mirror of https://github.com/rofafor/vdr-plugin-femon.git synced 2023-10-10 11:36:53 +00:00
2015-03-07 20:37:07 +02:00

392 lines
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# VDR plugin language source file.
# Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Rolf Ahrenberg
# This file is distributed under the same license as the femon package.
# Nicolas Huillard
# Michaël Nival <mnival@club-internet.fr>, 2010
# Bernard Jaulin <bernard.jaulin@gmail.com>, 2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: vdr-femon 2.2.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: <see README>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-19 02:19+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-19 02:19+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Bernard Jaulin <bernard.jaulin@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: French <vdr@linuxtv.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
msgid "DVB Signal Information Monitor (OSD)"
msgstr "Moniteur sur le signal DVB"
msgid "Signal Information"
msgstr "Infos sur le signal DVB"
msgid "Femon not available"
msgstr "Femon n'est pas disponible"
msgid "Video"
msgstr "Vidéo"
msgid "AC-3"
msgstr "AC-3"
msgid "Audio"
msgstr "Audio"
msgid "Transponder Information"
msgstr "Information du transpondeur"
msgid "Apid"
msgstr "Apid"
msgid "Dpid"
msgstr "Dpid"
msgid "Spid"
msgstr "Spid"
msgid "Nid"
msgstr "Nid"
msgid "Tid"
msgstr "Tid"
msgid "Rid"
msgstr "Rid"
msgid "Coderate"
msgstr "Coderate"
msgid "Protocol"
msgstr "Protocole"
msgid "Bitrate"
msgstr "Taux d'échantillonnage fixe"
msgid "Stream Information"
msgstr "Information sur le flux"
msgid "Video Stream"
msgstr "Flux vidéo"
msgid "Codec"
msgstr "Codec"
msgid "Aspect Ratio"
msgstr "Format de l'image"
msgid "Frame Rate"
msgstr "Rafraîchissement"
msgid "Video Format"
msgstr "Standard vidéo"
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Résolution"
msgid "Audio Stream"
msgstr "Flux audio"
msgid "Channel Mode"
msgstr "Mode chaîne"
msgid "Sampling Frequency"
msgstr "Fréquence d'échantillonage"
msgid "AC-3 Stream"
msgstr "Flux AC-3"
msgid "Bit Stream Mode"
msgstr "Mode bitstream"
msgid "Audio Coding Mode"
msgstr "Mode de codage audio"
msgid "Center Mix Level"
msgstr "Niveau sonore milieu"
msgid "Surround Mix Level"
msgstr "Niveau sonore surround"
msgid "Dolby Surround Mode"
msgstr "Mode Dolby Surround"
msgid "Low Frequency Effects"
msgstr "Effets de basses"
msgid "Dialogue Normalization"
msgstr "Normalisation des dialogues"
msgid "basic"
msgstr "basique"
msgid "transponder"
msgstr "transpondeur"
msgid "stream"
msgstr "flux"
msgid "Classic"
msgstr "Classique"
msgid "Elchi"
msgstr "Elchi"
msgid "ST:TNG"
msgstr "ST:TNG"
msgid "DeepBlue"
msgstr "DeepBlue"
msgid "Moronimo"
msgstr "Moronimo"
msgid "Enigma"
msgstr "Enigma"
msgid "EgalsTry"
msgstr "EgalsTry"
msgid "Duotone"
msgstr "Duotone"
msgid "SilverGreen"
msgstr "SilverGreen"
msgid "PearlHD"
msgstr "PearlHD"
msgid "Hide main menu entry"
msgstr "Masquer dans le menu principal"
msgid "Define whether the main menu entry is hidden."
msgstr "Définit si l'entrée doit être masquée dans le menu principal."
msgid "Default display mode"
msgstr "Affichage par défaut"
msgid "Define the default display mode at startup."
msgstr "Définit l'affichage par défaut au démarrage."
msgid "Define the used OSD skin."
msgstr "Définit le skin OSD à utiliser."
msgid "Define the used OSD theme."
msgstr "Définit le thème OSD à utiliser."
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position"
msgid "Define the position of OSD."
msgstr "Définit la position de l'OSD."
msgid "Downscale OSD size [%]"
msgstr "Réduit la taille de l'OSD (%)"
msgid "Define the downscale ratio for OSD size."
msgstr "Définit le ration de réduction de l'OSD."
msgid "Red limit [%]"
msgstr "Limite du rouge (%)"
msgid "Define a limit for red bar, which is used to indicate a bad signal."
msgstr "Définit la limite de la barre rouge, qui est utilisé pour indiquer un mauvais signal."
msgid "Green limit [%]"
msgstr "Limite du vert (%)"
msgid "Define a limit for green bar, which is used to indicate a good signal."
msgstr "Définit la limite de la barre rouge, qui est utilisé pour indiquer un bon signal."
msgid "OSD update interval [0.1s]"
msgstr "Intervalle de mise à jour (0,1s)"
msgid "Define an interval for OSD updates. The smaller interval generates higher CPU load."
msgstr "Définit l'intervalle de mise à jour de l'OSD. Un petit intervalle génère une charge CPU plus importante."
msgid "Analyze stream"
msgstr "Analyser le flux"
msgid "Define whether the DVB stream is analyzed and bitrates calculated."
msgstr "Définit si le flux DVB est analysé et le taux d'échantillonnage fixe calculé."
msgid "Calculation interval [0.1s]"
msgstr "Intervalle de calcul (0,1s)"
msgid "Define an interval for calculation. The bigger interval generates more stable values."
msgstr "Définit l'intervalle de cacul. Un plus grand intervalle génère une valeur plus stable."
msgid "Use SVDRP service"
msgstr "Utiliser le service SVDRP"
msgid "Define whether the SVDRP service is used in client/server setups."
msgstr "Définit si le service SVDRP est utilisé dans la configuration client/serveur."
msgid "SVDRP service port"
msgstr "Port du service SVDRP"
msgid "Define the port number of SVDRP service."
msgstr "Définit le port d'écoute du service SVDRP."
msgid "SVDRP service IP"
msgstr "IP du service SVDRP"
msgid "Define the IP address of SVDRP service."
msgstr "Définit l'adresse IP du service SVDRP."
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"
msgid "Fixed"
msgstr "Fixe"
msgid "Analog"
msgstr "Analogique"
msgid "MPEG-2"
msgstr "MPEG-2"
msgid "H.264"
msgstr "H.264"
msgid "MPEG-1 Layer I"
msgstr "MPEG-1 Layer I"
msgid "MPEG-1 Layer II"
msgstr "MPEG-1 Layer II"
msgid "MPEG-1 Layer III"
msgstr "MPEG-1 Layer III"
msgid "MPEG-2 Layer I"
msgstr "MPEG-2 Layer I"
msgid "MPEG-2 Layer II"
msgstr "MPEG-2 Layer II"
msgid "MPEG-2 Layer III"
msgstr "MPEG-2 Layer III"
msgid "HE-AAC"
msgstr "HE-AAC"
msgid "LATM"
msgstr "LATM"
msgid "stereo"
msgstr "stéréo"
msgid "joint Stereo"
msgstr "joint Stereo"
msgid "dual"
msgstr "double"
msgid "mono"
msgstr "mono"
msgid "interlaced"
msgstr "entrelacé"
msgid "progressive"
msgstr "progressif"
msgid "reserved"
msgstr "réservé"
msgid "extended"
msgstr "étendu"
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "inconnu"
msgid "component"
msgstr "composant"
msgid "PAL"
msgstr "PAL"
msgid "NTSC"
msgstr "NTSC"
msgid "SECAM"
msgstr "SECAM"
msgid "MAC"
msgstr "MAC"
msgid "Hz"
msgstr "Hz"
msgid "Complete Main (CM)"
msgstr "Principal (CM)"
msgid "Music and Effects (ME)"
msgstr "Musique et effets (ME)"
msgid "Visually Impaired (VI)"
msgstr "Malvoyants (VI)"
msgid "Hearing Impaired (HI)"
msgstr "Malentendants (HI)"
msgid "Dialogue (D)"
msgstr "Dialogue (D)"
msgid "Commentary (C)"
msgstr "Commentaires (C)"
msgid "Emergency (E)"
msgstr "Urgence (E)"
msgid "Voice Over (VO)"
msgstr "Voix off (VO)"
msgid "Karaoke"
msgstr "Karaoke"
msgid "Ch1"
msgstr "Can. 1"
msgid "Ch2"
msgstr "Can. 2"
msgid "C"
msgstr "Centre"
msgid "L"
msgstr "Gauche"
msgid "R"
msgstr "Droite"
msgid "S"
msgstr "Surround"
msgid "SL"
msgstr "Surround gauche"
msgid "SR"
msgstr "Surround droit"
msgid "dB"
msgstr "dB"
msgid "not indicated"
msgstr "non indiqué"
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
msgid "free"
msgstr "libre"
msgid "Mbit/s"
msgstr "Mbit/s"
msgid "kbit/s"
msgstr "kbit/s"