(void) {}
DemuxPacket* DemuxRead(void) { return NULL; }
void FillBuffer(bool mode) {}
/* Various helper functions */
bool CanPauseStream() { return false; }
bool CanSeekStream() { return false; }
/* Callbacks */
void PauseStream(bool bPaused) {}
bool SeekTime(double time, bool backwards, double *startpts) { return false; }
void SetSpeed(int speed) {}
const char* GetBackendHostname()
return octonetAddress.c_str();

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (C) 2015 Julian Scheel <julian@jusst.de>
* Copyright (C) 2015 jusst technologies GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2015 Digital Devices GmbH
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* See LICENSE.md for more information.
#pragma once
#include "kodi/libXBMC_addon.h"
#include "kodi/libXBMC_pvr.h"
#ifndef __func__
#define __func__ __FUNCTION__
extern ADDON::CHelper_libXBMC_addon *libKodi;
extern CHelper_libXBMC_pvr *pvr;
/* IP or hostname of the octonet to be connected to */
extern std::string octonetAddress;

View File

@ -1,26 +1,35 @@
* Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Team Kodi
* https://kodi.tv
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* See LICENSE.md for more information.
#include "rtsp_client.hpp" #include "rtsp_client.hpp"
#include "Socket.h"
#include <algorithm> #include <algorithm>
#include <cctype> #include <cctype>
#include <iterator>
#include "Socket.h"
#include "client.h"
#include <p8-platform/util/util.h>
#include <kodi/libXBMC_addon.h>
#include <cstring> #include <cstring>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream> #include <sstream>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#define strtok_r strtok_s #define strtok_r strtok_s
#define strncasecmp _strnicmp #define strncasecmp _strnicmp
int vasprintf(char **sptr, char *fmt, va_list argv) { int vasprintf(char** sptr, char* fmt, va_list argv)
int wanted = vsnprintf(*sptr = NULL, 0, fmt, argv); {
if((wanted < 0) || ((*sptr = (char *)malloc(1 + wanted)) == NULL)) int wanted = vsnprintf(*sptr = nullptr, 0, fmt, argv);
if ((wanted < 0) || ((*sptr = (char*)malloc(1 + wanted)) == nullptr))
return -1; return -1;
return vsprintf(*sptr, fmt, argv); return vsprintf(*sptr, fmt, argv);
} }
int asprintf(char **sptr, char *fmt, ...) { int asprintf(char** sptr, char* fmt, ...)
int retval; int retval;
va_list argv; va_list argv;
va_start(argv, fmt); va_start(argv, fmt);
@ -40,10 +49,10 @@ int asprintf(char **sptr, char *fmt, ...) {
#define RTCP_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define RTCP_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
using namespace std; using namespace std;
using namespace ADDON;
using namespace OCTO; using namespace OCTO;
enum rtsp_state { enum rtsp_state
@ -51,11 +60,13 @@ enum rtsp_state {
}; };
enum rtsp_result { enum rtsp_result
}; };
struct rtsp_client { struct rtsp_client
char* content_base; char* content_base;
char* control; char* control;
char session_id[64]; char session_id[64];
@ -80,14 +91,16 @@ struct rtsp_client {
int quality; int quality;
}; };
struct url { struct url
string protocol; string protocol;
string host; string host;
int port; int port;
string path; string path;
}; };
struct rtcp_app { struct rtcp_app
uint8_t subtype; uint8_t subtype;
uint8_t pt; uint8_t pt;
uint16_t len; uint16_t len;
@ -97,9 +110,10 @@ struct rtcp_app {
uint16_t string_len; uint16_t string_len;
}; };
static rtsp_client *rtsp = NULL; static rtsp_client* rtsp = nullptr;
static url parse_url(const std::string& str) { static url parse_url(const std::string& str)
static const string prot_end = "://"; static const string prot_end = "://";
static const string host_end = "/"; static const string host_end = "/";
url result; url result;
@ -125,22 +139,27 @@ static url parse_url(const std::string& str) {
return result; return result;
} }
void split_string(const string& s, char delim, vector<string>& elems) { void split_string(const string& s, char delim, vector<string>& elems)
stringstream ss; stringstream ss;
ss.str(s); ss.str(s);
string item; string item;
while(getline(ss, item, delim)) { while (getline(ss, item, delim))
elems.push_back(item); elems.push_back(item);
} }
} }
static int tcp_sock_read_line(string &line) { static int tcp_sock_read_line(string& line)
static string buf; static string buf;
while(true) { while (true)
string::size_type pos = buf.find("\r\n"); string::size_type pos = buf.find("\r\n");
if(pos != string::npos) { if (pos != string::npos)
line = buf.substr(0, pos); line = buf.substr(0, pos);
buf.erase(0, pos + 2); buf.erase(0, pos + 2);
return 0; return 0;
@ -148,7 +167,8 @@ static int tcp_sock_read_line(string &line) {
char tmp_buf[2048]; char tmp_buf[2048];
int size = rtsp->tcp_sock.receive(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), 1); int size = rtsp->tcp_sock.receive(tmp_buf, sizeof(tmp_buf), 1);
if(size <= 0) { if (size <= 0)
return 1; return 1;
} }
@ -167,17 +187,20 @@ static string compose_url(const url& u)
return res.str(); return res.str();
} }
static void parse_session(char *request_line, char *session, unsigned max, int *timeout) { static void parse_session(char* request_line, char* session, unsigned max, int* timeout)
char* state; char* state;
char* tok; char* tok;
tok = strtok_r(request_line, ";", &state); tok = strtok_r(request_line, ";", &state);
if (tok == NULL) if (tok == nullptr)
return; return;
strncpy(session, tok, min(strlen(tok), (size_t)(max - 1))); strncpy(session, tok, min(strlen(tok), (size_t)(max - 1)));
while ((tok = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &state)) != NULL) { while ((tok = strtok_r(nullptr, ";", &state)) != nullptr)
if (strncmp(tok, "timeout=", 8) == 0) { {
if (strncmp(tok, "timeout=", 8) == 0)
*timeout = atoi(tok + 8); *timeout = atoi(tok + 8);
if (*timeout > 5) if (*timeout > 5)
@ -198,29 +221,34 @@ static int parse_port(char *str, uint16_t *port)
return 0; return 0;
} }
static int parse_transport(char *request_line) { static int parse_transport(char* request_line)
char* state; char* state;
char* tok; char* tok;
int err; int err;
tok = strtok_r(request_line, ";", &state); tok = strtok_r(request_line, ";", &state);
if (tok == NULL || strncmp(tok, "RTP/AVP", 7) != 0) if (tok == nullptr || strncmp(tok, "RTP/AVP", 7) != 0)
return -1; return -1;
tok = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &state); tok = strtok_r(nullptr, ";", &state);
if (tok == NULL || strncmp(tok, "multicast", 9) != 0) if (tok == nullptr || strncmp(tok, "multicast", 9) != 0)
return 0; return 0;
while ((tok = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &state)) != NULL) { while ((tok = strtok_r(nullptr, ";", &state)) != nullptr)
if (strncmp(tok, "destination=", 12) == 0) { {
if (strncmp(tok, "destination=", 12) == 0)
strncpy(rtsp->udp_address, tok + 12, min(strlen(tok + 12), (size_t)(UDP_ADDRESS_LEN - 1))); strncpy(rtsp->udp_address, tok + 12, min(strlen(tok + 12), (size_t)(UDP_ADDRESS_LEN - 1)));
} else if (strncmp(tok, "port=", 5) == 0) { }
else if (strncmp(tok, "port=", 5) == 0)
char port[6]; char port[6];
char* end; char* end;
memset(port, 0x00, 6); memset(port, 0x00, 6);
strncpy(port, tok + 5, min(strlen(tok + 5), (size_t)5)); strncpy(port, tok + 5, min(strlen(tok + 5), (size_t)5));
if ((end = strstr(port, "-")) != NULL) if ((end = strstr(port, "-")) != nullptr)
*end = '\0'; *end = '\0';
err = parse_port(port, &rtsp->udp_port); err = parse_port(port, &rtsp->udp_port);
if (err) if (err)
@ -231,8 +259,11 @@ static int parse_transport(char *request_line) {
return 0; return 0;
} }
#define skip_whitespace(x) while(*x == ' ') x++ #define skip_whitespace(x) \
static enum rtsp_result rtsp_handle() { while (*x == ' ') \
static enum rtsp_result rtsp_handle()
uint8_t buffer[512]; uint8_t buffer[512];
int rtsp_result = 0; int rtsp_result = 0;
bool have_header = false; bool have_header = false;
@ -242,51 +273,66 @@ static enum rtsp_result rtsp_handle() {
string in_str; string in_str;
/* Parse header */ /* Parse header */
while (!have_header) { while (!have_header)
if (tcp_sock_read_line(in_str) < 0) if (tcp_sock_read_line(in_str) < 0)
break; break;
in = const_cast<char*>(in_str.c_str()); in = const_cast<char*>(in_str.c_str());
if (strncmp(in, "RTSP/1.0 ", 9) == 0) { if (strncmp(in, "RTSP/1.0 ", 9) == 0)
rtsp_result = atoi(in + 9); rtsp_result = atoi(in + 9);
} else if (strncmp(in, "Content-Base:", 13) == 0) { }
else if (strncmp(in, "Content-Base:", 13) == 0)
free(rtsp->content_base); free(rtsp->content_base);
val = in + 13; val = in + 13;
skip_whitespace(val); skip_whitespace(val);
rtsp->content_base = strdup(val); rtsp->content_base = strdup(val);
} else if (strncmp(in, "Content-Length:", 15) == 0) { }
else if (strncmp(in, "Content-Length:", 15) == 0)
val = in + 16; val = in + 16;
skip_whitespace(val); skip_whitespace(val);
content_length = atoi(val); content_length = atoi(val);
} else if (strncmp("Session:", in, 8) == 0) { }
else if (strncmp("Session:", in, 8) == 0)
val = in + 8; val = in + 8;
skip_whitespace(val); skip_whitespace(val);
parse_session(val, rtsp->session_id, 64, &rtsp->keepalive_interval); parse_session(val, rtsp->session_id, 64, &rtsp->keepalive_interval);
} else if (strncmp("Transport:", in, 10) == 0) { }
else if (strncmp("Transport:", in, 10) == 0)
val = in + 10; val = in + 10;
skip_whitespace(val); skip_whitespace(val);
if (parse_transport(val) != 0) { if (parse_transport(val) != 0)
rtsp_result = -1; rtsp_result = -1;
break; break;
} }
} else if (strncmp("com.ses.streamID:", in, 17) == 0) { }
else if (strncmp("com.ses.streamID:", in, 17) == 0)
val = in + 17; val = in + 17;
skip_whitespace(val); skip_whitespace(val);
rtsp->stream_id = atoi(val); rtsp->stream_id = atoi(val);
} else if (in[0] == '\0') { }
else if (in[0] == '\0')
have_header = true; have_header = true;
} }
} }
/* Discard further content */ /* Discard further content */
while (content_length > 0 && while (content_length > 0 && (read = rtsp->tcp_sock.receive((char*)buffer, sizeof(buffer),
(read = rtsp->tcp_sock.receive((char*)buffer, sizeof(buffer), min(sizeof(buffer), content_length)))) min(sizeof(buffer), content_length))))
content_length -= read; content_length -= read;
return (enum rtsp_result)rtsp_result; return (enum rtsp_result)rtsp_result;
@ -302,28 +348,30 @@ bool rtsp_open(const string& name, const string& url_str)
rtsp_close(); rtsp_close();
rtsp = new rtsp_client(); rtsp = new rtsp_client();
if (rtsp == NULL) if (rtsp == nullptr)
return false; return false;
rtsp->name = name; rtsp->name = name;
rtsp->level = 0; rtsp->level = 0;
rtsp->quality = 0; rtsp->quality = 0;
libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "try to open '%s'", url_str.c_str()); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "try to open '%s'", url_str.c_str());
url dst = parse_url(url_str); url dst = parse_url(url_str);
libKodi->Log(LOG_DEBUG, "connect to host '%s'", dst.host.c_str()); kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_DEBUG, "connect to host '%s'", dst.host.c_str());
if(!rtsp->tcp_sock.connect(dst.host, dst.port)) { if (!rtsp->tcp_sock.connect(dst.host, dst.port))
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to connect to RTSP server %s:%d", dst.host.c_str(), dst.port); {
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to connect to RTSP server %s:%d", dst.host.c_str(),
goto error; goto error;
} }
// TODO: tcp keep alive? // TODO: tcp keep alive?
if (asprintf(&rtsp->content_base, "rtsp://%s:%d/", dst.host.c_str(), if (asprintf(&rtsp->content_base, "rtsp://%s:%d/", dst.host.c_str(), dst.port) < 0)
dst.port) < 0) { {
rtsp->content_base = NULL; rtsp->content_base = nullptr;
goto error; goto error;
} }
@ -333,7 +381,8 @@ bool rtsp_open(const string& name, const string& url_str)
setup_url = dst; setup_url = dst;
// reverse the satip protocol trick, as SAT>IP believes to be RTSP // reverse the satip protocol trick, as SAT>IP believes to be RTSP
if (!strncasecmp(setup_url.protocol.c_str(), "satip", 5)) { if (!strncasecmp(setup_url.protocol.c_str(), "satip", 5))
setup_url.protocol = "rtsp"; setup_url.protocol = "rtsp";
} }
@ -343,22 +392,26 @@ bool rtsp_open(const string& name, const string& url_str)
// TODO: Find available port // TODO: Find available port
rtsp->udp_sock = Socket(af_inet, pf_inet, sock_dgram, udp); rtsp->udp_sock = Socket(af_inet, pf_inet, sock_dgram, udp);
rtsp->udp_port = 6785; rtsp->udp_port = 6785;
if(!rtsp->udp_sock.bind(rtsp->udp_port)) { if (!rtsp->udp_sock.bind(rtsp->udp_port))
goto error; goto error;
} }
setup_ss << "SETUP " << setup_url_str << " RTSP/1.0\r\n"; setup_ss << "SETUP " << setup_url_str << " RTSP/1.0\r\n";
setup_ss << "CSeq: " << rtsp->cseq++ << "\r\n"; setup_ss << "CSeq: " << rtsp->cseq++ << "\r\n";
setup_ss << "Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=" << rtsp->udp_port << "-" << (rtsp->udp_port + 1) << "\r\n\r\n"; setup_ss << "Transport: RTP/AVP;unicast;client_port=" << rtsp->udp_port << "-"
<< (rtsp->udp_port + 1) << "\r\n\r\n";
rtsp->tcp_sock.send(setup_ss.str()); rtsp->tcp_sock.send(setup_ss.str());
if (rtsp_handle() != RTSP_RESULT_OK) { if (rtsp_handle() != RTSP_RESULT_OK)
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to setup RTSP session"); {
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to setup RTSP session");
goto error; goto error;
} }
if (asprintf(&rtsp->control, "%sstream=%d", rtsp->content_base, rtsp->stream_id) < 0) { if (asprintf(&rtsp->control, "%sstream=%d", rtsp->content_base, rtsp->stream_id) < 0)
rtsp->control = NULL; {
rtsp->control = nullptr;
goto error; goto error;
} }
@ -367,16 +420,19 @@ bool rtsp_open(const string& name, const string& url_str)
play_ss << "Session: " << rtsp->session_id << "\r\n\r\n"; play_ss << "Session: " << rtsp->session_id << "\r\n\r\n";
rtsp->tcp_sock.send(play_ss.str()); rtsp->tcp_sock.send(play_ss.str());
if (rtsp_handle() != RTSP_RESULT_OK) { if (rtsp_handle() != RTSP_RESULT_OK)
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to play RTSP session"); {
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to play RTSP session");
goto error; goto error;
} }
rtsp->rtcp_sock = Socket(af_inet, pf_inet, sock_dgram, udp); rtsp->rtcp_sock = Socket(af_inet, pf_inet, sock_dgram, udp);
if(!rtsp->rtcp_sock.bind(rtsp->udp_port + 1)) { if (!rtsp->rtcp_sock.bind(rtsp->udp_port + 1))
goto error; goto error;
} }
if(!rtsp->rtcp_sock.set_non_blocking(true)) { if (!rtsp->rtcp_sock.set_non_blocking(true))
goto error; goto error;
} }
@ -387,13 +443,16 @@ error:
return false; return false;
} }
static void parse_rtcp(const char *buf, int size) { static void parse_rtcp(const char* buf, int size)
int offset = 0; int offset = 0;
while(size > 4) { while (size > 4)
const rtcp_app* app = reinterpret_cast<const rtcp_app*>(buf + offset); const rtcp_app* app = reinterpret_cast<const rtcp_app*>(buf + offset);
uint16_t len = 4 * (ntohs(app->len) + 1); uint16_t len = 4 * (ntohs(app->len) + 1);
if((app->pt != 204) || (memcmp(app->name, "SES1", 4) != 0)) { if ((app->pt != 204) || (memcmp(app->name, "SES1", 4) != 0))
size -= len; size -= len;
offset += len; offset += len;
continue; continue;
@ -404,13 +463,15 @@ static void parse_rtcp(const char *buf, int size) {
vector<string> elems; vector<string> elems;
split_string(app_data, ';', elems); split_string(app_data, ';', elems);
if(elems.size() != 4) { if (elems.size() != 4)
return; return;
} }
vector<string> tuner; vector<string> tuner;
split_string(elems[2], ',', tuner); split_string(elems[2], ',', tuner);
if(tuner.size() < 4) { if (tuner.size() < 4)
return; return;
} }
@ -421,7 +482,8 @@ static void parse_rtcp(const char *buf, int size) {
} }
} }
int rtsp_read(void *buf, unsigned buf_size) { int rtsp_read(void* buf, unsigned buf_size)
sockaddr addr; sockaddr addr;
socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr); socklen_t addr_len = sizeof(addr);
int ret = rtsp->udp_sock.recvfrom((char*)buf, buf_size, (sockaddr*)&addr, &addr_len); int ret = rtsp->udp_sock.recvfrom((char*)buf, buf_size, (sockaddr*)&addr, &addr_len);
@ -435,12 +497,15 @@ int rtsp_read(void *buf, unsigned buf_size) {
return ret; return ret;
} }
static void rtsp_teardown() { static void rtsp_teardown()
if(!rtsp->tcp_sock.is_valid()) { {
if (!rtsp->tcp_sock.is_valid())
return; return;
} }
if (rtsp->session_id[0] > 0) { if (rtsp->session_id[0] > 0)
char* msg; char* msg;
int len; int len;
stringstream ss; stringstream ss;
@ -452,8 +517,9 @@ static void rtsp_teardown() {
ss << "Session: " << rtsp->session_id << "\r\n\r\n"; ss << "Session: " << rtsp->session_id << "\r\n\r\n";
rtsp->tcp_sock.send(ss.str()); rtsp->tcp_sock.send(ss.str());
if (rtsp_handle() != RTSP_RESULT_OK) { if (rtsp_handle() != RTSP_RESULT_OK)
libKodi->Log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to teardown RTSP session"); {
kodi::Log(ADDON_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to teardown RTSP session");
return; return;
} }
} }
@ -461,20 +527,23 @@ static void rtsp_teardown() {
void rtsp_close() void rtsp_close()
{ {
if(rtsp) { if (rtsp)
rtsp_teardown(); rtsp_teardown();
rtsp->tcp_sock.close(); rtsp->tcp_sock.close();
rtsp->udp_sock.close(); rtsp->udp_sock.close();
rtsp->rtcp_sock.close(); rtsp->rtcp_sock.close();
delete rtsp; delete rtsp;
rtsp = NULL; rtsp = nullptr;
} }
} }
void rtsp_fill_signal_status(PVR_SIGNAL_STATUS* signal_status) { void rtsp_fill_signal_status(kodi::addon::PVRSignalStatus& signal_status)
if(rtsp) { {
strncpy(signal_status->strServiceName, rtsp->name.c_str(), PVR_ADDON_NAME_STRING_LENGTH - 1); if (rtsp)
signal_status->iSNR = 0x1111 * rtsp->quality; {
signal_status->iSignal = 0x101 * rtsp->level; signal_status.SetAdapterName(rtsp->name);
signal_status.SetSNR(0x1111 * rtsp->quality);
signal_status.SetSignal(0x101 * rtsp->level);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
#ifndef _RTSP_CLIENT_HPP_ /*
#define _RTSP_CLIENT_HPP_ * Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Team Kodi
* https://kodi.tv
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
* See LICENSE.md for more information.
#pragma once
#include <kodi/addon-instance/pvr/Channels.h>
#include <string> #include <string>
#include <kodi/xbmc_pvr_types.h>
bool rtsp_open(const std::string& name, const std::string& url_str); bool rtsp_open(const std::string& name, const std::string& url_str);
void rtsp_close(); void rtsp_close();
int rtsp_read(void* buf, unsigned buf_size); int rtsp_read(void* buf, unsigned buf_size);
void rtsp_fill_signal_status(PVR_SIGNAL_STATUS* signal_status); void rtsp_fill_signal_status(kodi::addon::PVRSignalStatus& signal_status);