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2002-04-19 12:50:42 +02:00
Tons of suggestions, bugreports, patches and other contributions have been
provided by the people on the 'linux-dvb' and 'vdr' mailing lists.
Special thanks go to the following individuals (if your name is missing here,
please send an email to kls@cadsoft.de):
2000-07-15 12:39:20 +02:00
Carsten Koch <Carsten.Koch@icem.de>
for adding LIRC support
for making the 'Recordings' menu be listed alphabetically
2000-07-24 16:43:04 +02:00
for implementing the 'Summary' feature
2000-07-25 16:40:36 +02:00
for adding the 'epg2timers' tool (see Tools/epg2timers)
for his idea of using multiple disks (and for testing this feature)
2000-10-03 12:44:15 +02:00
for implementing the 'new recording' indicator
for suggesting that the "Back" button in replay mode should bring up the "Recordings" menu
for fixing the watchdog timer if the program hangs in OSD activities
2002-05-03 14:36:55 +02:00
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
2000-07-15 12:39:20 +02:00
Plamen Ganev <pganev@com-it.net>
for fixing the frequency offset for Hotbird channels
2000-07-16 10:22:15 +02:00
for adding the 'xtvrc2vdr' tool (see Tools/xtvrc2vdr)
2000-09-09 14:57:43 +02:00
for adding the 'dvbrc2vdr' tool (see Tools/dvbrc2vdr)
for implementing "channel grouping"
2000-07-26 17:42:48 +02:00
Heino Goldenstein <heino.goldenstein@microplex.de>
for modifying scrolling through lists to make it page up and down
2000-07-30 14:34:07 +02:00
Guido Fiala <gfiala@s.netic.de>
for implementing slow forward/back
2000-09-17 09:36:50 +02:00
for implementing the SVDRP command 'HITK'
2000-09-17 11:53:35 +02:00
for implementing image grabbing
2000-09-17 13:47:06 +02:00
for implementing overlay capabilities (see his 'kvdr' tool at http://www.s.netic.de/gfiala)
(overlay capabilities have been removed again in VDR 0.98, since kvdr version 0.4
now does these things itself)
for making the replay progress display avoid unnecessary code execution
2002-10-20 12:49:16 +02:00
for reporting a problem with slow reaction on SVDRP input
Robert Schneider <Robert.Schneider@de.ibm.com>
for implementing EIT support for displaying the current/next info
2000-10-29 13:17:22 +01:00
for extending EIT support to implement a complete EPG
2000-09-09 14:57:43 +02:00
Niels de Carpentier <niels@casema.net>
for adding a workaround for a driver timing problem in cDvbApi::Cmd()
Martin Hammerschmid <martin@hammerschmid.com>
for suggesting to display the direct channel select input on the OSD
for suggesting to use the "Blue" button in the main menu to resume replay
for implementing pege up/down with the "Left" and "Right" keys
for detecting a deadlock when switching channels via Schedule/Now|Next/Switch
2002-07-28 12:48:44 +02:00
for adding a missing #include to ringbuffer.c
2002-09-21 09:14:56 +02:00
for adding a missing 'public' keyword in device.h
for pointing out a bug in displaying the group separators in the channel display
for reporting a problem with a missing initialization of 'number' in cChannel
for implementing a "resume ID" which allows several users to each have their own
resume.vdr files
2000-10-03 14:21:44 +02:00
Bastian Guse <bastian@nocopy.de>
for writing the FORMATS entry for timers.conf
Matthias Schniedermeyer <ms@citd.de>
2001-02-03 16:28:03 +01:00
for implementing the 'MarkInstantRecord' setup option
for his "schnitt" tools
for his "master-timer" tool
for helping to debug the "move to last position in list" bug
2002-08-25 10:49:02 +02:00
for suggesting the SVDRP command CLRE
for reporting a bug in handling one-shot timers that were already recording
and had their start time changed into the future
2000-11-19 09:27:15 +01:00
Miha Setina <mihasetina@softhome.net>
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Slovenian language
2001-01-06 16:17:39 +01:00
Alberto Carraro <bertocar@tin.it>
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Italian language
Deti Fliegl <deti@fliegl.de>
2001-02-03 16:28:03 +01:00
for implementing the 'CurrentChannel' setup parameter
for fixing setting the OSD size in the 'Confirm' interface call
for fixing handling improper buffer lengths in the EIT parser
2001-02-03 16:28:03 +01:00
Dave Chapman <dave@dchapman.com>
for implementing support for the teletext PID
for his great support in switching to the NAPI
for implementing DVB-T support
2001-02-24 11:55:10 +01:00
Hans-Peter Raschke <Hans-Peter.Raschke@Wintermann-DatenService.de>
for his support in adapting VDR to DVB-C
for adding the 'statdvb2vdr' tool (see Tools/statdvb2vdr)
2001-02-24 11:55:10 +01:00
Peter Hofmann <software@pxh.de>
for his support in adapting VDR to DVB-C
Axel Gruber <axel@agm.de>
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
2003-03-19 17:07:10 +01:00
for helping to debug support for Viaccess CAMs
for reporting a problem in case none of the devices provides an OSD
2001-03-31 09:58:14 +02:00
Arnold Niessen <niessen@iae.nl> <arnold.niessen@philips.com>
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Dutch language
2001-03-31 10:32:58 +02:00
J<EFBFBD>rgen Sauer <jojo@automatix.de>
for implementing the -t option to set the controlling terminal
Benjamin Reichardt <reichard@math.uni-goettingen.de>
for his help in debugging the transition to the new API
2001-06-09 12:20:04 +02:00
Henning Holtschneider <hh@holtschneider.com>
for patching 'runvdr' to check whether the driver is already loaded
for reporting a bug in parsing group separators in channels.conf
for pointing out a possible hangup when reading a broken epg.data file
2001-06-09 12:20:04 +02:00
2002-03-22 14:30:41 +01:00
Paulo Lopes <pmml@netvita.pt>
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Portugese language
2001-07-12 12:29:09 +02:00
Markus Lang <pretender@gaze.de> and Ulrich R<>der <dynamite@efr-net.de>
for making DiSEqC support configurable
2001-07-22 09:36:49 +02:00
Markus Lang <pretender@gaze.de>
for some initial code for grouping the Setup menu into several sub-menus
2001-07-22 09:36:49 +02:00
Jean-Claude Repetto <jc@repetto.org>
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the French language
Andre Valentin <av2000@topmail.de>
for increasing the key name buffer size for LIRC
2001-07-24 16:00:54 +02:00
J<EFBFBD>rgen Tvedt <pjtvedt@online.no>
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Norwegian language
2001-07-27 10:18:57 +02:00
Stefan Huelswitt <huels@iname.com>
for fixing the repeat function with LIRC
for making the position of the channel display configurable
for making the width and height of the OSD configurable
for implementing the "Jump" function in replay mode
2001-09-09 12:52:41 +02:00
for implementing "Multi Speed Mode"
for implementing backtracing for fast forward/rewind
2001-09-14 14:06:43 +02:00
for implementing the replay mode display
for fixing a crash when replaying with DEBUG_OSD=1
for fixing a crash when selecting the "Jump" function directly after setting
an editing mark
for reporting a possible endless loop in shifting recordings between DVB cards
for making it no longer setting PIDs 0x1FFF, which apparently fixes problems
with CAMs and AC3 sound only working the first time
for making the main loop take an active video cutting process into account when
doing shutdown or housekeeping
for making the cList template class avoid ambiguities in case one defines a "list of
for suggesting to make the cPlugin::Start() function return a boolean value that
indicates if the plugin will not be able to perform its task
for suggesting to add the cPlugin::Housekeeping() function
2002-05-12 14:46:46 +02:00
for suggesting to add 'insert' capabilities to cList
for suggesting to make 'package' target in the plugin's Makefile produce a package that
expands to a directory with just the plugin name and version number
for suggesting to make the config directory available to plugins
for suggesting to add an error message if the directory specified in the '-L'
option can't be accessed
for implementing several replay modes to allow players that play only audio
for improving cCondVar::Wait() and implementing cCondVar::TimedWait()
for reporting a bug when entering an integer value outside the limit
2002-09-08 15:04:33 +02:00
for adding play mode pmAudioOnlyBlack
for helping to fix starting a recording of the current channel with only one DVB card
for making cStatus::MsgChannelSwitch() only be called if a channel is actually going to
be switched or has actually been switched successfully
for adding a missing StripAudioPackets() to cDvbPlayer::Action()
for improving skipping channels that are (currently) not available
for fixing checking the Ca() status of a cDevice
for helping to fix switching audio tracks in 'Transfer Mode' on the primary DVB device
for fixing handling 'Transfer Mode' on single device systems when recording an
encrypted channel
for reporting a problem with timers when channel IDs have a 'source' that is 0
for reporting a new/delete malloc/free mismatch in ringbuffer.c
for reporting a crash in case the index file can't be accessed any more during replay
2003-04-12 11:32:31 +02:00
for adapting VDR to 'libdtv' version 0.0.5
for reporting a bug in handling of Ca parameters with values <= MAXDEVICES, which
don't indicate an actual encrypted channel
for implementing setting the "broken link" flag for GOPs at the beginning of a new
video sequence, which avoids artefacts when cutting
2003-05-11 09:13:51 +02:00
for suggesting to add VDRVERSNUM to config.h
for fixing a memory leak in cNonBlockingFileReader
for fixing an uninitialized variable in cDisplayChannel
for fixing a possible access of invalid file handles in cSIProcessor::Action()
2001-10-03 10:29:54 +02:00
Ulrich R<>der <roeder@efr-net.de>
for pointing out that there are channels that have a symbol rate higher than
2001-10-03 10:29:54 +02:00
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
2001-07-28 14:55:11 +02:00
Mel Sch<63>chner <schaechner@yahoo.com>
2001-07-28 14:55:11 +02:00
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
2001-08-03 14:18:08 +02:00
Andreas Schultz <aschultz@warp10.net>
2001-08-05 15:27:03 +02:00
for adding support for replaying DVDs (much of this was derived from
dvdplayer-0.5 by Matjaz Thaler <matjaz.thaler@guest.arnes.si>)
for adding PTS to the converted PCM audio when replaying a DVD
for fixing a crash in case there is no 'epg.data' at program start
for fixing a bug in the EPG bugfix mechanism if the extended description is shorter
than 3 characters
for adding direct access to the index data of cPalette (needed for displaying SPUs)
for pointing out a possible race condition in the cDvbPlayer
for making the use of malloc/free and new/delete consistent
for adding cDevice::NewOsd() to allow a derived cDevice class to implement its own
OSD capabilities
2002-09-08 14:17:51 +02:00
for implementing an SPU decoder
for fixing opening /dev/video in cDvbDevice::GrabImage() in case of NEWSTRUCT driver
for reporting a problem with plugin Makefiles and the NEWSTRUCT driver
for pointing out some unnecessary #includes in eit.c and a problem with
cMenuRecordings::Del(), which caused warnings with gcc-3.2
for suggesting a Make.config file
for making EIT filtering use masks to reduce the number of filters
for suggesting to remove the Mute() call from cDvbDevice::StillPicture()
2003-05-09 15:27:46 +02:00
for suggesting to separate the startup of a plugin into an "early" and a "late" phase
for changing C++ style comments in libdtv into C style to avoid warnings in gcc 3.x
for implementing the TerrestrialDeliverySystemDescriptor in libdtv
for fixing setting the locking pid after a timed wait
2001-08-03 14:18:08 +02:00
Aaron Holtzman
for writing 'ac3dec'
Wolfgang Henselmann-Weiss <Wolfgang_Henselmann@betaresearch.de>
for fixing calculating the timeout value in cFile::FileReady()
2001-08-08 16:18:09 +02:00
2002-10-11 11:53:50 +02:00
Uwe Scheffler <linux_dvb@uni.de>
2002-10-06 12:12:11 +02:00
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.cable' and 'channels.conf.terr' up to date
for helping to test new DVB-T handling
for reporting a bug in switching the video format in the Setup/DVB menu
Matjaz Thaler <matjaz.thaler@guest.arnes.si>
for improving AC3 decoding when replaying DVDs
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Slovenian language
Artur Skawina <skawina@geocities.com>
for improving the font file generation in the Makefile
for pointing out a problem with the ERR macro defined by ncurses.h
2001-08-12 15:22:48 +02:00
Werner Fink <werner@suse.de>
for making I/O more robust by handling EINTR
for fixing closing all unused file descriptors when opening a pipe
for helping to debug leftover 'zombie' processes when closing a pipe
for making the Dolby Digital thread start only if the recording actually
contains Dolby Digital data
for improving thread locking in the ring buffer to avoid possible race conditions
under heavy load
2003-02-15 15:46:19 +01:00
for improving keyboard detection
for adding some missing cAudio handling calls
for replacing the 'for' loops in StripAudioPackets() with memset() calls
for modifying handling of audio packets in cDvbPlayer for better sync with external
AC3 replay
Rolf Hakenes <hakenes@hippomi.de>
for providing 'libdtv' and adapting the EIT mechanisms to it
Andreas Vitting <Andreas@huji.de>
for providing code that closes all unused file descriptors in the child
process of a pipe (used in cPipe)
Matthias Weingart <matthias@pentax.boerde.de>
for fixing handling of the volume, mute and power keys when menus are active
for fixing the repeat function when using the LIRC remote control
2001-10-03 10:29:54 +02:00
Andreas Share <a.share@t-online.de>
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
2001-10-03 12:26:40 +02:00
Simon Bauschulte <SemiSchwabe@Brutzel.de>
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
Andy Grobb <Charly98@01019freenet.de>
for completing storing the current audio volume in the setup.conf file
for fixing the EPG display in case Setup.ShowInfoOnChSwitch is set to "no"
for reporting a bug in handling min/max borders when entering integer values
Thomas Heiligenmann <thomas@heiligenmann.de>
for implementing the SVDRP commands LSTR and DELR
2001-10-28 16:43:53 +01:00
Norbert Schmidt <nschmidt-nrw@t-online.de>
for filling in some missing teletext PIDs
Thilo Wunderlich <wunderlich@speedway.org>
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf' up to date
for reporting a problem with accessing the epg.data file before it is fully written
Stephan Schreiber <stephan@sschreiber.de>
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf.cable'
Lauri Pesonen <lauri.pesonen@firsthop.com>
for avoiding linking in 'libncurses' if compiling without DEBUG_OSD=1 and
Sergei Haller <Sergei.Haller@math.uni-giessen.de>
for fixing the LastActivity timestamp after a shutdown prompt
2002-02-15 22:24:30 +01:00
for fixing the "Low disk space!" message
for adding the TPID to Hessen-3 in 'channels.conf'
for suggesting that the EPG scan should skip channels with their 'Ca' parameter
explicitly set to an other DVB card
2002-04-13 10:52:01 +02:00
for implementing enhanced string editing with upper-/lowercase, insert/overwrite
and delete
2002-02-01 14:49:43 +01:00
Andreas Gebel <andreas@xcapenet.de>
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf' up to date
Davide Achilli <davide@objsystem.it>
for pointing out a bug in error handling while establishing an SVDRP connection
Michael Paar <mpaar@uumail.de>
for enabling recording of radio channels
2002-02-09 15:15:18 +01:00
Hannu Savolainen <hannu@opensound.com>
2002-03-31 15:55:29 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Finnish language
J<EFBFBD>rgen Schmidt <ju@ct.heise.de>
for fixing a problem with 'in_addr_t' on systems with glibc < 2.2.
for suggesting to optionally allow logging to LOG_LOCALn (n=0..7)
Uwe Freese <mail@uwe-freese.de>
for suggesting to automatically close an empty recordings page after deleting
an entry
2002-04-01 09:18:24 +02:00
Rainer Zocholl <vdrcontrib@zocki.toppoint.de>
for suggesting a confirmation prompt when the user presses the "Power" button
and there is an upcoming timer event
for reporting a bug in skipping the next hit of a repeating timer
Oleg Assovski <assen@bitcom.msk.ru>
for adding EPG scanning for another 4 days
Adrian Stabiszewski <as@nitegate.de>
for fixing the SVDRP GRAB command in case the video device can't be opened
Bernd Schweikert <bernd.schweikert@dit-gmbh.de>
for adding 'Ca' code 201 for 'Cryptoworks, GOD-DIGITAL' to 'ca.conf'
2002-03-08 16:37:42 +01:00
Mirko G<>nther <mi.guenther@ib-helms.de>
for suggesting the -m command line option
2002-03-09 10:07:40 +01:00
for suggesting the SVDRP command VOLU
for reporting a bug in keeping track of the current channel number when moving
channels in the "Channels" menu
Achim Lange <Achim_Lange@t-online.de>
for replacing 'killproc' with 'killall' in 'runvdr' to make it work on Debian
for reporting a bug in switching back the replay mode display in time shift mode
2003-01-26 10:55:41 +01:00
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.cable' and 'channels.conf' up to date
2002-04-01 09:14:57 +02:00
Klaus Wolf <klaus@wolfsoft.de>
for reporting a bug in restoring the CICAM values for a fourth DVB card
Bernd Zierath <b.zierath@ebv.com>
for helping to debug scrolling the "Channels" menu in case the cursor ends up on
a group separator
2002-03-31 16:32:04 +02:00
Truls Slevigen <truls@slevigen.no>
for translating OSD texts to the Norwegian language
Ruben Nunez Francisco <ruben.nunez@tang-it.com>
for implementing FreeDiskSpaceMB() without external 'df' command
2002-04-06 09:51:08 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Spanish language
2002-04-01 11:38:27 +02:00
2002-04-02 16:48:28 +02:00
Mirko D<>lle <mdoelle@linux-user.de>
2002-12-06 14:27:25 +01:00
for reporting a bug when a timer records over midnight of a day that had a
change in Daylight Saving Time
2002-04-02 16:48:28 +02:00
2002-04-01 11:38:27 +02:00
Michael Rakowski <mrak@gmx.de>
for translating OSD texts to the Polish language
2002-04-02 21:21:45 +02:00
Michael Moster <dvb@juelich-gmbh.de>
for initally reporting the problem with wrong EPG data in the Schedules menu
(somehow I had misplaced his message...)
Tobias Kerner <tobschle@gmx.de>
for helping to debug a problem with wrong EPG data in the Schedules menu
2002-04-06 15:28:08 +02:00
Dirk Wiebel <dirk@wiebel.de>
for reporting a bug in the editing process in case a previously edited file
with the same name was manually deleted on a system with more than one video
Gerald Raaf <graaf@attglobal.net>
for helping to fix the still picture workaround in case the progress display
is active
2002-05-04 10:00:19 +02:00
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
for reporting a problem in device handling in the CICAM menu in case a VDR
instance was started with a specific device using the -D option
Andreas Roedl <flood@flood-net.de>
for adding some DVB-T channels for Berlin (Germany) to channels.conf.terr
Jean Martin <mac_j_fr@hotmail.com>
for pointing out a problem with OSD color palette handling on "big endian" systems
Steffen Koch <Steffen.Koch@koch-enterprises.de>
for reporting a crash when selecting the "Jump" function directly after setting
an editing mark
2002-04-20 09:42:37 +02:00
Matthias Hilbig <hilbig@upb.de>
for fixing some missing ',' in i18n.c
Simon Dean <linux-dvb@sickhack.com>
for reporting a problem with '.' at the end of a directory name in case of VFAT=1
(Windows can't handle these)
2002-05-01 10:35:01 +02:00
Dimitrios Dimitrakos <mail@dimitrios.de>
for translating OSD texts to the Greek language
for fixing handling the LOG_LOCALn parameters in the -l option
Marcus Kuba <marcus@kuba4u.de>
for reporting a bug in the unit of the "SVDRP timeout" setup parameter
Ulrich Petri <ulope@gmx.de>
for his help in debugging a crash on systems with disks that have a block size
larger than 1MB
2002-05-03 14:36:55 +02:00
Oliver Lorei <oliverlorei@cityweb.de>
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf.cable'
Andreas B<>ttger <fboettger@t-online.de>
for reporting a bug in skipping forward in time shift mode near the end of the recording
2002-05-14 16:10:44 +02:00
Onno Kreuzinger <ok@solutas.net>
for reporting leftover references to the file FORMATS in MANUAL and svdrp.c
Rudi Hofer (Rudi.Hofer@cadsoft.de)
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf' up to date
Gregoire Favre <greg@ulima.unil.ch>
for fixing some function headers to make them compile with gcc 3.x
for reporting a bug in taking an active SVDRP connection into account when doing shutdown
2003-05-24 10:26:36 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the French language
Sven Grothklags <sven@uni-paderborn.de>
for fixing the cutting mechanism to make it re-sync in case a frame is larger
than the buffer
for implementing the CableDeliverySystemDescriptor in libdtv
2002-05-26 09:43:17 +02:00
Tomas Prybil <tomas.prybil@copper.se>
for translating OSD texts to the Swedish language
2002-05-30 09:50:19 +02:00
Matthias Fechner <matthiasfechner@web.de>
for pointing out a bug in parsing 'E' records in epg2html.pl
2002-06-10 16:18:50 +02:00
Paul Lacatus <paul@campina.iiruc.ro>
for translating OSD texts to the Romanian language
2002-06-22 09:30:06 +02:00
Istvan Koenigsberger <istvnko@hotmail.com> and Guido Josten <guido.josten@t-online.de>
for translating OSD texts to the Hungarian language
2002-07-27 12:55:14 +02:00
Christian Rienecker <C.Rienecker@gmx.net>
2002-07-27 12:55:14 +02:00
for making the VFAT handling more tolerant for users who forget to turn it on
2002-07-27 12:58:23 +02:00
Joerg Riechardt <J.Riechardt@gmx.de>
for filling in some missing teletext PIDs
2002-08-10 14:58:25 +02:00
Holger W<>chtler <holger@convergence.de>
for some valuable advice during adapting to the NEWSTRUCT driver
J<EFBFBD>rgen Zimmermann <jnzimmer@informatik.uni-kl.de>
for adding some missing #includes to files in libdtv for gcc 3.2
Helmut Auer <vdr@helmutauer.de>
for reporting a superfluous error message in cLockFile
Jeremy Hall <jhall@UU.NET>
for fixing an incomplete initialization of the filter parameters in eit.c
Oliver Endriss <o.endriss@gmx.de>
for fixing a missing Flush() call in the remote control learning procedure
for helping to test and debug the new channel source and DiSEqC handling
for reporting a bug when pressing the "Blue" button in the main menu without
having displayed it
for helping to debug a crash when closing down with remote control plugins
2002-10-20 13:14:23 +02:00
for adding some satellites to 'sources.conf'
for reporting a bug in learning remote control keys in case there is more than
one remote control
for reporting a crash when learning the keys of several remote controls and
pressing buttons of those that have already been learned
for making the remote control learn procedure accept key presses only from the
current remote control
for reporting a bug in the EPG scanner, which broke 'Transfer Mode' as soon as
it kicked in
2002-11-15 16:22:19 +01:00
for providing examples for 'diseqc.conf'
2002-11-24 16:08:06 +01:00
for improving deleting stale lock files
2002-12-14 13:37:01 +01:00
for fixing high CPU load in 'Transfer Mode'
for making the "Left" and "Right" buttons set the cursor to the first or last
list item even if the list consist only of a single page, like, for instance,
the Main menu
for reporting a bug in setting the PCR-PID in case it is equal to one of the other
for reporting a problem with cPlugin::Start() being called after trying to learn
the remote control keys
for reporting a bug in reading 'epg.data' for channels with non-zero RID
for fixing I/O handling in case an explicit controlling terminal is given
Reinhard Walter Buchner <rw.buchner@freenet.de>
for adding some satellites to 'sources.conf'
for his help in testing tuning with "Motor-DiSEqC"
2003-02-09 11:54:22 +01:00
for his help in debugging CAM support
for reporting a problem with recording FTA channels on the CAM device in case
the CAM is not connected to the primary device
Lauri Tischler <lauri.tischler@efore.fi>
for helping to test and debug the new channel source and DiSEqC handling
for reporting a faulty parameter initialization in menu.c
for reporting a problem in case the original current channel becomes
unavailable due to a recording on a different transponder
2002-10-06 14:03:09 +02:00
Andy Carter <fruit@ukgateway.net>
for helping to test new DVB-T handling
2002-11-08 14:24:13 +01:00
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.terr' up to date
Robert Schiele <rschiele@uni-mannheim.de>
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.cable' up to date
for reporting some faulty default parameter initializations
for suggesting to only set the Makefile variables CXX and CXXFLAGS if they are not
yet defined
for fixing a problem with user defined CFLAGS in libdtv/libvdr/Makefile
Gerhard Steiner <steiner@mail.austria.com>
for suggesting that the SVDRP command PUTE shall trigger an immediate write of
the 'epg.data' file
2002-10-13 12:14:49 +02:00
for suggesting the new configuration file 'reccmds.conf' to define commands that
shall be executed from the "Recordings" menu
for suggesting to interpret the character '|' in the description texts of EPG
records as a newline character
for reporting a bug in displaying messages in the status line in case they exceed
the OSD width
for fixing resume file handling in case the resume.vdr file can't be written
for reporting a problem with newly created timers in case they are not confirmed
with "Ok"
for reporting an occasional "Broken pipe" error in SVDRP connections
2002-10-19 09:46:09 +02:00
Jaakko Hyv<79>tti <jaakko@hyvatti.iki.fi>
for translating OSD texts to the Finnish language
for adding a check if there is a connection to the keyboard
for fixing recording overlapping timers on the same channel in case
for fixing the minimum lifespan of deleted recordings
for suggesting to improve channel switching in case of numerical input by switching
as soon as the channel is unique
Dennis Noordsij <dennis.noordsij@wiral.com>
for reporting a small glitch when switching channels
Steffen Barszus <st_barszus@gmx.de>
for reporting a bug in switching audio tracks in 'Transfer Mode' on the primary DVB device
for making the program use the values of VIDEODIR and PLUGINDIR defined in Makefile
or Makefile.config as defaults
Peter Seyringer <e9425234@student.tuwien.ac.at>
for reporting a bug in saving the polarization parameter of channels that have a
number in the 'source' parameter
2002-11-15 14:04:11 +01:00
Stefan Schluenss <dxr3_osd@schluenss.de>
for reporting a bug where PID handles were not closed correctly
R<EFBFBD>gis Bossut <rbossut@auchan.com>
2002-12-06 14:27:25 +01:00
for pointing out that with some providers the channels can only be distinguished
through the RID
Andreas Kool <akool@akool.de>
2002-12-06 14:27:25 +01:00
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.cable' up to date
for fixing the TS to PES repacker so that it works with MPEG1 streams
Guy Roussin <guy.roussin@teledetection.fr>
2002-12-06 14:27:25 +01:00
for suggesting not to display channel group delimiters without text
for reporting a bug in handling channels in the "Channels" menu in case there are
':@nnn' group separators without names
for suggesting to clear the channel info display when entering numeric keys to
switch channels
2002-11-29 14:27:56 +01:00
Georg Hitsch <georg@hitsch.at>
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf' up to date
Clemens Kirchgatterer <clemens@thf.ath.cx>
for suggesting to change source directory name for plugins from 'SRC' to 'src'
for reporting a problem with user defined CFLAGS in libdtv/libvdr/Makefile
Emil Naepflein <Emil.Naepflein@philosys.de>
for suggesting to take an active SVDRP connection into account when doing shutdown or
for fixing selecting the device, because sometimes an FTA recording terminated a
CA recording
2002-11-30 14:57:21 +01:00
Gerald Berwolf <genka@genka.de>
for suggesting to deactivate some templates in tools.h in case some plugin needs to
use the STL
Thomas Sailer <sailer@scs.ch>
for pointing out how to set the terminal parameters to read from the keyboard
Sven Goethel <sgoethel@jausoft.com>
for making switching audio channels work without stopping/restarting the DMX
2002-12-15 10:58:00 +01:00
Jan Rieger <jan@ricomp.de>
for suggestions and testing raw keyboard input
Walter Stroebel <walter.stroebel@lifeline.nl>
for introducing "Doxygen" to document the VDR source code
Paul Gohn <pgohn@nexgo.de>
for adding 'Hrvatska radiotelevizija' and 'RTV Slovenija' to ca.conf
Teemu Rantanen <tvr@iki.fi>
for increased the maximum possible packet size in remux.c to avoid corrupted streams
with broadcasters that send extremely large PES packets
2003-01-24 17:22:29 +01:00
for adding TS error checking to remux.c
for pinpointing a problem with excessive memmove() calls in 'Transfer Mode'
for fixing faulty calculation of section length in eit.c
2003-01-26 11:48:30 +01:00
Jan Ekholm <chakie@infa.abo.fi>
for adding/improving some Swedish language OSD texts
for reporting a compiler warning in g++ 3.2.3 regarding cReplayControl::Show()
2003-02-15 11:01:04 +01:00
Marcel Wiesweg <marcel.wiesweg@gmx.de>
for pointing out a problem with high CPU load during replay
for reporting broken support for raw OSDs of plugins
for reporting a problem with cReceivers that want to receive from PIDs that are
currently not transmitting
for fixing volume display in case a plugin has its own OSD open
Torsten Herz <torsten.herz@web.de>
for fixing a possible deadlock when using the "Blue" button in the "Schedules" menu
to switch to an other channel
for reporting a wrong EPG bugfix code number for the MAX_USEFUL_SUBTITLE_LENGTH fix
Steffen Becker <stbecker@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>
for reporting a problem with CPU load peaks (in the EPG scanner)
Florian Bartels <Florian.Bartels@envisage.de>
for reporting a faulty behaviour of the "Mute" key in case the channel display
is visible
Sascha Volkenandt <sascha@akv-soft.de>
for helping to fix a faulty behaviour of the "Mute" key in case the channel display
is visible
for making the 'epg.data' file being read after all plugins have been started
for reporting a problem with cReceivers that use a ring buffer and didn't immediately
return from their Receive() function if the buffer runs full
Malcolm Caldwell <malcolm.caldwell@ntu.edu.au>
for modifying LOF handling to allow for C-band reception
for reporting a crash in creating a new timer in case there is no device in the
system that can actually receive any channel
Ludwig Nussel <ludwig.nussel@web.de>
for making the LIRC thread avoid high CPU load in case the connection to LIRC gets lost
for fixing handling repeat function with LIRC
for reporting a problem with the LIRC remote control trying to learn keys even if it
couldn't connect to the LIRC daemon
for making the plugin library directory configurable via Make.config
Thomas Koch <tom@harhar.net>
for his support in keeping the Premiere World channels up to date in 'channels.conf'
2003-04-27 14:23:30 +02:00
for implementing the SVDRP command STAT
2003-04-12 13:48:39 +02:00
Stefan Hu<48>feldt <vdr@marvin.on-luebeck.de>
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.cable' up to date
Christoph Friederich <christoph.friederich@gmx.de>
for reporting a bug in deleting the last recording in the "Recordings" menu, which
started pausing live video
Andreas Brachold <andy03@deltab.de>
for his support in keeping 'channels.conf.terr' up to date
Manuel Hartl <icecep@gmx.net>
for suggesting to extend the logging info when starting/stopping timers
Benjamin Harling <benjamin.harling@web.de>
for suggesting to add a note regarding non-VDR files in the /videoX directories to
Christian Jacobsen <christian.jacobsen@stageholding.de>
for making the LIRC interface skip keys that come in too fast
Andreas Mair <Andreas.Mair@linogate.com>
for reporting a short display of the main menu if a plugin displays its own OSD and
is started through a user defined key macro
2003-05-01 14:11:42 +02:00
Olivier Jacques <jacquesolivier@hotmail.com>)
for translating OSD texts to the French language
Kai Moeller <moeller.ki@gmx.de>
for reporting a double call to MainMenuAction() of a plugin if invoked via a hotkey
Carsten Siebholz <c.siebholz@t-online.de>
for adding cStatus::OsdItem() to provide the entire list of menu items to a plugin
Wolfgang Goeller <wgoeller@heraklit.ch>
for reporting a bug in keeping live video active in case the primary device doesn't
have an MPEG decoder
Jonan Santiago <jonan-lists-vdr@callisia.com>
for fixing handling EPG data where the "extended event descriptor" comes before the
"short event" or a "time shifted event"
Juri Haberland <juri@koschikode.com>
for his help in keeping 'channels.conf.terr' up to date
Alfred Zastrow <vdr@zastrow4u.de>
for suggesting to implement separate PausePriority and PauseLifetime parameters for
the recordings created when pausing live video
Matthias Raus <matthias-raus@web.de>
for reporting a problem with starting the editing process if no marks have been set
2003-05-16 13:04:52 +02:00
Marc Rovira Vall <tm05462@salleURL.edu>, Ramon Roca <ramon.roca@xcombo.com> and Jordi Vil<69> <jvila@tinet.org>
2003-05-16 13:04:52 +02:00
for translating OSD texts to the Catalanian language
Lars Bl<42>ser <LBlaeser@hofheim.de>
for reporting a bug in EPG bugfix statistics which made log entires for undefined
2003-05-24 11:00:26 +02:00
Niko Tarnanen <niko.tarnanen@hut.fi> and Rolf Ahrenberg <rahrenbe@cc.hut.fi>
for translating OSD texts to the Finnish language
Ralf Klueber <ralf.klueber@vodafone.com>
for reporting a bug in cutting a recording if there is only a single editing mark
Hermann Gausterer <mrq1@gmx.net>
for suggesting to switch to the recording channel in case the current channel
becomes unavailable
Peter Bieringer <pb@bieringer.de>
for reporting a problem with duplicate recordings with the same file name
Alexander Damhuis <ad@phonedation.de>
for reporting problems when deleting a timer that is currently recording
2003-05-27 15:38:42 +02:00
Antonio Ospite <ospite@studenti.unina.it>
for translating OSD texts to the Italian language
Karim Afifi <karim.afifi@free.fr>
for reporting a problem with breaking off replay in case the user presses "Play"
or "Pause" too soon after going into "Pause live video" mode
Jon Burgess <mplayer@jburgess.uklinux.net>
for pointing out a problem with NPTL ("Native Posix Thread Library")
Thomas Schmidt <thomas.schmidt@in.stud.tu-ilmenau.de>
for reporting a crash when cancelling a newly created timer
Michael Walle <michael.walle@web.de>
for reporting a bug in channel switching after Left/Right has been pressed
Thomas Keil <tk@commedia-group.com>
for suggesting to change the behaviour of the '0' key in normal viewing mode so
that a channel only qualifies as "previous" if it has been selected for at least
3 seconds
for reporting a bug in handling the color buttons in the "Edit channel" menu
Kenneth Aafl<66>y <ke-aa@frisurf.no>
for fixing checking CA capabilities with the dvb-kernel driver
Ernst F<>rst <ernstfuerst@swissonline.ch>
for reporting a crash in case a VFAT file system is used without compiling VDR
with VFAT=1