This project was inspired by a [blog post]( by SirLagz about using a web page rather than ssh to configure wifi and hostapd settings on the Raspberry Pi. I began by prettifying the UI by wrapping it in [SB Admin 2](, a Bootstrap based admin theme. Since then, the project has evolved to include greater control over many aspects of a networked RPi, better security, authentication, a Quick Installer, support for OpenVPN, themes and more. RaspAP has been featured on sites such as [Instructables](, [Adafruit](, [Raspberry Pi Weekly]( and [Awesome Raspberry Pi]( and implemented in countless projects.
We'd be curious to hear about how you use this with [your own RPi-powered projects]( Until then, here are some screenshots:
Start with a clean install of the [latest release of Raspbian]( (currently Buster). Raspbian Buster Lite is recommended.
3. If you have an older Raspberry Pi without an onboard WiFi chipset, the [**Edimax Wireless 802.11b/g/n nano USB adapter**]( is an excellent option – it's small, cheap and has good driver support.
**Note:** As the name suggests, the Quick Installer is a great way to quickly setup a new AP. However, it does not automagically detect the unique configuration of your RPi. Best results are obtained by connecting an RPi to ethernet (`eth0`) or as a WiFi client, also known as managed mode, with `wlan0`. For the latter, refer to [this FAQ]( Please [read this]( before reporting an issue.
RaspAP lets you easily create an AP with a Wifi client configuration. With your RPi configured in managed mode, enable the AP from the **Advanced** tab of **Configure hotspot** by sliding the **Wifi client AP mode** toggle. Save settings and start the hotspot. The managed mode AP is functional without restart.
**Note:** This option is disabled until you configure your RPi as a wireless client. For a Raspberry Pi operating in [managed mode]( without an `eth0` connection, this configuration must be enabled _before_ a reboot.
RaspAP is free software, but powered by your support. If you find RaspAP useful for your personal or commercial projects, please [become a sponsor]( or make a one-time donation with [Beerpay]( Either option makes a big difference!
RaspAP provides an 802.11ac wireless mode option for supported hardware (currently the RPi 3B+/4) and wireless regulatory domains. See [this FAQ]( for more information.
RaspAP uses [GNU Gettext]( to manage multilingual messages. In order to use RaspAP with one of our supported translations, you must configure a corresponding language package on your RPi. To list languages currently installed on your system, use `locale -a` at the shell prompt. To generate new locales, run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales` and select any other desired locales. Details are provided on our [wiki](
The following translations are currently maintained by the project:
If your language is not in the list above, why not [contribute a translation]( Contributors will receive credit as the original translators.
The Quick Installer may be used to [generate SSL certificates]( with `mkcert`. The installer automates the manual steps [described in the wiki](, including configuring lighttpd with SSL support.
Simply append the `-c` or `--cert` option to the Quick Installer, like so:
**Note**: this only installs mkcert and generates an SSL certificate with the input you provide. It does *not* (re)install RaspAP.
More information on SSL certificates and HTTPS support is available [on our wiki](
OpenVPN may be optionally installed by the Quick Installer. Once this is done, you can managage a client configuration and the `openvpn-client` service with RaspAP.
To configure an OpenVPN client, upload a valid .ovpn file and, optionally, specify your login credentials. RaspAP will store your client configuration and add firewall rules to forward traffic from OpenVPN's `tun0` interface to your configured wireless interface.
**Note**: this feature is currently in beta. Please [read this]( before reporting an issue.
This project follows the [PSR-2]( coding style guidelines. There are many ways to check your code for PSR-2. An excellent tool is [PHP_CodeSniffer]( The command line tool `phpcs` can be run against any single file. [Phing](, a PHP build tool, integrates nicely with `phpcs` to automate PSR-2 checks across all source files in a project.