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# guac-install
## NOTE: The version of FreeRDP2 that comes in the official repo for Ubuntu 18.04 is broken. If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 and RDP is not working / crashing run the following before or after install:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/freerdp-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install freerdp2-dev freerdp2-x11
## NOTE: Debian 10 users having issues with RDP have reported the following fix:
sudo bash -c 'echo "deb buster-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list'
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y -t buster-backports install freerdp2-dev
Script for installing Guacamole 1.3.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer (with MySQL, or remote MySQL). It should also work on pure [Debian](, [Raspbian](, [Linux Mint]( (18/LMDE 4 or newer) or [Kali Linux]( I have tested this with Debian 10.3.0 (Buster). **If other versions don't work please open an issue.** It is likely due to a required library having a different name.
Run script, enter MySQL Root Password and Guacamole User password. Guacamole User is used to connect to the Guacamole Database.
The script attempts to install `tomcat9` by default (it will fall back on `tomcat8` **if the available version is 8.5.x or newer**, otherwise it will fall back to `tomcat7`). If you want to manually specify a tomcat version there's a commented out line you can modify. Have at it.
If you're looking to also have NGINX / Let's Encrypt / HTTPS click [HERE](
## MFA/2FA
By default the script will not install MFA support (QR code for Google/Microsoft Authenticator, Duo Mobile, etc. or Duo Push), if you do want MFA support you can use the `-t` or `--totp` or for Duo `-d` or `--duo` flags on the command line. Or modify the script variables `installTOTP=true` or `installDuo=true`. **Do not install both**
## FYI
Here's a cool PowerShell module for using the Guacamole API:
Does not work if you have MFA turned on (however, you can authenticate via the gui and get a token to use it that way)
## How to Run:
### Download file directly from here:
`wget -O`
### Make it executable:
`chmod +x`
### Run it as root:
Interactive (asks for passwords):
Non-Interactive (values provided via cli):
`./ --mysqlpwd password --guacpwd password --nomfa --installmysql`
`./ -r password -gp password -o -i`
Once installation is done you can access Guacamole by browsing to: http://<host_or_ip>:8080/guacamole/
The default credentials are `guacadmin` as both username and password. Please change them or disable guacadmin after install!
# guac-upgrade
Script for upgrading currently installed Guacamole instance (previously installed via this script/guide). This will also now update the TOTP or Duo extensions if used.
If looks for the tomcat folder in /etc/ (E.G. `/etc/tomcat7` or `/etc/tomcat8`) hopefully that works to identify the correct tomcat version/path :smile: I'm open to suggestions/pull requests for a cleaner method.
## All Switches
Install MySQL:
`-i or --installmysql`
Do *NOT* install MySQL:
`-n or --nomysql`
MySQL Host:
`-h or --mysqlhost`
MySQL Port:
`-p or --mysqlport`
MySQL Root Password:
`-r or --mysqlpwd`
Guacamole Database:
`-db or --guacdb`
Guacamole User:
`-gu or --guacuser`
Guacamole User Password:
`-gp or --guacpwd`
No MFA (No TOTP + Duo):
`-o or --nomfa`
Install TOTP:
`-t or --totp`
Install Duo:
`-d or --duo`
NOTE: Only the switches for MySQL Host, MySQL Port and Guacamole Database are available in the upgrade script.
- Upgrading from 0.9.14 or 1.1.0 to 1.3.0 has not been tested, only 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 has been tested.
- Switches have changed and additional ones have been added!
## How to Run:
### Download file directly from here:
### Make it executable:
`chmod +x`
### Run it as root:
Interactive (asks for passwords):
Non-Interactive (MySQL root password provided via cli):
`./ --mysqlpwd password`