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[](https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) [](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1) [](https://snyk.io/test/npm/bootstrap4-toggle) [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bootstrap4-toggle) [](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/gh/gitbrent/bootstrap4-toggle)
# Bootstrap 4 Toggle
**Bootstrap 4 Toggle** is a bootstrap plugin/widget that converts checkboxes into toggles.
#### Library Distributions
Project |Description
[bootstrap4-toggle](https://github.com/gitbrent/bootstrap4-toggle) | Supports bootstrap4 (requires jQuery)
[bootstrap-switch-button](https://github.com/gitbrent/bootstrap-switch-button) | Supports bootstrap4+ (ES6 class, no dependencies)
[bootstrap-switch-button-react](https://github.com/gitbrent/bootstrap-switch-button-react) | Supports bootstrap4+ (React component, no dependencies)
# Demos
**Demos and API Docs:** https://gitbrent.github.io/bootstrap4-toggle/

<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc)*
- [Installation](#installation)
- [CDN](#cdn)
- [Download](#download)
- [NPM](#npm)
- [Yarn](#yarn)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Initialize With HTML](#initialize-with-html)
- [Initialize With Code](#initialize-with-code)
- [API](#api)
- [Options](#options)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Events](#events)
- [Event Propagation](#event-propagation)
- [API vs Input](#api-vs-input)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
# Installation
## CDN
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gitbrent/bootstrap4-toggle@3.5.0/css/bootstrap4-toggle.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/gitbrent/bootstrap4-toggle@3.5.0/js/bootstrap4-toggle.min.js"></script>
## Download
[Latest GitHub Release](https://github.com/gitbrent/bootstrap4-toggle/releases/latest)
## NPM
npm install bootstrap4-toggle
## Yarn
yarn add bootstrap4-toggle
# Usage
## Initialize With HTML
Simply add `data-toggle="toggle"` to automatically convert a plain checkbox into a bootstrap 4 toggle.
<input id="chkToggle" type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle">
## Initialize With Code
Toggles can also be initialized via JavaScript code.
EX: Initialize id `chkToggle` with a single line of JavaScript.
<input id="chkToggle" type="checkbox" checked>
## Options
* Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript
* For data attributes, append the option name to `data-` (ex: `data-on="Enabled"`)
<input type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle" data-on="Enabled" data-off="Disabled">
<input type="checkbox" id="toggle-two">
$(function() {
on: 'Enabled',
off: 'Disabled'
Name |Type |Default |Description |
`on` |string/html|"On" |Text of the on toggle
`off` |string/html|"Off" |Text of the off toggle
`size` |string |"normal" |Size of the toggle. Possible values are: `large`, `normal`, `small`, `mini`.
`onstyle` |string |"primary" |Style of the on toggle. Possible values are: `primary`,`secondary`,`success`,`danger`,`warning`,`info`,`light`,`dark`
`offstyle`|string |"light" |Style of the off toggle. Possible values are: `primary`,`secondary`,`success`,`danger`,`warning`,`info`,`light`,`dark`
`style` |string | |Appends the value to the class attribute of the toggle. This can be used to apply custom styles. Refer to Custom Styles for reference.
`width` |integer |*null* |Sets the width of the toggle. if set to *null*, width will be auto-calculated.
`height` |integer |*null* |Sets the height of the toggle. if set to *null*, height will be auto-calculated.
## Methods
Methods can be used to control toggles directly.
<input id="toggle-demo" type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle">
Method |Example |Description
initialize | `$('#toggle-demo').bootstrapToggle()` |Initializes the toggle plugin with options
destroy | `$('#toggle-demo').bootstrapToggle('destroy')` |Destroys the toggle
on | `$('#toggle-demo').bootstrapToggle('on')` |Sets the toggle to 'On' state
off | `$('#toggle-demo').bootstrapToggle('off')` |Sets the toggle to 'Off' state
toggle | `$('#toggle-demo').bootstrapToggle('toggle')` |Toggles the state of the toggle on/off
enable | `$('#toggle-demo').bootstrapToggle('enable')` |Enables the toggle
disable | `$('#toggle-demo').bootstrapToggle('disable')` |Disables the toggle
# Events
## Event Propagation
Note All events are propagated to and from input element to the toggle.
You should listen to events from the `<input type="checkbox">` directly rather than look for custom events.
<input id="toggle-event" type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle">
<div id="console-event"></div>
$(function() {
$('#toggle-event').change(function() {
$('#console-event').html('Toggle: ' + $(this).prop('checked'))
## API vs Input
This also means that using the API or Input to trigger events will work both ways.
<input id="toggle-trigger" type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle">
<button class="btn btn-success" onclick="toggleApiOn()" >On by API</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="toggleApiOff()">Off by API</button>
<button class="btn btn-success" onclick="toggleInpOn()" >On by Input</button>
<button class="btn btn-danger" onclick="toggleInpOff()">Off by Input</button>
function toggleApiOn() {
function toggleApiOff() {
function toggleInpOn() {
$('#toggle-trigger').prop('checked', true).change()
function toggleInpOff() {
$('#toggle-trigger').prop('checked', false).change()